You Have Done Nothing Wrong
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- Written by Sharon Lyn Shepard

This planet was originally created for the sole purpose of experiencing life in a material and palpable way.
How brilliant of us as creator beings to realize that by slowing down our vibration, energy comes into focus to become more concrete and substantial, without which there would be no physical creation. We’d still be floating in the ether with nothing tangible to experience.
What we did not realize, until we had immersed ourselves in physicality, is that as the vibration continued to slow down, we’d become captivated in a matrix of recycling lifetimes. Until the cycle completes itself and begins its ascension process by increasing its vibration to return to balance, which is what we are now in the process of experiencing.
What we have forgotten is that life on this planet is all about experience!
It is via our corporal physical bodies that we have the ability to more fully experience life, with the sacred gifts of sensory perception.
We are born into this world as babes, pure of heart, having done nothing wrong.
So, where did the idea of original sin come from?
Where is the sin in being born on an experiential planet?
When did we become entangled in judging our experiences as good vs bad, rather than honoring the experience itself as the ability to expand our divine wisdom?
That is a story unto itself, entangled in the grips of control and manipulation that began eons ago and increasingly perpetrated by world religions. Once in place it has become a matrix of the mind that can only be freed by the purity of our hearts.
As the vibration of this planet is once again increasing, we are in the process of ascension, personally and collectively. The light within us is exposing the fallacy of the web of original sin. As a result, that which many refer to as karma is being released because all energy seeks resolution.
With the release of eons worth of old karma, the light shines upon what’s been hidden in the shadows. And it ain’t pretty!!! Otherwise we’d be living it joyfully out in the light, rather than having built walls of guilt and shame around it.
It’s time to realize: “YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG.”
Everything you’ve done has been for the experience of it. But once it’s gotten caught in the matrix of sin, each experience thereafter becomes a reflex or reaction based on your judgement of a prior experience and continues to spiral downwards into the dungeons where no one wants to visit.
But as we ascend, the Light of You as the original Creator Being is shining into those dank dungeons to release what you perceived as demons. Demons who are calling out for your Love, they’re not calling out for your judgment. Every experience has a seed of Divine Wisdom at it’s core and we have the opportunity to harvest that Wisdom once we stop demonizing ourselves.
You, as the Creator Being, are remembering the truth of Who You Are. You have done nothing wrong. It’s time to forgive yourself for all your perceived transgressions and live in the full awareness of Who You Are. You have chosen to be here for the embodiment of experience with all its joys and human foibles on a magnificent planet that has infinite sensual experiences to offer.
You, as a Creator Being, are here to expand your divine wisdom and appreciation of life beyond what any angelic beings throughout the omniverse could possibly experience. And what a Blessing that is!!
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
artwork by helena nelson reed
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