The Vibe Report for February 2018
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- Written by AndEl

Many blessings to you all as we expand further into this new year. Moving forward as our intentions become clear, we are urged to take the leap, bring that idea out into the world, nurture it and send it forth. If you aren’t quite clear yet, get yourself quiet, surrender to not knowing, ask for guidance from your heart, your guides whomever your posse is and then let it go. Stillness allows the feelings to rise that spark inspiration and guide you to your unique gifts. We are creating in every moment, even when we don’t feel connected to anything or inspired by anything. Disconnection is a stillness that we can fill with love and acceptance and then, like a lock in a canal, we rise up into the flow.
The Blankness Experience
Since the 2012 shift I have been called to “do nothing”, as I was told every time I tuned in and asked for guidance, which was often because I had difficulty not DO-ing! The messages that came to me were all about stillness, silence and focusing on the simple aspects of day to day life. This blankness sometimes felt like aimlessness. However, being in the moment, tuning in to whatever I was doing mindfully became a waking meditation. Awareness and being awake in my life has become a practice. Practice is the key word because I forget or get caught up in the drama of life, and eventually remember to bring my awareness back to the present.
It has been strange at times, these last five years. I haven’t been able to post many of my writings. I have tried – I have written many vibe reports that went nowhere. One reason is that by the time I wrote and edited, I felt like I had moved so far past what I had been focusing on and the momentum faded away. Then there was the guidance to do nothing and focus on simplicity and integration of the new energies that have been filtering through since the shift, (which didn’t feel like a shift at all at the time).
Now, in this new year of 2018, I feel like we are “all systems go” once again. There was a great deal of integration and moving into new acceleration and new dimensions in the last five years. Many of us are feeling this acceleration and are coming out of our sanctuaries (or caves, or stupor) in new ways, with new focus and intentions.
At the same time, there is still an importance for focusing on the simple things of life – like making snow angels, which I am very fond of doing these days. At times, feeling delight in the deep winter, I flop down on my back in the soft snow and gaze up at the blue sky, feeling supported in the moment. Or lying amongst the pine trees watching snowflakes gently falling towards me, it almost becomes a vortex as I play with the sensation that I am moving up into the falling snow. Changing perspective and playing with perception is helpful as we drift in and out of fifth dimensional awareness.
Re-Aligning with our Divine Blueprint
Funny about that non-shift Shift that we went through five years ago. There was so much hype and expectation of something big about to happen, and when December 21, 2012 came and went, it felt like nothing happened. But actually a subtle shift did occur and we’ve been shifting dimensional frequencies and timelines ever since, while still trying to hold our place in the 3D world. A little freaky, right?
What the heck does “shifting dimensional frequencies and timelines” feel like, you may ask. How about when you think back on your day to whatever happened in the morning and it feels like something that happened last week, or how about losing our memories – not being able to remember what happened yesterday, or not being able to find the words for things, not remembering peoples names. Or memories – obscure memories popping up out of nowhere – often things we wished we hadn’t done or said – these things have been coming up for clearing so that we can lighten up our energetic field and rise to the occasion of being more 5D oriented. And a feeling of disorientation and timelessness – where am I, what was I about to do, where am I going? Or just “Where am I?”
Speaking of those memories from long ago and feelings that arise, it has recently come to my attention that these energies are held in our energetic field, not in our physical body. The arising of memories are simply part of the acceleration. We are loving ourselves awake and in this process, all that is not love, our actions from our past that came from fear, are rising to the surface. Don’t hold onto any of this, just say “Clear and Release” to yourself and envision the energies being swept away or sucked out of your energy field. And then fill yourself with love.
The 5th Dimension is Now
Most of those reading this know that we have been moving from a 3D focus through the emotional cacophony of the 4D into the 5D, which is expansive and is all about being in the timelessness of now. 5D is also about allowing our hearts to be our prime guidance system. There’s a feeling of innocence as we dwell within the timelessness. The thing is, this makes it challenging to be “on time” to appointments and events! We are going through a dimensional shift within our physical bodies on a planet that is also going through a dimensional shift in a solar system that is also… in a galaxy… in a Universe. Yes. A Universal dimensional shift. This is an amazing event to be participating in!
