Wrestling with Demons
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- Written by AndEl

One of the most important realizations we require to gain deeper clarity about the nature of the reality, the war over consciousness on the earth plane, is to recognize the kinds of forces that play in the negative polarity archetypes, or service to self that exist within people, places and things. To maintain calm and sanity, one is required to understand the kind of forces that they are interacting with, or in consent with, and where there has been a manipulation that allowed access into that person’s energy field. This confusion is even more amplified during the holiday season when we are being assaulted by various consumer marketing campaigns that use forces in the negative polarity to stimulate groups of people to act from unconscious impulses, rather than truly reflecting and meditating upon what quality of forces they are actually interacting with.
The Christmas season can be especially toxic with vampiric and consumptive modeling behaviors, because the belief systems around the baby Jesus and the birth of Christ are completely fabricated by negative forces to serve materialism in order to use this belief system to further manipulate the masses. The use of manipulation and deception to instigate people into unconscious actions is not a positive influence, therefore it generates an amplification of forces in the negative polarity, which is the primary reason many people feel depressed, isolated, and disconnected during the end of the year holiday season.
Lately, many people may feel extremely tired, overwhelmed, filled with anxiety, and overly stressed during the pinnacle of the bifurcation of time that occurs during the ascension cycle. When feeling this way, it is extremely important to take distance and perform self-assessments of your interactions in the surroundings and to take the time to identify the forces that you are being exposed to that are contributing to the sense of overwhelm, exhaustion and the draining of energy. When we feel overwhelmed, it means something, someone, or an entity in the world of forces is encroaching upon our personal boundaries, generally this also means our life force or lightbody is being attached to, interfered with or energetically drained. When we feel energetically drained and our boundaries are being encroached upon, we can also feel like we are hitting a wall, maybe even depressed and in a low immune state, like we are on the razor's edge to get sick. States of overwhelm, feeling ill and mental anxiety inform us that our personal boundaries are not being clarified, we have lost internal grounding and core connection, and that we must address the ambiguous, the vague and sometimes the unseen forces that we can sense if we pay attention, in order to regain a sense of energetic balance and the ability to recover strength within ourselves.
Dark forces in the negative polarity commonly can knock us off center when we do not recognize them in the clever types of manipulation methods they use to gain access to our consciousness, lightbody or person. In order to navigate more effectively in this realm, as a multidimensional spiritual human being, it is important to non-judgmentally recognize the spiritual forces that operate in the negative polarity in people, objects, organizations, corporations and institutions, in so that you are prepared to better defend and deflect the cunning strategies of ambush that are commonly used by these dark forces, the forces of negative polarity that we can also refer to as demonics.
Demonics are gestalts of fallen consciousness that operate in the black subtle forces of the negative polarity in the material world, and they can be generated through thoughts, emotions, belief systems and actions carried out that are in the negative polarity or are vibrationally matched to the service to self levels of archetypal influence. It should also be recognized that the NAA use the demonics of materialism to carry out their own selfish agendas, so we can comprehend that earth based demonics are pushed around by the higher systems of negative polarity that exist off planet. It is important to not fear demonic forces or to be judgmental of them when they are expressed through human bodies, but to learn how to observe them and to interact with them in such way that you never allow them to trample on your boundaries, and ambush your body and consciousness with their set of demands. Demonics and Fallen Angelic forces that express through both humans and nonhumans tend to be bossy, controlling, self-entitled, manipulating, self-righteous, narcissistic, scheming and generally want what they want when they want it, their key note is using emotional manipulation and scheming for their own instant gratification that is taken at the cost of others.
There will be times that we are wrestling with the demons in the world, and most of the time, many awakening people and lightworkers have not recognized that they are wrestling with a demonic force, because they are only viewing the superficial level of interaction between people or things. If we only see the human identity in the material force body as ‘so and so’, and we cannot recognize the quality of forces being expressed by the choices that person is making, seeing the consequence of actions as a result of those decisions, then we are left impaired with our personal decision making process where we leave our flank unprotected. Demonic forces use covert manipulation to take advantage of others, and if you do not know how to defend and deflect these forces, you will experience sensations of being trampled over, like a stampede of assault that runs you over in order to gain control over you, in order to gain access into your body and to influence your decision making. This is why it’s critical to know yourself, know your weaknesses and strengths, and to gain control over yourself and your thoughts, emotions and actions, so that you can be strengthened to the point that demonic forces cannot use you as a doormat, dark portal puppet or as a parasitic host to siphon energy that fuels their personal whims and desires.
