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We've Entered a New Passageway

tree passage in yosemite

The Tests of all Tests Taking Each DEEPER into Clearing Linear Programming and CORE Everything...

Deeper into the Root (Chakra) of everything, deeper into the/our Core (Galactic/SOULar), deeper into those hidden/suppressed/linear programs of separation that we didn't know were there... Here we go. Further within and out through our Soul & Star (Chakras) and individual StarGate Systems finally linked up with the new Operating Systems that our Galactic Bodies have built to constantly link up and synchronize continually, every day now. I use the "Chakra" word, because this is what most understand. It goes far beyond this, as each becomes a spinning, expanding and contracting vortex/portal/galaxy (multi-dimensional gateway) once you fully activate/open, align and continually intentionally synchronize these from within you with your whole field to operate at the highest vibration of light all of the time... 

We see vibrationally/holographically, across dimensions/timelines, infinite collective programs being affected by this. The overall visual brings the words "The MotherLoad of all tests", as we move into the Lion's Gateway 8/8/8 and the Convergence 8/21 "time" "frames", then into the September Equinox, then the 11/11 Gateway into the December Solstice Gateway and beyond. Each more potent and powerful that ever before.  

As humans we see everything linearly, because this is how we functioned in the lower dimension realms of Old Unconscious Earth. Our bodies still hold programming that must be cleared, regardless of our ability to maintain higher consciousness. First we must be able to maintain, then the body & physical catches up. Physical matter took form. Changing that form, means re-writing everything through new en-codements, new DNA configurations, new non-linear geometrics and bodily systems that run on all new enhanced (Soul) Sequences and Codes.

NEW Earth is a whole new EVOLVED Value System, a whole new way of existence that is VIBRATIONAL and totally non-linear. To our/the human aspect, it cannot understand. It takes connecting fully, deep within with our own Soul to SEE what was not visible before. It takes letting go of old programmed mindsets, old beliefs, old associations, old everything that makes sense and completely adapting to a whole new system that is often the opposite of what we once believed..... 

There is a Grand Plan, a Grand Design, that all agreed to come here and participate in, before ever incarnating/taking physical body form. Each is now participating excactly as agreed, on a Soul Level. Every one is exactly where they are meant to be, experiencing exactly what they "need/agreed" to experience in order to AWAKEN to REMEMBER fully again. Each experience resolves separation energy, that anchored the body in lower dimensional realms of amnesia, embroiled in a heavy/deep Matrix program that continually concludes.

Those who were deeply embedded, deeply asleep, holding deep karmic (unconscious) programs, "falling" deep into the "lowest" unconscious realms of amnesia, have more "fog" to clear, have more physical realities to overcome/resolve/evolve, than someone who has been partially awake much of their existence here. It doesn't matter though, as each will go through many "deaths" of old programming, on an emotional/mental and physical level too. These deaths are different for each, yet necessary for the body to come through/transition over to "the other side", to awaken to/come to exist on NEW Earth, where UNITY and PURE LOVE are the core of all things here. 

You will never not have an old program to resolve, it's just to the degree you must experience each, and often barely at all. The more you exist as your Universal/Unified Self, the less physical everything is, and it just becomes energy you work through/dissolve/resolve, for the physical to reshape/re-materialize in new form for you.

Everything is FOR you, everything is a GIFT, everything opens your heart and eyes, to what you could not see/understand yet. Everything brings you closer to the magic and magnificence that already exists, everything clears an old cellular program.... everything does this.

This passageway is going to take each into the "next phase". Dependent on where you currently are (newly awakened or functioning as your higher Self/Spirit/Soul/Galactic aspects), it doesn't matter, because everything will be to evolve you beyond your current state. Everything is to bring you further into NEW Earth Existence than before and further collapse those strong programs that you were operating under, those old beliefs and mentalities that functioned linearly to create a physical reality that's got to be completely undone..... 

NEW Earth is a completely different existence. The old rules do not apply here. Nothing will be as you "thought" it to be. You will be challenged to see differently and to apply value vibrationally, instead of linearly like before. 

These initiations are going to take each DEEPER and further into anything that is not NEW EARTH/UNITY/LOVE.... 

