What True Love is ~ SELFLESS ~ Caring, Respectful and Kind
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- Written by AndEl

This is a CALL to true self-awareness.
The True Love everyone desires, starts within.
The qualities and virtues that TRUE Love embodies, involves true caring, being respectful of others boundaries, is kind, gentle and is selfless.
When I say selfless, do not misconstrue that with the ideas of allowing abuse. This is not what I am referring to.
IN fact, NOT allowing oneself to be abused and treated without respect and love is loving oneself. I have been there, done that.
This is where it starts. Self love is the cornerstone of all love.
Many people in relationships on Earth involve the playing out of baggage or past life memories, which become the stepping stone to honouring true self-love.
The love that first honours themselves, that can then love, honour and respect the other.
THIS INCLUDES allowing whatever is BEST for the Other (not what we think is best) what THEY feel is best, and giving the space and respect to honour them, their wishes, their desires.
Does love blame someone else for hurting our feelings?
Does love Blame someone else who does not live up to our demanding ideal?
Are those ideals created only as an excuse to not look at ourselves?
Our own actions?
Our own awareness to be in the state of Love? Our own level of qualities and virtues of love?
Love never blames, never demands.
Anyone who attempts to tell you what is best, or they had your best interests at heart, yet ignore your desires, not only does not feel good. But is a crossing of boundaries, is a disrespect to their very own free will. That is not love.
Love allows, trusts, the other, even if that means it does not include a life with them. The common type of co dependency relationship is exactly the opposite.
Holding on, manipulating, judging, assuming, as a cover up for getting what we want, is NOT LOVE.
So if you are in the process of learning and applying self-love, examine yourself. Your qualities, your virtues.
Do you always respect other people’s boundaries?
Do you care so much for the other, that you are willing to let go and stop demanding?
Do you respect their own private space?
Have you stopped badgering others for more time?
Do you need MORE from others?
Do you watch the clock and attempt to control what they do and when?
Do you invade others privacy? Or attempt to? To see who they are communicating with? And attempt to judge or control that?
These are the basics to look at within.
Love is not winning someone.
That SELF LOVE is self-love, it doesn’t judge or demand anything from oneself other than allowing, not judging, ACCEPTING and being truthful with what is, within.
Then mastery leads to giving the same loving, accepting, non controlling TRUE love to others.
We do not demand others to do what we want in love. We cherish and respect every moment for what it is.
The opportunity to LOVE ~ to be in that state of Love.
To be pure, to be totally accepting of the moment.
Trusting it is unfolding as it is, loving IT.
Loving all MOMENTS as they are.
Any resemblance of attempting to change what is in the moment is nothing less than ego still having its way. Protecting inner turmoil from surfacing before one is ready to deal with these past life memories.
It is the same with what one calls, the veil. It is a protection mechanism of the subconscious for the FEAR level in the buried memories, till it is safe enough (based on The Soul Plan, what level) for things to be revealed. Purely as they are,
If you find yourself caught up in an abusive relationship, please make it a priority to leave. There will be a way.
If you find yourself in old patterns that are not loving, PLEASE make the conscious effort to be present and begin loving yourself. It will take practice. LETTING go of control is not something the ego wants to do, it feels scary because of the fear held as energetic memories in the subconscious.
Start slowly, address these things that are NOT self-love, lovingly. Gently.
Trust the process.
IT IS ALL for being Love, that is it. Loving truly. Being True Love. Being the embodiment of TRUE LOVE.
Selfless, respectful of others boundaries, non judging, gentle and kind. That is Love, anything else is not true love.
In love and glory, always.
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