The social engineering of the death culture has been used purposely to destroy self-esteem, self-respect and healthy boundaries of individuals who subconsciously, do not feel worthy enough or strong enough to assert their boundaries in order to protect themselves, or to be an authentic, whole person that shows up in the world. When we are scared, feeling threatened, living in survival consciousness, and we have been abused by others, many times we will not exert healthy boundaries. This is why there is an specific mind control to create victims and victimizers as these negative polarity archetypes actually destroy a person’s awareness in the need to defend our light and create healthy boundaries. If we have no boundaries we allow others to walk all over us, and even steal and take energy from us for nefarious purposes or selfish agendas. Many times we may not even recognize we have been abused and stolen from because the thieves have stolen from us in the guise of friendship and with a smile on their face. This is the profile of an imposter, a person who can appear charming, friendly, seductive, well connected, and they can be some of the worst offenders of energetic theft and sociopathic behaviors.
At the same time, it is imperative as awakening people, that we comprehend the task required to improve our moral character and to end dark negative ego habits of the same, we must not manipulate or use people for the gratification of our personal desires, or we will be wrestling with our own inner demons. Once we act out the quality of the demonic force, it can gain access to your body and energy field. This is known as giving consent to that force, because you have expressed it through your vehicle. It is important to understand that we can be wrestling with our own inner demons from our own uncontrolled impulsive behaviors that had consequences of negative polarity, and that led to the backlash of events in which we must face the demonic forces that have been engaged and do battle with them.
Some people may be wrestling with these demonic forces, but are not recognizing them, and as a result, they feel like they are coming unglued, because the energetic boundaries of their internal person have been breached. To regain sanity and calm, you must regain control over your personal boundaries, by identifying the negative force of which has breached your energy, and determine what boundary must be set, what action must be taken in order to regain inner balance. Regaining personal boundaries can also be thought of as being true to yourself, you must not bargain away who you really are inside, for no person, or thing, even if it is someone you love or is a family member. No person, no matter who they are or what authority they want to assert over you, can be allowed to bargain or negotiate away what exists within you. Make a stand that your inner spirit and authentic self cannot be bargained away, and you must stand up for yourself and defend your right to retain your true self in the face of the imposters that try to steal that inner essence away from you.
The way that this is accomplished is by understanding how to gain use with the law of structure, you must clearly set the terms of your engagement with those forces, and retain the strong boundary that defines your interaction with them, and be unwavering in your decision. You are the person that must set the lines of the boundary and it will not be crossed, as Gandalf says on the bridge to the menacing monster, You shall not Pass! This means you cannot waver from your decision, and you cannot let the other party push you into a corner with spin-doctoring, ambiguity, vague and open ended agreements, all exchanges must be crystal clear with no ambiguity that allows for bending the laws. The laws are that which you set forth as the terms of your engagement, the boundaries, and to know the laws you must first know who you are and what terms that you must set within the interactions in order to defend your right to exist as you are, authentic and truthfully representing yourself. This means you cannot lie with the liar, you must state the accurate truth as it is, and as you know it to be in that moment, and not use a lie to get out of the altercation or confrontation that will be required to face-off with the person or thing that expresses the demonic force.
Demonic forces can be explored more deeply by understanding archetypal influences, negative ego behaviors, Satanism, Service to Self agendas and the nature of the black subtle forces of the negative polarity. Many times the archetypal forces will play out in the symbolism of the bible scripts in order to impact timelines or effects within a person’s spiritual journey. These forces have a range of amplification and severity, as anything they can be mild, moderate to severe, but they all subscribe to the same vibrational quality of which you should be better equipped to recognize when you are in the presence of them. Demonic forces can be present within any person, place or thing, they can be found in the land mass and in any kind of structure in which has been made inhabitable for them. The structure of demonics in which they live is referred to as a black house or demonic home. In order to cast them out and transit them away from the structure, your personal residence and affects, or sometimes other people, you must have learned how to command your own personal space, because you will have no right to banish unless you have chosen the intent, consent and authority of the natural laws of God, the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. A person that desires to free themselves of demonic possession, must do whatever they can to purify their body, mind, and emotions, while asking their highest spiritual self to help them cast out their burdens. One cannot purge demonic presence if they refuse to act in the ethical ways that purify the body of demonic essences.
For now, let’s review the negative ego qualities that define negative polarity in which the demonic forces will use to manipulate, obfuscate and demand access for themselves in whatever situations you may be exposed, as well as even family members, and random people you come across in the environment. Remember that until you can differentiate demonic presence and negative polarity operating in the environment, you cannot be entirely free of them, because you cannot heal what you cannot feel, or banish what you do not know exists.