At the CORE of these, are your associations and relationships with everything, most of all yourself/soul. You will be challenged with how you value and see all. You will be challenged with re-associating according to vibrational, instead of what makes sense or deep seeded programming "telling you" what's right/wrong. Your human mind won't be able to understand, yet your heart & Higher Mind (Soul You) will. 

Deeply intricate in it's workings, yet simple for the heart & mind that are truly open and ready to be a part of a NEW EVERYTHING that thrives, is alive and is the most magnificent and magical experience. 

This NEW SYSTEM is built on a FOUNDATION OF UNITY, PEACE, RESPECT, INTEGRITY AND LOVE. What you "thought" these were won't even come close. As a Soul, you breathe these easily, because this is who you are. As a human aspect, you have to try and it's always backwards for awhile. Your biggest challenge? Judgment and trying to see beyond the old ways.... trying to apply obsolete beliefs that will keep you bound to a collapsing timeline that needs to be be-restructured and brought into accordance with Higher Light, Higher Intelligence, Higher Love, Higher Purpose everything..... You will have to choose to let go of your old way of thinking if you desire to leave old Earth and "move" to NEW. Every system is different here. Your physical body, the physical reality, everything..... 

As we go DEEPER, each will be called to identify their own old belief systems and choose to transcend these from within. You have to truly desire, and commit, to understanding these "new ways", for they are not new, they are locked away, hidden deep within your Higher Consciousness/Chrystalline/Christed/Galactic DNA and these new frequencies that we've activated since the June 2017 Solstice and this whole last week's Sirian/Lyran StarGate Re-alignment move everyone into looking at their own RELATIONSHIPS with EVERYTHING..... 

Money, things, each other, self, the physical, your SOUL.... and the value you put on everything and how you see value, how you spend your time/energy/money... which version of Earth you Support... with your time/energy/money.... then that will be the one you are currently vibrating at/on... and where go in & out of consciousness on this, then you will vibrate back and forth to resolve this, all of this separation within you, until you UNIFY and return to full love again too. 

NEW EARTH has it's own evolved Value System and everything goes to support this. Where you do not yet value, where you do not yet support, where you hold back on contributing and using all that you have/are, then this will become visible in your own REALity/world. NEW Earth is a full body, full you, full everything commitment, from DEEP inside of you. It is not a "partially/maybe/okay because it serves me now" kind of thing. It requires your full commitment and your letting go of the duality/right/wrong/judgment/competition/scarcity/lack energy that you still hold.... 

Human aspects separate out money, love, respect, work, me-time, time.... Souls Unify these back into the same thing.... LOVE and deep Sacred Respect. This will all boil down to how connected you are inside, how much you truly love and respect you, so that you CAN hold this for others too. 

NEW EARTH IS SOULS walking in the physical, whole souls, not fragmented pieces and parts. It's where you've recalled/reclaimed/re-united with all of YOUR OWN ASPECTS and merged them within your physical body form (Embodiment). How much you WALK AS THIS and how much YOUR ACTIONS reflect this too. You will be Angels, Gods, Christ, Galactics, Elementals... every Light BEing imaginable, returned.... and ONE AGAIN... Dissolving the separation between your existences... LeMUrian, Atlantean, Egyptian, Sirian/Lyran/Andromedan/Arcturian/Pleaidian (infinite on these), dissolving the battles between Heaven & Hell (God/Lucifer), Angels, Archangels and Galactic Oppression/Suppression/Heavy Duty Wars, Hurt & Hate... You will eventually remember your own "fall from consciousness", your Birth as a Star, your descent into unconsciousness and for awhile, you will move between every one of these to resolve deeply embedded human programming.... This was the Human Experience/Experiment and when it's really time to wake up... your whole reality starts to change.... and collectively, this is what has been going on on Earth, for this whole earthly existence... you all have been "trying" to wake up, yet it was not time before, as you had many human experiences still to complete, information and skills to gather, that will assist you as you fully exit the Matrix Program and now enter a whole new "program" called NEW Earth.

