What Is This New Consciousness Anyway?
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- Written by AndEl

It’s no news that this beautiful blue Planet doesn’t yet embrace or honor the feminine energies. Every man and woman who lives here knows this in their hearts.
While most of humanity isn’t aware of their true consciousness, they sense that something is off. They don’t know what that something is, but they are aware that things need to change.
They will point their fingers at who or what they believe is responsible for the problems of the world. They truly believe that some action must be taken, that attitudes need to change, laws need to change. Maybe, they think, we need to go back to simpler times. Maybe there is too much technology.
Perhaps an enemy must be annhilated. We need more and stronger military defenses. Or maybe it’s more prayers for world peace that we need. Perhaps people are not compassionate enough, are too self serving.
Some believe that people are simply not thinking positively enough. Maybe they need to take a positive thinking course or two. Some contend that we are becoming less intelligent and that is what is behind the problems of the world. Our education system is to blame. Maybe parents are too lenient with their children. Or maybe they are pushing their kids too hard to succeed.
Maybe life has become too soft. We need to go back to the past in which hard work was valued. Or maybe people have lost their moral compass.
So most agree that changes are needed, but all the solutions seem to lay in taking some sort of action. With wrestling with what is, in order to change it. And on a more personal level, to wrestle with the emotions, and the illnesses, with finances and relationships.
Working harder if there is lack of financial resources. Going on diets or exercising if it involves being overweight. Going to doctors and taking medicine and getting surgeries for physical conditions. Taking medications for depression and anxiety. And for the more forward thinking, focusing on only happy thoughts.
All brought to you by……the mental, mind-oriented world.
A world with an overage of the male, focused, action oriented consciousness. It’s become out of balance as we can see, with efforting, trying, pushing for results. Over analyzing and a belief in having to earn, and of not feeling worthy of receiving.
This imbalance can exist in both men and women. And it’s not working very well.
It’s no coincidence that mostly women are attracted to the esoteric. The feminine energies embrace a wider perspective of life. It isn’t as concerned with the details. It works with compassion (not pity). No, the true Divine Feminine will not allow being fed off of by others. It will most certainly not care-take.
The feminine is open, allowing, accepting and receptive.
Again, it’s not allowing in those who want to feed off her energies. It’s allowing things to be, without trying to force change. And in that allowance, alchemy happens. Change is initiated.
In fact, the highest state of consciousness is the state of allowing.
Allowing and receiving are not really passive energies. They are quite potent and are in fact what is required to move stuck energies. That is because we are multidimensional beings. There are counterparts of ourself that are arranging what we like to call synchronicities and miracles. It’s what those parts of us do best.
It’s what brings to us the perfect events, conditions and people at the perfect time. So it could be said that allowing is not a passive energy, it’s a smart energy. Because it is allowing not only what is, but it’s allowing the consciousness that created the world, actually that created the universes, to do all the heavy lifting. You know, work smart, not hard.
It’s challenging living as a woman in a mental, male oriented world. And it is equally difficult for a man who embraces his own Divine Feminine.
The balanced Divine Masculine is not an aggressive energy. Nor is it controlling. It is in support of the Divine Feminine. It helps set boundaries. It complements the vision and creativity of the feminine inspired imagination.
The Masculine and Feminine work hand in hand, as partners, in love and respect for each other. The masculine assists the feminine in activating and implementing her dreams. He helps by paying attention to details and focuses when and where it is needed.
To assign the word masculine and feminine is the easiest way to describe the characteristics of both. Carl Jung referred to them as the anima and the animus.
Being Embodied here as either male or female has its challenges, as both are in the process of healing the deep wounds they have incurred. And we on the forefront of the New Consciousness, the Christ Consciousness, are undergoing our own balancing as the human.
As the feminine energies on the planet no longer take a back seat, they at the same time are pulling away from the caretaking and nurturing of the masculine energies. As a result, the masculine feels lost. Perhaps angry and abandoned. He will act out. He also can become the self loving and sovereign being, as he begins to embrace his own Divine Feminine nature.
But remember that as the soul, as the eternal self, we are neither masculine or feminine. We are already in balance in every respect.
Art by Maria Chambers
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