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Timeline Shifts

Timeline Shifts

We continue to expand into higher frequencies, filling with light as these increasingly powerful energies flow in.

We can feel ourselves changing in these exalted vibrations. On an almost daily basis now, we’re discovering we have become an even newer version of ourselves. And we’re to the point where we can feel those shifts now. Sometimes it’s the tiniest click that signals you aren’t who you were a minute ago. You’ve moved into more magnificence, more power and more leadership. We are definitely being asked to use our leadership skills now.

Leadership means showing the way. It’s showing how to remain calm as the chaos swirls around us. We’re contributing our ideas and our new perspectives. We’re offering our guidance as people ask us questions. This past week, we’ve had all this happen and more. We’re standing up for ourselves, making new boundaries as required, and forging a path for all those who choose to take it. We’re seeing many more opening to this as the energies grow more intense.

I encountered someone I know when I was on a ride this week. She said she was just going to text me to see if I would walk a ways with her. She has begun to have ascension symptoms. Her family said, call your doctor. “You can call your doctor,” I told her, “but just to give you some peace of mind, many people are feeling this way now. I’ve felt that way in the past.” She was reassured and said she’s known there’s more than just the physical world since she was a child. Her stepfather told her, your mother and I will never understand you.

I said, “There’s usually one child like that in every family, who marches to the beat of their own drum, who sees life in a grander way, beyond what is available thru just our five senses.” She said, “That’s me.”

You’ll be having your own conversations. We’ve been thru this process, we’re still going thru it, and we have much to share.

Also this week, I was riding my bike and a small bird flew right in front of me, hovering in the air. I had to stop to avoid running into it. The minute I stopped, with this bird just inches from my face, it flew into a shore pine next to the road, hopped out onto a branch near me, and chirped away. It was obviously getting my attention and telling me something, but I wasn’t sure what. When I got home I went thru pictures of local birds and finally found it was a female barn swallow. And then I realized those were the birds that raised their babies in the nest on my porch. I watched them swooping around for days after they fledged, catching bugs in the air and mastering the fine art of flying. And then I realized, this was one of that brood. She recognized me.

Over the years, I have seen elk and deer recognize me when I’m out on a walk, and follow me back to my house for an apple. I’ve seen the crows recognize me too, as they also love a healthy treat on a cold day. This was the first time a small bird showed recognition, away from my house. I know earlier this summer, the mother of those babies saw me on a walk near the house and flew over to a sign and landed and cheeped. We will see more of this, as animals can see our light and our new resonance.

One more thing that happened this week: a noticeable timeline shift. We’ve heard about the Mandela effect, and the popular explanation is that people “misremember” things. But we know that our memories are just fine. Two weeks ago I looked up something on a list I have. This week, one of the items on that printed-out list is gone, altho the list appears to have nothing missing because the space was closed. I know, however, that the missing piece was on the list just days earlier. So I saw something change with my own eyes. It’s a weird feeling when this happens, but we know we are shifting rapidly, and this is how many things will change. They will simply be different in a higher frequency as we move from one timeline to another.

You might notice how quiet everything is lately. I’ve heard several people comment on this in the last few days. It does seem quiet, and yet the pace is accelerating as we move further and further into all this newness, and as we become more adept and powerful at creating the world around us.


Hi, I’m Terry Andrews. Welcome to my blog, where I share experiences about this very big process of transformation we are going thru as we create a new world for ourselves. It’s a process that can create a lot of change for us as we find out more about who we really are. And during this process, we’re often looking for insight and answers. Maybe you are too. I began sharing my experiences because I think we all feel better knowing others are going thru this too. Source Here

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