Today I Mourn
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- Written by Lisa Transcendence Brown

...but not really, as it's just a clearing process as we prepare for a massive shift.....
Today I mourn, yet not in the ways most would "think". I "mourn" for all still holding onto the "old" linear ways, the old programming, the old structures of realities that are about to accelerate a "collapse" mode like never before.... for those still trying to "measure" reality according to the old parameters, conditioning and fixed limitations that created the whole world of separation to start with.....
I observe those who don't yet fully understand and keep the old games going from this lack of understanding (and energy of separation/fears still held within).
I observe those using the words "Consciousness", yet still playing out dualistic realities, finger pointing, creating drama, persecuting (distortion of Christed Consciousness), not fully comprehending what LOVE/PURITY CONSCIOUSNESS is.... because they are still in their heads about everything... because they are letting judgment, fears and unconscious programming rule their own inner-reality still.
I mourn for those who are still trying to hold the standards of what's okay to the old structures and systems and not living from their own deep sacred connection and HUmanity inside yet....
I mourn for those who create "suffering" by holding on, resistance and separation still... While understanding this is my own clearing process from my own template and grids of my own body, cellular programs I still held where I identify with anyone being a victim to anything here (ego programming).... Because I do understand how all of this works and how the human ego does not like change, how it resists and refuses to surrender and how those constructs have to go, as they held the old in place.... and that as each is truly ready to live their own HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS LIFE, they will no longer hold those programs/conditions/constructs "as reality" anymore ....
Today is a "transition day" as we now move into a massive phase that focuses on "ripping down, dismantling, deconstructing the old realities" built on fear, held together by fear and allowed to occur because of each still functioning from separation within....
One of the things we come to understand as we all gain access to entire matrixes, akashes and how all is.... is how all occurs in order to SHIFT EVERYTHING out of fear and into UNITY LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS REALITIES here. The human ego is the separation and it's what keeps the old going until one of a few things happens.... either complete collapse of that reality, which collapses the ego's hold, or conscious dissolution, where each CHOOSES to break those realities, programs and constructs down from within and reconstruct, recreate REALity with all "new" codes (rules, if you will). These "new" parameters are based upon what is HUMANE, based upon LOVE and UNITY, not the old human ways..... The linear human looks at the rules and determines realities to this, believes the programs, conditioning and old belief systems, INSTEAD of LOOKING DEEP WITHIN to find what's highest aligned, to SEE what's ALIGNED ON A SOUL LEVEL instead.....
Today I mourn what is to come, yet I totally understand it all. For that which I mourn is 3D/4D mindsets that do not yet understand and actually perpetuate/create the "suffering" that is about to occur for so many.... because this is a part of "ego death" and transition out of the old and into the new.... where LOVE is the foundation and basis of all.... where the old no longer applies, in any way, capacity or form.
Today, I do not mourn, as this is a part of LIBERATION that occurs as each breaks through/out/away.... my heart opens further to HOLD JOY and EXCITEMENT for what comes next. I "see" what's possible, what's already occurred and a UNIFIED EXISTENCE where HUMANITARIANS dictate, where kindness, compassion and deep sacred respect OVER-RIDE THOSE BS PROGRAMS THAT SO MANY STILL HOLD ONTO.... because their fear/judgment is currently greater than their inner-connection, because their energy gets caught up in distraction, chaos and blame/duality still..... which creates the separation within each... which is the POINT of how all occurs to break/dissolve/resolve that ENERGY each still holds within............
Today I no longer mourn (believe me, it's fleeting and only occurs right before a massive shift), because mourning is a human ego program too.... where I'm not seeing the why's and hows, yet I am.... I'm just honoring the ENERGY of SEPARATION as it leaves my own body vessel right now.... the energetic tears, energetic hurt, energetic sorrow.... these are not reality, these are cellular cleansings that held my own body to that, which is a part of a collective clearing/cleansing occurring right now. Right now, I celebrate the freedom possible for each truly ready to transcend.... all of that programming, all of those "measuring" programs of linear/fixed constructs that are not a part of 5D+/NEW Earth Realities here...... (12D is the epitome of no more linear in any way). I observe the 3rd/4th Dimension (Levels of Consciousness/Density), and the 5th (and way above) and I see the much bigger picture, what we all agreed to, what we are all here to fulfill, how all occurs/plays out and I honor this for us all....
A massive overnight process of powerful photonic light and clearing of immense timelines, awakening to seeing tons of old in "virtual land" to show me what still exists for so many, while observing "what's coming" and how all goes down...... The whole few hours that I've been awake, because I chose to "stay under" and work through the photonic energies to clear, clear, clear, observing the massiveness of all...... to awaken to humans still holding on so tightly to the old... it's challenging on an emotional level to "know/see" so much sometimes, yet none of us came here to use the old as the "parameters" for NEW EARTH..... So I do get it, I do see, I do understand and in this moment, I do honor my need to mourn all that's about to occur, so that others can get it to and awaken to remember fully here.
In this moment, I honor the heaviness in my heart, which is a rarity, because we don't "feel" this stuff like human aspects do, once it's cleared our physical Lightbodies, yet today's is quite huge. Because of the DEPTHS that we now function from, the DEPTHS OF LOVE that we hold, the DEPTHS and VASTNESS... all that old stuff's gotta go. WE can't move on if we still hold it inside, so as we prepare to do a massive shift (Quantum Jumps a gazillion fold huger than ever before), I honor the release of this ENERGY .... that's just old programming that was anchored/housed in my own physical body still. (p.s. the moment I honored, the moment all started to clear, so I decided to write to assist others with this too).
I embrace FULLY.... all that's available to us all, all of the magnificence that makes up 99.9% of reality, with that 1% that presents every time we are about to shift. March is a biggie... so nothing of the old gets to come along.... so look at your own realities inside, your own old programs, the constructs and foundation of your own reality and see where you still maintain anything not fully and highest aligned within you............... as this MARCH EQUINOX PASSAGEWAY has begun.
p.s. I only wrote this to assist others who might want to mourn old stuff too and clear that programming in preparation for the frequencies bombardment to bring all into COMPLETE DIVINE HARMONICS within all.... The level of harmony/harmonizing since December that's available is just "no words can explain"... and so anything "not in harmony" within us "must go".
PURE DIVINE COSMIC HARMONY is our NEW EARTH WAY.... anything "not this" becomes visible, can be FELT and observed and tuned easily, if we are the one's conscious and choosing this ourselves.... The question is: Who wouldn't? The answer says it all....
I love you. Clearing process complete. A few hours of harmonizing, writing to share and now to shift, as the grids have been charging for hours..... preparing.... high frequencies sing in unison ♫..... as the old is already gone/clear, as if it never happened...that's how quick/simple all is. ♥
NOW IT'S TIME TO CELEBRATE and honor/respect each's own process here.... and open those GATEWAYS Wide Open... holding them open as all are ready to come through too. GATEWAYS ARE OPEN... with grids charging for all to come online at a much higher frequency than before.
March, the whole month is a massive passageway. I will write more about the passageway and how the Gateways will open after the Equinox too..... Hold your highest everything. It's important for us all as LOVE here. ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Current Energy Update: Here we go. Everything's opening up!
♥ Lisa ♥
I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you.
Source: here
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