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Time Is Transcendental

Time Is Transcendental

The potential to START to smash ‘time’ is here NOW. We will each experience this at our ‘ready’ stage. How we realise this within, will be different for each. It isn’t about learning that time is just an experience, that everything happens in the same moment. It’s that you journey and inner experience up to reach an embodiment stage where you are given your own experiences, own Self realisations, within your own Crystaline Programming (Storyline), that reach a particular stage, where you KNOW, everything is happening at once. You begin to smash the concept and experience of ‘Time’. We, as a collective ascending en masse, are presented this potential stage NOW, a potential that is residing on the main Galactic Timeline we all are a part of (the bigger picture).

You will each have experienced your own certain experiences before awakening and during awakening. Some of those experiences seem, up until a moment, unrelated. We can and do tie some experiences together along the path. But we don’t smash the concept and experience of ‘time’ until we are ready to. So some experiences seem and stay unrelated in our minds perception. Until we are ready. At ready stage, we are given ANOTHER ENERGY, and from that, inner knowing (not channeling, it’s an embodiment stage). This NEW ENERGY GIVEN WITHIN, and data given, at certain stage ACTUALLY ties supposedly unrelated experiences together. We stay with this realisation, feel the new ENERGY, work with it WITHIN, to start to SELF realise TIME is just an illusionary experience we humans have. That in truth, it’s all happening at once.

We are not experiencing Past, Present and Future. Just the perception of it. For this Collective experience to be played. We are in truth, hopping from one experience (Light node) to another. Via our energetic frequency. When we match our internal frequency to another frequency, we ‘jump’ timelines (light nodes). Move to a difference place on the light ‘board’. I was shown how it works in 2014, but we don’t embody what we are shown or told, until we reach right stage, correct frequency. Until then, details that connect the dots elude us. For we are not ready, until we are. Then we are given more pieces to join the dots within our own particular ascension storyline. 3D learns knowledge via the brain, as we ascend, we raise frequency and thus embody inner KNOWING, inner Realisation, we embody HIGHER ENERGETIC FREQUENCY. Which changes simultaneously our perception (consciousness) and thus our experiences therein. Embodiment means we BECOME it. BE it. Are now it. Live as it. Think as it. Speak as it. Do as it. All because we have EMBODIED Higher energetic Hertz frequency to BE by. We embody, a stage at a time. We couldn’t do it all at once for it would blow our circuits, in our mind and body.

To help understand the EARLY STAGE dissolving of time, I’ll give example below. But please know, each will have their own, tailor made experience within their own storyline. It can be no other way. Your story is unique. So your puzzle pieces are unique. So YOUR early stage embodiment of ‘smashing time’ will be unique.


  1. We can be given sights of our FUTURE Self in this lifetime. The FUTURE sight of you can also be felt, how you feel as your future Self, what you are doing etc.
  2. We reach a certain stage in our ascension, where we see and feel, the PRESENT is making us into that future Self. So we have PRESENT experiences, that we see, feel, know, that PARALLEL EXACTLY the Knowing of ASPECTS of the future Self version, we were previously shown.
  3. EXPERIENCING ourselves as BECOMING that being, in this PRESENT moment, we realise, this PRESENT moment has to be a REWIND. As the FUTURE Self, we have already been shown, is already that. So this current version already HAS to be also the FUTURE version. In order to have this REWIND experience of KNOWING we are embodying it NOW. We start to join the dots of previous experiences when asleep and awake. That we are BUILDING ourselves into our future Self, bit by bit. For we see and experience that right NOW, we are embodying aspects WE KNOW we are, that FUTURE Self, shown to us previously in our ‘PAST’.
    This is the Trippy part...
  4. When we realise that we are embodying ASPECTS of our future Self, we also realise that to be GIVEN previously, the experience/sight/feelings of our future Self, the FUTURE SELF already IS. We can’t be shown aspects of our FUTURE Self, unless that future Self already exists. Therefore, those images and experiences of future Self, ARE NOT, our FUTURE Self. They are ALREADY created, for us to even SEE, be given, the experience of it.
  5. We then realise WITHIN, our FUTURE Self already exists. Is not future, for it exists.
  6. The PRESENT Self already exists, being the ever changing CONSCIOUSNESS STATE we experience by. In the NOW.
  7. The PAST Self, was experienced, in those moments ‘past’ as a PRESENT Self in THAT moment of NOW. The FUTURE Self, was show in a supposedly ‘past’ moment of NOW.
  8. Past and present are illusions of the mind in the NOW moment. All is NOW. One moment.

We are energy, experiencing at a consciousness state. That operates via energetic frequency. We experience, based on our ENERGY frequency. The game, operates and is designed by Source Creator, based on energy frequency. When we become a certain frequency, we jump to a newer version of ourselves. And that, becomes the NOW MOMENT experience. All was created in ONE INSTANT. All is already here and NOW. We are just travelling the light fantastic. Via our consciousness state. Experiencing ourselves at different junctures of the LIGHT BOARD designed by God.

This stage, it’s early stage, where we smash the concept and inner perception of time, fits EXACTLY to the information via a vision, I was given in early awakening years, relating to POINTS of LIGHT, geometrically designed; the precise definition of the Flower of Life. A series of light nodes. It also fits perfectly to the vision given in 2014 of the Labyrinth, the MAIN BOARD GAME, created by God, that is all made of LIGHT.p, that operates by frequencies of energy. If you wish to read more on Flower of Life and the Labyrinth, please search those topic titles within this wall from previous writings (2014).

The point is to not be overwhelmed by INFORMATION. But to focus on your own WITHIN, being in the NOW moment. Every NOW moment holds exactly, precisely, everything you require to focus on at that precise point of your JOURNEY. Your NOW moment is key to each ascension in frequency. So to get sided tracked with too much external data such as this, can take you away from YOUR own pathway unfolidning, that holds YOUR clues, and is tailor-made for you.

The point to writing this post. Is to only say: WE, humanity, are at the collective point of this divine game, where we BEGIN, from within our own Self, to smash TIME. It’s very early stage, and will unfold more and more and more. It’s only the beginning...we are doing this together!

Please just take what resonates and discard the rest.

I so love you, keep going,
Amanda Lorence
3 January 2020

Credit: here

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