Our NEW Earth Project is HUGE and we all have much to accomplish TOGETHER here, yet before you can fully unify, you'll have to work through your own separation programs and you'll have to learn to stand on your own two feet, as an Angel, as a Christed BEing, As a God (Pure Source Creator Light), as a Higher Self as the whole Universe and Galaxies too..... You will step into your WayShower roles, your Supportive Roles, in order to become a part of the bigger picture, the Grand Plan/Design.... and access will be granted as you DO the things you see, inside, the holographic schematics bringing new vision into your own reality.... now how do you accomplish it all? This is where you "grow up" from being birthed anew, this is where you start to really see your gifts and value and your own Soul Purposes/Missions and what you are here to BE/DO... It will blow your mind, excited you and scare the hell out of your human all at the same time. You'll have to choose in every moment and learn to walk in realities that are not fixed anymore... they are vibrational, a response to you and they shift/change for you, when you are ready to jump, as you hold more light, as you integrate the immensity within you and "learn" to Master each little thing, with all new everything, all new understandings, all new purposes, all new associations, all new values..... 

NEW Earth is UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, where each is a part of the whole. It is each one of us coming together, getting over/moving through/dealing with/resolving/dissolving our own human stuff and realizing that we are here to support each other in every way. You will use your time/energy/money to support, create, inspire, assist, make a difference.... and it won't be like the old system in any way (fear, security, safety, mine/not enough). Everything will be FOR EVERYONE and there is infinite abundance in all. You will be an ANGEL here to gift others, you will be the Universe bestowing magnificence too, you will be the ONE that determines which physical reality you experience... Old Earth or NEW.

Higher Dimensional timelines now replace the lower ones.... as the lower bandwidths continue to unravel in increasingly rapid succession, the speed at which this evolution occurs has been significantly sped up. The "force" at which it occurs has too. This can be a beautiful POWER to move each as love through or it can do the opposite.... you get to choose.  

Now, every core everything becomes the focus of these energies... YOUR RELATIONSHIP with yourself/soul, your earthly body as a beautiful vessel/container that barely holds your Divinity, your Essence, the Purity of your Immense Light and Love, with physical world things, with money, with the Earth/Gaia, with the Universe, with everything... with an increased focus on HOW YOU LOVE, RESPECT, APPRECIATE & TREAT YOURSELF on a Soul Level which expands out to others... for now we move into possibly one of the hardest parts.... your RELATIONSHIP with each other and this becoming PURE on every level, in every way. Can you truly open up, support and SHARE, everything that you are and have? Where do you hold back" Any agendas you have will become visible, yet this can be an awesome thing. For when you share your AGENDAS (Disclosure = Sharing) and your Agendas are PURE, then this can be a beautiful thing, as they are not agendas anymore. They purposes aligned with our highest everything.... something the human aspect cannot understand/see. 

You will have to unite, use the physical to make a difference, to support what we are all here to experience, accomplish, do.... If you wish/desire to EXPERIENCE FULLY the infinite amazingness that waits for each of you.... It's already here, all around you, in the air that you breathe. It's magical, amazing, a gift and it's full-blow crystalline. Breathing crystalline air is different and your lungs must adapt to this. Your head too. Gravity goes along the way, this is normal too. Your whole body is being re-worked so you can walk in these higher dimensional realms with greater ease. Your body will change in size, your bones will expand & contract (yes it's painful for awhile), crystals under your skin burst when your star particles are activated (Galactic DNA), your organs, glands, entire nervous system, brain, blood all re-work how they function, so take care in your perceptions where your body is concerned. Actually take great care in all of your perceptions, as they will not conform to the old.

When you look OUT, look with love, respect, appreciate and gratitude for every experience, everything you've gained/received, see ALL as a great gift (your human will go into story/lack/blame/judgment, so you can tell the difference in which you are being), realize that as you open up, as you share more (physical world things too), as you understand everything non-linearly, then the "things" won't matter in the way they did, they will have new meaning, new purpose and they will support you and all.... When you truly understand how all of this works, it will be easy and infinite abundance will flow freely for each of you.... which is how NEW Earth realities are..... 

Connect on a deeper level, expand your energy OUT.... connect with everything around you, as LOVE... see the REFLECTION coming back to you... to show you what's inside.... to show you everything you "need to know" to shift to a higher timeline easier..... Your human will see in linear and try to use old equations and calculations to understand... these no longer apply, especially when you are moving from and old unconscious value system to a fully consciousness non-linear/vibrational one. 