First, pay attention to the negative polarity qualities that you are sensing in the environment or in other people, or that force which is attempting to breach your boundaries, and get a word and feeling expression in so to define it for yourself, so that you can learn more about what you are facing and how to best address it. When you look deeper at these qualities, also find other adjectives to explore what they mean to you, as an example, the quality of anger takes on many different forms. So if you identify anger in the environment or being expressed by someone near you, what other qualities of anger can you identify that are being expressed, and how do you feel these anger energies impacting you?
- Satan /Moloch: anger/wrath
- Lucifer: pride/entitlement
- Leviathan: envy/jealousy/covet
- Belial/Ba'al: liar/corrupt
- Mammon: greed/avarice
- Asmoday/Baphomet: lust/addiction
- Beelzebub: gluttony/waste
- Baalpeor/Belphegor: laziness/discouragement
All of the demonic forces will instigate feelings and experiences that are based on the frequency of fear. It is your job to do your best to not allow these demonic forces to push you around and send you into the grips of fear, which can be best described as mental fear bondage loops. The Imposters attempt to increase the bondage loops of the Spirits of Fear in the minds of people who are building demonic houses, within their consciousness from their own mind and fear based thoughtforms. When the body, mind and heart are corrupted by repeated fear based thoughts, the internal structure to house these energies, these qualities of demonic spirits, will reside in the mind and consciousness body.
Let’s review the most common fear bondage loops that the demonic forces will set up to ambush you when you interact with another person that is carrying this demonic home inside of them, and they are triggered to express these negative polarity forces upon you in some interaction or other ways to which you are exposed. Remember each fear bondage loop has an opposing polarity that is actually the same fear vibration being played out in either superior or inferior thought forms. If you are attacked by demonics repeatedly and severely, you may need the spiritual maturity to recognize that you may need to dismantle the demonic home that inhabits these forces inside your energy field and mental body.
- Spirit of Unworthiness/Self-Entitlement
- Spirit of Guilt and Shame/ Self righteousness
- Spirit of Self Doubt/Arrogance
- Spirit of Betrayal and Abandonment/ Fear of being Seen/Intimacy
- Spirit of Anger and Rage/Contempt and Disdain
- Spirit of Fear and Denial/ Projection of Blame
- Spirit of Entrapment and Enslavement/Deception and Liar
There is no harmony or agreement, of sound or any other kind, between Christ consciousness and the range of demonic forces and impostor spirits that exist on the earth. Demonics must succumb to the authority of the Christ consciousness in order to be transfigured and released of their bondage from the earth plane, and as a result they must make that choice, and without making the choice, the Christ cannot act on their behalf for liberating them into spiritual freedom. Christos is the Truth personified, while the demonics or imposters are liars and deceivers.
May we offer some guidance in better navigating the challenging circumstances of which you may be wrestling with demons and the negative polarities that exist on this plane.
- Know Yourself. Honor and respect what you are feeling in your body, listen to the internal warnings and take distance and the time you need away from others to regain strength and calm. You must guard your personal sanity and not place yourself in high risk environments or with high risk people repeatedly, without taking the time you need to self-protect, and create a safe place to heal and recover.
- Say No. If an event or situation is really draining and stressing you out, set healthy boundaries and walk away from the obligation. Learn your boundaries and emotional limits and respect them as a first priority. At any point in the social situation, you can be honest, state your reasons authentically and say no, I can go no further in this direction. To those devoted gridworkers, be careful to not martyr yourself, you are not expected to give blood or energy sacrifices at any point. Stop when you feel overwhelmed and take time out.
- Set the Terms. If you are getting guided to involve yourself in challenging situations for reasons that involve learning, completing contracts or for higher spiritual purposes, make sure that you set the terms of your engagement with these forces, by outlining what you will need to assert as healthy boundaries in order to continue the interaction with these forces, whether in a human, social or work-job related format. Determine what you are not willing to negotiate or bargain away, and do not waver from the terms you have set, especially if the other party uses ambiguous language and wants an open ended agreement. Leaving things unclear and open ended in the presence of demonics means they will railroad you into a corner to walk over you like a doormat, as they wrestle for control over your energy. Don’t let this happen.
