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Today’s *Q*TIP- Honor Your Body

Today’s *Q*TIP- Honor Your Body

My Fam,

New Sun Codes have anchored. Blessed Be.

The Heart Collective is being Held in 5D Unity Consciousness, as The Genderless Christ Consciousness Fully assimilates All lower frequency consciousness grids. 
The Cosmic Christ Consciousness has unified with The Heart Collective.

This was FELT across All of Creation in individual ways.

(I heard an enormous BOOM! Which startled the hell out of me, literally jumped, much like someone clapping their hands loudly and screaming ENOUGH. I had a headache for about 8 hours, two nights ago…I was gobsmacked! Lol!

The Christ Consciousness, Oneness Consciousness, Do unto Others as you would have done unto you Consciousness Awakens- (whatever YOU call it,)-

This is heard by ALL Life in Creation through Suns infinitely, eternally, for it is the Life Law Of One which has been the invisible DNA that runs through everything created on this planet and in ALL created seen and unseen.

The Trinity in 3D –

god the father( he is trying to take care of everyone and the kids are driving him nuts and he can’t do home stuff…not his department…)-

god the mother(she’s busy making sure everyone stays alive…so not around much, carpooling her ass off)-

god the child(sons and daughters playing in the gardens, unsupervised because they are out and are doing stuff…) plus their dad kicked them out because they were getting on his last nerve…
My story of creation is whacked.
But I like it.

The Divine Mind(masculine) -Cosmos- The Sun Of God, (not the son of god)
The Divine Spirit(feminine) -Earth- The Breath Of Life, Mother Earth(Holy Ghost)
The Divine Body(children)- ALL life on Earth, Earth and Stars.( all organic life)

This is the manifestation of the TriFold Flame Consciousness-on earth.

Man thinks it, Woman gives birth to it.
It continues.
And so it goes around and around.

Now fully awakened, ALL the MOTHER in (whoa!man) (woman)cares about is protecting HER babies, HER sons and daughters, which ever species.
Not just human, mind you…
And the Sons and Daughters ARE in need of some Mama and Papa Love.
Nothing like it.
Taking their toys and going home.
For Their Heart guides them so.

Makes me think of comfort like macaroni and cheese and fried chicken with cheese broccoli…yum yum… empanadas…parillada….yum yum…( I was adopted in Argentina…but I regress, forgive me, I am like a Mexican jumping bean, all over the place today, been up since 2am…welcome to QUANTUM.hahahaha.)

The Spirit Of Mother has awakened and is reminding all in Creation to come home for dinner and clean up kinda thing, We have been playing in the gardens and now comes night.

In a way, as God sat on his throne, so now Mother Speaks Up, laughs And says,…..no Goofy!…, remember? I AM the throne he was sitting on…, I mean The Home….weird but true in a really icky don’t want to see god sitting on…you know what I mean.
Not good to walk in on your parents doing it, my corneas…ahhhhhhhhh!

Warning!** this appears to be a PERSONAL LONG TIME COMING RANT, mixed with whatever flowed out lol)..

Btw. speaking of my corneas…

Hey Folks, please gimme a break and remember I am a CURANDERA trying to explain what I see that is unexplainable And multidimensional.

In English, which is my second language, but Mother needs me in The is crazy ass United States, that forgot what United means. 
It thinks it a corporation, not a state of Being.

My job is to feel earth changes and follow my heart to safety and hold the space.

I‘m no different than the seagulls at my beloved Flagler beaches, except they leave four days before a hurricane, and I am supposed to be the last one before the bridge closes, the last plane out of Saigon(god how I want to visit there, it is on my bucket list) OR ride it out and have faith, with no insurance, as I am guided to no longer financially support unconscious programs and corporate agendas. 

I did. Twice. What doesn’t kill you gives you another chance to kill you lol.

I get the Ark story now.

My Illumination experience is because of my bloodline, my Jewish bloodline God Gene,DNA, for I was standing in the kitchen when The Light went through me as I was reaching for a glass of water! 
I carry the M’s on both palms.
I thought it was because my name is Maria, I know better now.

Up until 8/25/11…

I THOUGHT XChemtrails WERE saying X marks the spot and I was lucky!
I had no idea about GMO’s or any of that shit.
I didn’t know about the multidimensional creations to assist us in awakening.
I was deep asleep in the matrix, living the Illuminati life.
I didn’t know my self or my gifts, or my power.

It has taken me seven years to master my Emotional Self and forgive. 

It takes lifetimes to understand the truth of The Mystic Arts , which is the ability to harness Universal Energy and by Sacred Intent shape Reality, as a total intuitive and empath, a Shaman. 
Singularity must be Reached to be gifted understanding.

