Transcending History
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- Written by AndEl

Humanity is awakening from its slumber with the desire for change, the passion for transformation and the fire of alchemy. We’ve all been releasing the past and collapsing timelines like crazy over this past year. It feels like the ballon of all that humanity has been holding onto from the past is simply being deflated because the current energies will no longer support it.
For thousands of years, we have allowed those outside of us to dictate what is truth. The truth and mis-truths are now beginning to surface. For eons of time, “His-story” has been written in our textbooks and declared as truth. Whereas “Her-story” has been hidden and disregarded. She’s been walking behind the veils, hidden in mystery. But today’s world calls for a re-balancing that requires the revelations of truth with the unification and full participation of both the masculine and the feminine.
Humanity has come to the point in which we are asking: What is the Truth?
I venture to say, the truth doesn’t reside in the “story”, his-tory, her-story, or the media’s story for they are only stories. I dare say we’ve all had experiences where our families or friends gather, many stories are shared and years later the same event will have sprung into many different versions of the same “story”, depending on the storyteller. None are right nor wrong. They are simply different perceptions based on how each of us are experiencing life, just as we are all different aspects of the same Infinite Source. Therefore the stories will differ according to the storyteller.
The ancient ones told wonderful stories. We are all entertained and drawn in by a good story. So they often spoke in parables. What better way to hold our attention long enough to open our hearts to allow more Love to flow into our being.
These stories, these parables, are not sacred Truth to be interpreted as the law of the land with concrete rules of judgment and persecution. Those are the laws of man. These poignant stories were meant to introduce us to the laws of the Universe. These parables, when heard with an open heart, can stimulate the human mind to expand our consciousness to see and hear with the Divine Mind of which we are all a part. When we let go of the “story”, with an open heart and mind, the essence of the Infinite Source has a place to enter our awareness and our consciousness expands.
It is important that we know the truth. But since we are in constant growth and expansion, the truth is also in constant expansion. Do not judge or regret what has been obscured, for nothing is ever lost. By opening to that which is now being revealed and transcending the old with love and compassion, we can allow it to simply dissolve of its own accord. We need not place blame upon those who have written or decreed otherwise. Nor do we do not need to initiate new wars to bring it to justice. That is simply a waste of our precious time and energy. Instead, why not release that which no longer serves and create anew.
All the Wisdom and Truth we will ever need lies within us. Seek and ye shall find. Be still and awaken to the truth. As such, we each stand in the sovereign truth of our own Divinity.
Have the courage to be all that you are and to always live a life inspired by Love.
No one of us is more or less important than another. Together, we can walk with the purity of heart as exemplars and allow others to recognize that within them self.
This can all be done with ease and grace, free of the drama of duality’s highs and lows when we’re flowing in harmony with Source and surrendered to our heart’s desires. I’m feeling huge gratitude for all the revelations of truth. And I’m reveling in the freedom of transcending our antiquated history.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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