This passageway through August (and sooooo far beyond), now amps up our own RELATIONSHIPS with ourselves, as Pure Source Light and each other, as Star Beings/Soul Family here to unite, to come together to form the UNIFIED PRESENCE of NEW EARTH in ways that your human aspect will fight. Your love for your siSTARS and Brothers is immense. Incarnating/walking-in here, you were separated from each other... Now this separation begins to end. It will be up to you to unite in the physical, to synchronize to the same frequency and where there is any separation/human programs running, this won't be able to occur until all that separation is gone and your Galactic Soul is the presence that is dominant. You will move in and out of each other's realities resolving/dissolving/working through your own human'ness/linear programs/separation until you are ready to come together to do what you came here to do.... to fulfill your highest purposes and missions in order to experience the brilliance of your NEW Earth Existence now. 

Here, everything is visible, where you hold back, are not ready and hold unconscious programming too. Your Karma is also visible to those who have cleared this... and there are many "levels" of Karma/Karmic programs that now expedite to clear. Each one will present as you move from phase to phase. Your human Karma (this existence) is the first one. Then you will move to abundance, twin, Galactic and Relationships (in general).... Each must be cleared across all dimensions/timelines... this is a heavy/daunting task for awhile... for you will have to unify all separation, transcend/overcome, reverse the flow of energy, build momentum, sustain and keep doing this until your own inner light/energy can do this for you easily.... 

Multi-Dimensionality is the biggest challenge you will meet, "once" you've Mastered your own human aspect, then you'll move into mastering everything. Inside, outside, the physical, across timelines and holding all/balancing all within your body then balancing this with the external/physical too. As you leave the old matrix, everything becomes Plasma, Energy, no solidity, no shape, no form... until you form it, focus on it, create it through the energy that you hold. Through your "new gifts" (as fully conscious energy), you will gain enhanced abilities in every way. Through your expansion of consciousness, this becomes easy, natural, so much that you don't even realize things half of the time...

Expanding Universes & Galaxies.... birthing new in every moment, dissolving old timelines (collapsing big ones sometimes), all intentionally and fully aligned. Your new enhanced abilities, combined with others who maintain their Ascended and Master state too, is a powerful force to be reckoned with.... and NEW Earth is each one of you together again, doing this.... How beautiful is that? ♥

We've entered a huge initiation gateway that will take us through August now... to resolve any old constructs (realities) holding you/each to old timelines that are ready to dissolve/come down now. Through the end of 2017 and into 2018 (linear time), the further formation of our NEW EARTH Civilizations will come forefront more and more and more... as this replaces the old everything and it takes us all. Stepping into our roles as Whole Souls and Galactics incarnated on this physical earthly plane to be the NEW... BY UNITING, coming together and stopping the separation game. Yes it is a game, especially if you are still playing in it, judging and holding back/out for something "out there" to save you/do anything for you.... the old programming of "putting this off on others", even etherically....

I love you and am excited for what is to come for us all. We've worked hard for this over the years/eons... and for each, yes "it is here". This will be different for each, dependent on the current phase. It doesn't really matter what that is, when it supports UNITY - LOVE - THE WHOLE - THE BIGGER PICTURE... then it's for us all... Remember this. ♥

p.s. You are going to continually see an increase in ego structures dismantle, which can go into desperation, heavy narcissism, pointing the finger and judgment, assumptions. Take great care if this triggers/activates yours. Human aspects are not privy to the information that the higher realms/NEW Earth operates under yet and there will be much confusion (even greater than before) about CORE BELIEFS as each works to transition to a whole new way of "thinking" that might look "one way", yet it's something completely different..... This is uber important as we move into these next phases of cleansing/purification/unified existence now. 

We move further into the ENERGY OF LOVE, money, security, sex, relationships, self, things and the meaning of all of this.... Soul aligned and human aligned are very different and we move into increased karmic clearing of unconscious programs with the Earth, our bodies, our realities, each other, Galactically... all. Uprooting deeply embedded structural programs and completely re-defining all. 

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you.

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