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There’s No Price To Pay


It’s o.k. to feel good.  Now, on face value, that statement may seem self evident.  But when you consider our history as humans, and even our own personal history from this lifetime, feeling good seemed to always come at a price.  Some kind of compromise was involved.

I’m sure you are familiar with the statement, “no pain, no gain.” Or “laugh today, cry tomorrow” or “if it tastes that good it must be bad for you.”. How about ” sinfully good” or “guilty pleasures?”. We often ratchet back feeling too good, especially if there is someone close to us that doesn’t, or even in ‘consideration’ of those in the world who we perceive as suffering.. We allow ourselves just so much…just so much joy, whether it is in the form of money, health, good food, or just feeling good.  It’s o.k. to feel good.  There doesn’t even have to be a reason, really.  Haven’t you just felt good, and things didn’t necessarily need to change a bit in your life?  You are most likely experiencing that more and more.  People around you may be wondering what has gotten into you!  What cult have you joined?  How can you possible feel good when you look at what’s going on in the world?

Well mostly the rest of the world is still in suffering mode.  It has become very addictive to play victim, of family, of their job, of the economy, of the government, of illness, of their emotions.  We know what that’s like.  We are still sometimes in that knee jerk response to life.  It’s hard not to be.  But the difference is that we now know we have a choice in how we want to perceive things.

For example, while it does feel at times that we are just along for the ride relative to this ascension process, and while it seems we have little control as the human self, as our body and emotions go through a major transformation, we are realizing that we are not just these human selves, that we are also our soul and our soul initiated this process.  It wasn’t just thrust on us.

We are advanced souls and we wanted to be the first to go through this process, where we, as spirit, integrate and live intimately within the human body.  We ascend and remain here on the Planet.  Then from that place we can use our avatar abilities like never before.

But as the human we have had such a history of struggle, we tend to carry that with us into this process.  So when we have those moments of feeling good, we may tend to temper them.  When I was in the ‘work force’ I would feign sickness to take a day off.  I didn’t have vacation days, so I had to justify it to my employers.  But other times I would genuinely get sick so that I could justify not doing something my heart wasn’t into.  This is a pervasive coping mechanism in our world.

Why?  Because we can’t allow ourselves to feel good, and sometimes that involves saying no to outside demands on our time and energy.  I spent years, decades going through the motions at the Christmas holidays especially, with friends and family.  I finally extricated myself from the traditions I no longer felt connected to.  Even though there was some residual guilt.  But I told myself I’ll live with some temporary feelings of guilt, but I no longer need to get sick to get out of commitments.

This also applies to no longer needing to take on any energies or emotions on behalf of others.

What happens often when we begin to feel good, whether it is emotionally or physically, is we begin thinking we should use that energy, whether it’s to do some chores, whether it’s to take care of someone or an obligation.  It’s like when someone wins the lottery and their first impulse is to give some of their money to charity or to their friends or their family before they spend any of it on themselves.

The same can be happening emotionally, giving away the energy that we need to spend on ourselves.  And then if we choose we can share the overage with others.

And of course our mind will try to rain on our parade without us involving anyone else.  It will try to convince us that those feelings are false, and that we are just kidding ourselves.  That the sooner we get back to reality the better.

But the feelings of joy are who we really are.   Not the feelings of guilt or obligation.

We are in the process of integrating our dark and our light.  It’s not about hiding from our feelings.  But as ascending masters, we are understanding more and more it’s also about owning only the feelings we want.  We get to choose if we want to own the guilt or pain as our truth.  It’s always our choice to believe that other’s needs come first, or that we are not worthy of feeling unconditional love from our own soul.

It’s a bold human who chooses to feel joy without a price to pay.

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Maria Chambers

I am a new consciousness teacher, helping to bring in the new energies through my art, music, spoken and written word.  And by just hanging out at my local cafe, writing in my journal, and appreciating the simple things in life.  I have my good days.  I have my bad days.  I prefer the good days.  Of course, as enlightened beings, we’re supposed to say, “It’s all gooood!!!”  Well, I finally gave myself permission, through this amazing and often crushing process of enlightenment…to not always like it…to curse at it…to tell it to go to hell!!!  Being human isn’t as easy as it looks…being human and divine, well that’s even more tricky…as all of us know.  My blog explores the process we are going through, and hopefully helps to answer some questions, helps to soothe any concerns, with wisdom and some humor.

Credit: soulsoothinsounds.wordpress.com


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