- Clarify House Rules. Let’s say a family member with a tendency to sprout a head with demonic forces wants to come visit your personal space and home during the holidays. It will not be productive to call out the demonic verbally in front of the family member, who has no idea they are controlled by and attached with these forces. However, you can set the terms of the visit and clarify house rules by intending to speak directly to the dark forces that control the family member, and tell them they are not invited here, but the family member is. Distinguish the difference between the family member and the forces behind the entity attachment, be very clear to define boundaries and control the times and access they have in the visit, when it concerns your personal space and gaining private access to you. Remember just because it’s a family member, you are not required to accept abuse, manipulation or endure endless attacking against your person. This is similar to saying there is no smoking allowed in my house, if you want to visit, you cannot smoke here.
- Set Limits of Exposure. When in the presence of demonics or vampiric people, be sure to set definitive time limits of exposure. Never leave things open, set a time limit of where you are available for interaction, and promptly leave when the stated time limit has been reached. Be aware that when you are tired, weakened, and feeling un-centered, this is when demonic forces will tend to use dominating people with an ambush strategy to catch you off guard, and thus gain control over you. If you are losing control over your emotions or behaviors, excuse yourself and take distance immediately in the most polite and considerate way. Learn how to refocus back into full self-control and calm.
- Set Boundaries of Acceptable Behavior. Whether it’s an interaction with you privately, or gaining access into your private spaces, like your home or spiritual sanctuary, it may be necessary to state the boundaries of acceptable behavior. All demonic entities have to be invited through a dark portal type of person in order to wreak havoc, and the most favorite thing they like to do is to pollute the sanctuary that you have created. Getting through what may feel awkward, find a way to state what is acceptable behavior while on the premises of your home or in speaking with you. As an example, if someone starts yelling at you with anger, you can state that yelling is not acceptable to you, and that if the person does not stop yelling that you are terminating the conversation and leaving, or ejecting them from out of your private space. “A person that yells and loses control in anger, is not welcome in my home.” Obviously it is important to not be hypocritical, and to act in alignment with the acceptable behaviors that you have stated as your boundary.
- Uphold Consequence of Actions. When you have clarified acceptable behavior and boundaries within interactions or situations, that means you must uphold the consequences of those actions with compassion and care, by making the effort to direct the result the consequence of actions to the appropriate result, when the boundaries were not honored or respected by the other party – no matter who it is. When it’s happening in your home advantage, you have the energetic right in the law of structure to enforce the boundaries you have set forth. You will not have this same right in someone else’s home. In this case you may want to leave the premises to regain center.
- Intent and Blueprint is Law. Remember that every single thing, whether it’s a living thing, an inanimate structure, or an object it has a blueprint along with the energetic intent of its creator who generated it. If you interact with a corrupted intent within a specific blueprint, the original intent will be corrupt, and that means you will face demonic forces within that creation, no matter what it is. Additionally in this timeline, the NAA have developed Ai to control the demonic forces on the earth, so we have Ai demons as well as material force demons. As an example, if you work for a company who was designed first by its creators to make money before honoring human beings and life force, very commonly you will be accosted continually by the demons of greed and avarice – Mammon and its AI versions. Both can be addressed and dealt with in the same way, they are considered black magic forces. It is also important to remember that we can learn and grow from our experiences with these dark forces, but we have to distinguish what they are and refuse their attempts to gain total control over our consciousness. Through observer consciousness, with nonjudgmental witnessing perspective, we can remain transparent to the intention of the creator in the organization by setting our own intention, blueprint and focus, while we are interacting within that structure. If we do not set our own boundary, and terms, the default setting will return to the most dominating person in the environment ( i.e. the boss, antagonist, etc.), or the original blueprint of the structure in the organization or corporation that we are interacting with. Hence, it is of the utmost importance to set our mission, purpose, boundaries and make it very clear to ourselves, so that we are not encroached upon in the 3D world with the intended proliferation of these negative polarity forces via the mainstreaming of Satanism agenda. This is yet another important purpose of the 12D shield, a way to define boundaries and infuse your GSF intention within your personal auric shield, in all situations encountered.
Take good care of yourself in this turbulence and chaos, this is not the time to be reckless, push yourself to the outer limits, travel around aimlessly, and test your physical stamina unnecessarily. Take some time out to learn how to generate more self-loving care and self-accepting actions that honor your entire physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. We cannot help or support anyone else if our life feels like it is a mess and we are stressed to our last nerve and becoming unglued. Stop, breathe and hunker down. If you need to say no to the holiday insanity, say no. It is very important to be acutely aware of what forces we are interacting with now, and to consciously participate with the highest expression of our true divine nature, knowing that we will come to face the time of wrestling with demons, in so that we can make a stand in our spiritual strength as we learn more about the spirit of truth within us by enduring the process.
With Love and In the Spirits of Christ,
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