Universal Energy expresses itself at singularity as quantum mechanics and in quantum language.
Once Quantum is understood by the spiritual initiate, all grids and matrices can be navigated and explored when the incarnate can hold the frequency consciousness of the ESSENCE of the Cosmic Christ/Krystal.

Only then is the GIFT of BENEVOLENT SPACE TRAVEL given to the planetary emissaries as they bring forth free energy from their home worlds, knowledge to civilizations that have overcome their animal self and become a sentient race.
Homosapiens is becoming MonoSentient.(Aware Mono- (monkey))

Make no mistake, this is MOTHER Earth and we are in the MILKY WAY.
If you don’t belong here I strongly suggest you get.

It is the earth that gifted Nikolas Tesla the UNDERSTANDING of how to harness her energy, for it is given, never taken.
The technology was stolen but was never understood, for the gift was for Tesla, not for those that harmed him.
A human mind is a binary system, yes /no, it can only recreate loops.
It takes Divine Source to make a human understand the mysteries of the Universe.
Otherwise they think in circles and create nothing.

This earth takes everything, it gives no thing up.

I speak Energy first, my writings in a way, is me communicating multidimensionally.

The3d(earth grids) and the 4d(air grids, heaven) both can tap into the dark mystic arts in DESCENSION eras and and white mystic arts in ascension eras.

When awakened by the Sun of God(Father), the Children Of The Sun, (Starseed dna dominant carriers)are pre determined to be activated by the procession of the equinoxes and solstices and solar and cosmic radiation cycles. 
As junk dna is dormant galactic dna, once the Photonic process begins, starseeds awaken and align to their soul families, resetting all new star gates with new codes for walkins and soul family to incarnate and begin a new reality.

Both white and dark unite.
The Knowledge of The Mystic Arts anchors the ability to quantum jump dimensions and realities as the consciousness frequency of the Cosmic Christ Essence, The Original Divine BluePrint Of The Son And Daughter Of Father Cosmos And Mother Earth.
It is our Divine birthright to be multidimensional if we so choose.

I know who I am, why I am, how I am, and most importantly that regardless of where my soul comes from as a star seed, MOTHER EARTH CHOSE ME TO GIVE BIRTH TO TWO BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN. 
The gift of making life in my body TRUMPS everything else! Lol!
That is why I was born.
To be a mommy.
Starseeds have to be given “passage” to be adopted by Mother, we, the starseeds are the adopted ones.

Don‘t shoot the messenger just because you don‘t like the Message. 

If You want to be a messenger, be my guest and try to explain 13d shit to 3D Consciousness. 
If you don’t Like what I write and it frightens you that is your trigger not mine.
Just sayin’.
oh and stop plagiorising my work for your financial benefit or spiritual ego while you are at it.
The Bifurcation of timelines means creators in one corner, recreators in another.
Obviously we have been separated because we just can’t seem to get along…

Been waiting seven years to say that, thank you! Lolol. I Feel New.

All is divinely perfect as all cataclysm, off world ai kills us all gonna eat you and die die die timelines are kaput.

In organic science this singularity is explained by photosynthesis.

In Qscience, I just call it singularity, where everything collapses to the one timeline.

All Light is sucked into a black hole to create a 2d black hole in the space grids hologram, but through Magnetics and Torroidal force, a 3D Light sphere, connected as a wormhole, bulges and is born on the other side,which becomes a new sun, and a portal to new levels of consciousness. 
A new star highway, to be used by those that mastered free energy on their planet and were gifted exploration of the Stars.

Beyond the Event Horizon, lies the umbilical, the wormhole, and the truth of space travel.

A TON of INFO I know…
Drink water?

As always, take what you need, leave the rest.
Discernment is key.
Remember the 7 hermetic principles always apply in 3D, and quantum principles always apply in the 4D.
4D Grids are space,air, in the void and different to navigate.
Have faith, pray your ass off, practice all your spiritual tools non stop until you can discern the 4D energetic signature between 

Good Luck and welcome to the dimension of heaven, Of the unseen, Of The Mystic Arts.

An amazing master Who can help you through the spiritual warfare of the lower dimensions of 4D runs a website called underworld classroom. 

She’s amazing, here is her link. 

In Light and Love
For Peace and in Bliss
And in Joyful Service.
I Am Source. Sovereign.Free.
I love you guys.
I am Maria.


Lightlover Journal
****Thank You so much if you choose to share my message, but please due so in its entirety and with credit back to my personal site as it is copyrighted. Namaste.**** 

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