Trying vs. Allowing – THE Way to go with the Flow
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- Written by AndEl

My oh my… these times lately are really something. It is hard to even express in words what happens because things move so fast and shift so quickly. The concept of linear time dissolves more and more and we are moving into a living from moment to moment. We realize that the answers cannot be found outside, but only within and that we have to own our process, instead of making ourselves dependent of other people. And – it becomes clear that we are NOT transcending the physical body when ascending. NO, we are shifting old patterns and are transforming our physical body to fully embody what wants to be expressed and created through us. We are now finding our way into true alignment of soul, mind and body to live in accordance with the rhythm of the universal energies. When we are in full alignment and embodiment, then we are completely going with the flow.
So what does that mean? The best way to understand what shift we are going through, no matter on what level or in which situation is to understand the difference between trying and allowing. In our old paradigm, based on lack, mistrust and fear, we have been taught that we need to try harder, we need to fight for things, we need to put effort into reaching goals, we need to control and manipulate people, situations and processes to reach a certain outcome. We are conditional. WE ARE TRYING. The new paradigm on the other hand is based on abundance, trust and love. Here, things happen for us magically and effortlessly and we are always provided with what we need and desire from our hearts. Here, we have that deep inner knowing, that everything happens for a purpose and for the highest good of everyone involved. We are open and receiving, we are taking action when it feels right without expecting a specific result. We are unconditional. WE ARE ALLOWING.
Sounds wonderful? Yes! But how to get there?
The old New Age and the New
Let’s dive a bit deeper into that, looking at the “old new age” teachings and the new intuitive knowing through embodiment and alignment. Often, we are not even aware of the fact, that yet being on the spiritual journey, we are still searching restlessly for answers and making ourselves dependent from the wisdom of other people, gurus and teachers. We are signing up for one webinar, retreat, class after another to gain more insights and learn more methods. We book readings to learn more about a certain situation, we are going into past life regression sessions to understand better where our pain and fears come from. We are putting effort into it because our mind wants to understand what is going on with us. We are focused and closed down. And more than that: It wants to find that person or situation to blame for, the root cause of our experience. We are trying harder, we are reading more about stuff and might even become obsessed or addicted to certain methods, rituals, and teachings. Sometimes we feel superior, thinking we know it all and need to convince others, sometimes we feel inferior, as if we never know enough. And… this will continue as long as we let our ego-mind (even though it has now transformed into a spiritual ego) stay in the lead. The ego mistrusts that process, it wants answers. It is trying to find THE solution, THE healing method. It thinks there is something we need to reach, to finally find peace. And with it, it still causes that feeling of lack, of not being whole. And with it and all the searching and distractions, leads us away from where we truly find wholeness. From our heart, from our intuition, from the NOW-moment.
“All the searching and distractions lead us away from where we truly find wholeness From our heart, from our intuition, from the NOW-moment.”
Alignment and Embodiment is Key
Yes, astrology, numerology, channelings from archangels and extraterrestrials etc can give us some peace of mind for a while. But that is not what we are striving for. We are striving for a state of no-mind: A healthy state of non-interpretation of things. We are striving for a state of full embodiment. Where we feel the truth from the inside. No need for confirmation from the outside. That is the ultimate transformation of the ego-mind into a free spirit. A mind that is fully connected to the one-mind / unity consciousness. Our truth and essence comes always from within. As long as we need outside guidance, we are still in a state of attachment, which is fear. It is tough to recognize and admit that one to oneself. Once we do and work through it, we reach true freedom. We reach ultimate trust. We reach ultimate authenticity. We reach self-love. We reach Source. The closer we come to self-love, the closer we come to God/Source. Because God is not an outside force. No – God works through us. We are and expression of God in physical form. Ultimate self-love means truly embracing ourselves as perfect in all ways. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Once we have fully embodied self-love on all levels, we are free. We create a completely new reality based on the new vibration we are now operating on. The vibration of unconditional love. True unconditional love is only possible in the absence of fear and all attachments that come with it: Expectations, the need to control a certain outcome, judgment, blame, duality.
“We are striving for a state of no-mind: A healhy state of non-interpretation of things. A state of full embodiment. Where we feel the truth from the inside.”
And all of this can only be reached by allowing. By finding complete detachment. We need to lose and let go of everything that is not authentic about us, which often includes our roots, people, nutrition, work, a certain lifestyle, health etc. The more we resist, the tougher it gets and we are manifesting and creating situations that force us to break. That force us to stop trying and start allowing. Allowing is the ultimate surrender to the universal flow. The moment we realize that this flow wants to work and be expressed through us, and everything that blocks us from there is shown to us. Our own doubts, fears and mistrust are simply reflected back to us. The more we go into alignment with this flow and embody it, the quicker our experience and our reality can shift. And that means to face the fears, face the pain and go right into it. Feeling it for a last time, consciously, with gratitude and compassion, to transmute it. Allowing means also to allow that energy we are experiencing in a moment to be there – without attachment. The ego-mind always wants to add a story or interpretation to it to make sense of it rationally. The more we learn to not listen to the stories and see it for what it truly is, the easier shifting energies will become. It is just energy that wants to be transformed. No storytelling, no answer to the “Why” necessary. Because once you’ve shifted, you don’t even understand anymore why you were so caught up in it so much in the first place. It will not matter to you anymore. You have changed the pattern, so the past becomes irrelevant. So does the future. All that is, is NOW.
“Allowing and surrender does not mean to be in a state of waiting and being passive. It means to feel what the energetic impulse tells you to do. It is about learning the universal language of energy.”
Allowing and surrender does not mean to be in a state of waiting and being passive. That would just be another expression of fear and mistrust. Another form of trying: Trying to just sit this one out. No… allowing means to feel what the energetic impulse tells you to do. It is about learning the universal language of energy. And that can only be felt, not spoken. We learn to feel, when it is time to be active, and when it is time to be passive. When it is time to give, when it is time to receive. We learn to fully balance the masculine and feminine energies within. Allowing also does not mean to have to do it alone. It just means to not give our power away to others. Asking for support is part of the Oneness we are learning now. And yet, this is a different form, as we find balance between independence and dependence: The healthy way of being interdependent.
Feeling the Flow needs a physical Body
Going with the flow and experiencing what IS, is only possible while having a physical existence. If we were just to float around as an energetic blob, we would not be able to touch, see, sense, hear, taste, smell anything. It is a wide-spread misconception that we will transcend our body when ascending. No, because that would take away the sensations and experience. All we do during our awakening process is detox. Detox from all attachments to be then able to just enjoy as long as it is there, without having a need out of lack. We do not transcend our body when ascending. We transcend duality.
So no matter what the experience or issue or situation you are going through. Always reflect: Am I choosing fear or love. Am I mistrusting or trusting. Am I seeing lack or abundance. Am I conditional or unconditional. AM I TRYING OR AM I ALLOWING.
Vera Ingeborg
The texts I share are always based on my intuition and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage everyone to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of light and love, Vera Ingeborg
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