What Would You BE Willing to DO for a whole new REALity?
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Aloha beautiful galactic soul family,
These were the word the words the other day when I awoke, to then shift to observing everything....that which I've done since I started to awaken to the "craziness" of this entire evolving process of "leaving the old behind", birthing anew and creating realities totally in-alignment with my own soul's everything and as a part of the bigger whole here. Our evolution from human to Quantum, from separation (un)consciousness to Unity Consciousness in every way. This then allows us to observe dualistic realities to see everywhere that our human aspects were not ready catapult/jump because mentalities were still affixed through energy/attachment to something that created a limit/block/resistance, which eventually creates lack realities to experience in order to clear "karmic debt" (i.e. unconscious programs still held in our cellular memory banks). As unconscious little human aspects, we held a ridiculous amount of lack/separation/fear and every itty bitty ounce of this has to be cleared/transcended fully from within. This is a continual journey of "new realizations" in order to fully REALIZE our highest everything into the physical here. For our NEW Earth HUman, this is our unrealized dreams. For our soul, this is our purposes. As Galactics, this is our missions. All become the same, as we unify as all of these aspects here.
It's so enlightening (and BEyond important) to just see... everything from an expanded view of the entire human experience, the purposes, the how's and why's and everything we didn't understand when we lived beneath the veils of amnesia, how much we didn't have a clue about "all of this".
Perceptions. Beliefs. Mentalities. Unconscious programs. Human "vs." Soul (not a dualistic, but a reference to "opposite" realities and how Separation (Unconscious fear/lack programs) or Unification (Love) Energy creates realities to reflect everything back to us. Collective and individual, as you/we cannot have one without the other, yet the collective(s) is/are a choice that human aspects do not fully understand.
Unity realities are sooooooo very different. They bring peace, ease and infinite access to everything for all. They bring all that we desire forth, as we work through anything not of unity from within in order to vibrate into a higher dimensional plane of existence here.
Our NEW Earth Realities, our Galactic Soul Realities, support the grander picture of why we are all here. They are created and built on a whole new FOUNDATION through a whole new re-vamped value system that transcends all things separated human.
These foundational realities are built upon the new/higher values that we all hold. As humans, we must evolve beyond our own separation, leaving duality and self-serving behind. We must "learn" (remember) how all is in order to exist fully in REALITIES that won't collapse, as unconscious (lower vibrational dimensions) realities do. We have the ability to collapse these ourselves when we see they no longer serve in the capacity that they are meant to. To sit and observe the constructs of entire realities just dissolve is beyond anything we had the capability to do before. In their place, new realities are birthed/born to materialize to make all simpler and easier for us all.
Our human aspects didn't have the capability/capacity to function from this "new" space. (There was too much "need".) This space of pure love, this space of inner respect, this space of truly sharing, supporting, consideration, contributing, without wanting something in return first. The human aspects wants to make sure everything is in place, make sure things are "fixed" (the illusion of security), because this serves the lower density of survival instincts, safety/protection mechanisms and an overall lack of trust, belief, faith and focused intentional action. The reason for this is because the human can't trust themselves, because they have to "prove themselves". that they can always come from the highest consciousness at all times, and humans cannot do this. Each must transcend all separation in order to BECOME THEIR WHOLE SOUL SELF in the physical here. Each must do the necessary work... in every capacity, not just what is comfortable. That's not how this works. Comfort is also an energetic response to how in-tune we always are with all things as one.
NEW EARTH and Galactic Realities are built on the foundation of love. Relationships go through an entire overhaul process too, as the foundations of these have to be pure as well. Human aspects have to "learn" everything all over again...
This is a process of re-learning everything and being able to HOLD the highest everything at all times. If we shrink down, go small (I call this going human), then our human'ness takes over, if you will, until we become fully conscious again and all of that energy is gone. Human aspects wait for this to occur, which creates suffering. Multi-dimensionals observe and move the energy ourselves.
Human aspects do not understand the consequences of their unconscious actions. This is where "lessons" (experiences) are necessary until each doesn't require experience to understand. Human aspects cannot see the affect that their thoughts, beliefs, and energy/actions of what they do/don't do and how it affects every dimensional reality/timeline. They cannot see, because unconsciousness closes the heart, mind, ears/hearing, creates resistance and disconnects abilities & gifts that are a natural part of each of our evolution of expanded consciousness here.
As humans we carve out our realities, working hard to achieve... status, things and oh, let's not talk about relationships and how much lack we all had. Physical abundance.... yes, another huge one of those "mis-perceptions" too. For humans, there is always struggle inside. This is duality (separation) within. There's always something in the way, some excuse, it's just not important enough, some kind of "unseen" energy, often trying to avoid discomfort of honoring feelings, dealing with whatever or "it's too hard/too much work"... Human's require physical reality polarity to see. We observe polarity and choose/act accordingly, negating this "need".
Dream realities become visible and are anchored from higher dimensional realities into this physical one by us. They are imagined and birthed into creation, nurtured, loved, given attention and believed into fruition from inside of us. Dreams are activated when they are more important than separation/lack/fear, when we are willing to spend our own time/energy/money on them, when we are willing to put our time/energy/work into them and when we are ready to actually experience them...
The other dimensions open up when we do, when we actually truly and fully care, when we commit ourselves to honoring our own soul's purposes here. As humans, it's about us as individuals. As Souls, it's about the us as a part of the whole. WE Consciousness APPLIED to absolutely E-V-E-R-Y THING. The reality we experience will be determined by which "us" we currently are. In every moment. ♥
What comes next can be profound, sacred, magnificent and beyond exquisite to experience when we allow ourselves and decide which realities to invest ourselves/energy/things in and that which we desire to experience here. It's always a choice of unity, love, expansion and working together in unison (requires alchemy and synergy too) or one of struggle, separation and alone to build our own inner power, inner unity, inner desire to be a part of highest consciousness realities that thrive and don't collapse (unless they are meant to, then it's beyond awesome!).
What's important to each becomes visible, often blatantly so that we cannot "not see". Physical realities are a result of alchemy or human separation still held within. Full consciousness is observing ourselves and understanding what's truly going on. That out there is the reflection of our inner world, our mirror and when it's time to "move on" to a new timeline, everything no longer in-alignment will become visible so that it can be transformed or dissolved. What we do and where we come from... this is up to each of us. This dictates our experience here.
I love you and happy NEW BEYOND EXQUISITE REALITIES to you! We've come through the intensity of the eclipse passageway for the purpose of dissolving anything not meant to continue as we ALL now move into our next phase. Now it's time to implement and anchor more awesomeness into the physical here. Grab your realities loves. Go inside and figure it all out. Then do what makes you happy inside, brings forth more peace, love and unity too. We all have to. I'm doing it too! ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient Elder, Key-Code Holder & Guardian of our NEW Earth
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