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Vibrationally Intentionally Shifting In/Out of Karmic Timelines


These continually shifting high frequencies will "teach" your human aspect how to maneuver in all new ways. Your ability to do things the way you used to will immensely change. As you become ENERGY, then every shift will affect you more. You will have to learn to acclimate, honor and integrate like never before.

Your human aspect will "learn" the importance of your body, your energy, your everything.... the purposes of why you have what you have and why things seem/need to "go" (timeline shifts). These mega-high frequency timelines will "teach" your human honor, love, respect for YOU and in doing so, you will come to honor, love and respect EACH OTHER in all new ways too. 

Your inner connection is what matters, how you treat each other, how you support and respect each other AND how you allow each other to take different paths (parallels/alternate realities/different vibrational timelines) for as long is necessary for whatever each is to experience now. 

Where you once held back, came from lack and judged everyone and everything, existing from lack/need, this will change as you will be in the position to finally "get it". Understanding is through experiences when we are not ready to observe/listen/honor the seemingly "invisible/etheric realms" of our own higher consciousness or what our physical reality keeps trying to show/tell us that we don't want to see yet. 

Judgment keeps you separate and in a place of non-acceptance of perceived differences. Judgment is ignorance, for it is a limited view, without all of the parts of the equation visible yet. Judgment is an excuse not to open our hearts and come together as love. Judgment is the last thing each will face in great magnitude for physical body ascension to occur. "After" judgment is a program that is visible the moment it presents. Then it's just releasing that judgment as an old belief that's no longer true and a part of the old dis-illusioned matrix system that is/was embedded deep within the physical body in cellular programming that's re-programmed when you choose a different belief... one of UNITY, PEACE, LOVE AND KINDNESS instead of one of a 3rd/4th Dimensional Consciousness, which is within the POWER of each. 

Human aspects judge everything, holding limits, lack and non-belief. These limits and conditions/conditioning create each's lack of abundant realities that are experienced until these limits are completely and finally released. Judgment holds each in an unconscious dimension/timeline to continue to endure until all of that energy is gone...... and each's heart can finally open fully to the PURITY OF LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS again.

I say again, because, PEACE, PURITY, LOVE, UNITY and the highest dimensional frequencies are your NATURAL STATE. The separation each experiences is not. This is why it does not FEEL good. This is energy/programming held within that's not been resolved and creates illusory realities based on fear, speculation, blame, shame, guilt, anger, hate, need, expectation, assumptions, persecution and no-inner power to do whatever it takes to shift out of that unconscious timeline loop cycle yet. 

The ENERGY that each holds dictates the physical/emotional/mental reality experienced. Any Ego what-so-ever will create a Karmic Reality for each to experience to clear those Karmic Timelines from all ancient lineages and existences here. 

Only through full consciousness IN-EVERY-MOMENT can one be aware and resolve/break/dissolve/re-program/shift from a KARMIC TIMELINE to a "clear" one. ♥

It's not enough "just to be aware". It's what you DO with this awareness that matters. Shifting is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY and the only way to change timelines and your consciousness is how you do this.... Unconsciousness does not have this capABILITY. Only love can. There is no lack in love. That was human creation/separation/programming too.

All of this is called "Remembering" and what you forgot when you chose to incarnate/walk-in here. ∞

Lisa Transcendence Brown, B.Msc., is a Globally recognized Ascended Master and Multi-Dimensional Wayshower, Author and Transformational Speaker here to assist with Global Consciousness, Awakening to Remembering, Physical Ascension and the Embodiment of Pure Divine Powerful Essence Light.

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