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You Already Have It

You Already Have It

The world can’t show you anything you lack. It can reflect back a symbol of what you already have. You are here to allow the entire world to reflect back in symbols of peace.

Peace is what you Are, and if it is what you Are, it is what everyone you call else Is and always has been, too. Peace is what you all always will be. You cannot escape it, but you can attempt to deny it by distracting yourselves with illusions.

When you see something in your world that seems like not-peace, it has some things to tell you:
You only see not-peace when that is what you wish. You only see not-peace when you believe there is something tangible that you can get out of not-peace. Right here, right now, Spirit is here to take beliefs from you. You can surrender the belief that you wish to see not-peace. You can surrender the belief that you can get something real out of not-peace.

You already have everything Real right now, and so does everyone you call else. As you allow us, we carry you through experience that shows you this is so. If you are willing to see that everyone, with no exceptions, has everything Real and necessary right now, you will be carried through a symbolic reflection of this. You have nothing to fear from Truth, and neither does anyone you call else.

When people in your environment seem to speak of looming disaster in one form or another, it is a simple reflection of your own unnecessary fear of Truth. Right here, right now, stop. Consider the idea that Truth is fearful. Allow it to surface. Let it go. This is why you encounter such reflections of belief in disaster. No one outside you has to realize that disaster is not coming. This is for you to realize. You can only encounter a reflection of your own mind. When you stop to judge those who seem outer and their attachment to beliefs, you miss the point. They can only reflect your beliefs back to you, and it is in your power to allow correction of all false beliefs right now.

You have made gods out of these false beliefs, and they control your experience because you want them to. When you can see clearly that you have no need of false gods, you can turn control over to what is Real. You are Real. You turn control over to your true and unified Self.

When you feel ill at ease, you are looking at an illusion that claims the impossible is possible. So take a moment to gaze at the illusion, and see thoughts from ego–thoughts that you believed–as building blocks of this illusion. When you can see each and every building block as unnecessary and meaningless, then you can allow Spirit, your true Self, to take over. As you allow Spirit to take over, you do not stop to judge any separate aspects of what you seem to see, even though this is a deep habit. You are coming to see that all relatively positive and negative judgments of aspects of illusion are meaningless.

Everything is here for everyone all the time. The solution to everything is always right here. As you build faith in the power of tuning into and resting in the true solution to all problems, you see that it is no longer necessary to struggle. You must be firm about seeing the difference between an egoic thought and that which Spirit provides, but there is no need to struggle. Willingness to be guided is all that is needed right now, and nothing can extinguish the spark of willingness within you or anyone or anything. Pause to go deep into this spark, and see it safely and lovingly activated everywhere.

Special worry is a trick of the ego. If you feel caught in worry or concern about particular things, pause to remind yourself that you are allowing yourself to be tricked. It may be a very deep habit, but it is a habit that can be undone, and undone right here in this moment. Tell yourself this: I have been invested in trickery, and I no longer have to support this. I am ready and willing to see all as it actually is under any surface of trickery.

There is no ideal to live up to, so as you walk through your day, notice your devotion to the false gods of ideals that you have used as a basis for judgment of yourself and others, ideals that you are still upholding. There is no need for false gods, and it is safe to let go. So just watch. Notice. And take every opportunity you notice to allow detachment. We snip cords as you allow us to do so.

We are here with our scissors as you remember to say yes, and you only say yes to us because you can see the safety in which we are held and the safety in which we are forever joined with you.


In daily life, I’m Julie Boerst, an at-home parent living with my husband and four kids. They are some of my best teachers.
As I learn, release, let go, heal, and allow, moments of clarity come through to help me along. I hope these moments of clarity help you, too, and most of all, I hope they assist you as you connect more powerfully with the guidance that always surrounds you. The guidance that surrounds you–it’s fully harmonized  with the guidance that surrounds me, and as we learn to flow with this energy together it’s the best feeling in the world.
Here’s to a beautiful and shared ride back to our true identity in shared, harmonic, perfect, and eternal Self.  

Credit: here

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