Physical Symptoms
During the past few years we have been experiencing an acceleration of lightbody activations, which have been in some way recalibrating our DNA – or en-lightening our DNA, and thus, every cell in our bodies. In this process, we may experience low energy and achiness. At times, my body has felt so dense and heavy that just walking out to the garden felt like I was moving in slow motion through mud. Our physical bodies are receiving high frequencies – lighter energy – (we’re soaking in it). This has been going on for many, many years and is accelerating at this time. This has been slowing us down considerably, which is necessary for integrating the dimensional shift in all of our energy bodies. In a way, it forces us to focus our awareness on the moment of now. Drink lots of water to help flush out the dense energies that are loosening within you.
We may be dealing with physical ailments, or have had “accidents” that literally shake up connections within our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Accidents and illness can manifest to assist in the removal of energetic structures that no longer serve our light body expansion. Minor or major shocks to our system help us to loosen and clear old energy. We are aligning with our original blueprint – our Divinity, aligned with Creator Source and our unique Soul vibration. Sometimes in this process, the physical recalibration can bring on aches and pains, flu or colds that knock you into stillness for a week or so. You may be sleeping more – or napping during the day and wide awake at night.
Keeping your Energy Light
You may need to be reclusive (like me!) and only go out into the world when necessary, and then find you have to pull in your energy field and surround yourself with a light shield in order to navigate what appears to be the “normal” world. Just remember, we never know where other people are at in their awareness as they, too, navigate the “normal” world. In fact, the so-called normal (3D) world is dissolving, so it’s best if we don’t make assumptions about anyone or anything. As we learn to be patient with ourselves, find stillness inside, and nurture ourselves, we can navigate the outer world with compassion and kindness, for everyone is feeling some kind of change.
There are people who are holding on to “normal” because it’s all they know. They have not yet had the experience of seeing inner visions or having their intuition awakened and the logical “normal” world is their comfort zone. You may feel bored out of your minds when spending time in the normal 3D zone. It’s a good time to practice heart/brain coherence by tuning in to compassion or appreciation in your heart and just breathing with that energy. Synchronicities may appear out of nowhere and you may be surprised by witnessing a bud of awakening in people who are or have been or “seem to be” holding on to the 3D. Remember, we are all like tuning forks, resonating together. Sometimes it can be difficult for us to maintain our highest vibration when surrounded by the 3D. That’s why doing the heart/brain coherence exercise is helpful. It is actually more effective than shielding, I have found. [For more information, visit the Heart Math Institute website:]
Of course, being with nature is nurturing and energy renewing. If you live in a densely populated area, you can still find trees to harmonize with, moving water to gaze upon and quiet places to retreat to. Honor yourself by listening to your heart’s guidance.
Along with all this, our chakra system has been changing. We are actually moving beyond the chakras as the overlay of that system dissolves within our expansion. For now, it’s my understanding that the first three chakras are merging with one another, creating an inner sun at our solar plexus. Here’s a little guidance from the Vastness of Being on the chakras:
The Ist second and third are becoming one energy center shining like the sun. Indeed this center is the Solar aspect of the body, located in the solar plexus region. The Dantien [energy center] is the power source, [located below the navel, towards the back of the central axis of the body – not a chakra – also called the Hara] so adjustments in those physical locations may be felt.
The Heart is merging with sixth and seventh chakras. Fifth chakra is being absorbed into these frequencies. The Heart is the true guidance system of the body. Energy adjustments may be felt in all these areas. [A lot of people have been feeling energy shifts in their heart region. Be mindful to seek medical advice, if necessary.]
People are at different stages with this development. There may be shock and anger and unwillingness to believe that this is happening because the story of the chakras is ancient and there will be a feeling of wanting to hold on to that teaching. That is interesting to observe within oneself. The channel Leilah went through this initial response.
I was angered when I first came across this information a few years ago about the changing chakra system and then I witnessed my anger and questioned why I was feeling such a strong response. I realized how ingrained certain information is and how threatening new information can be, so I began to look at that and witness the feeling of threat and how flimsy that threat actually is and how resistant to change we humans are! It now causes me to feel some mirth around my attachments and resistance.
Separation of Worlds
The Earth is also aligning with her original blueprint. I feel this to be true: the Earth was originally created as a Christed planet. She vibrated and sang the most beautiful and harmonious of frequencies that could be heard throughout the galaxy. All who lived upon her were radiant with the highest vibration of love and joy, bliss and ecstasy. The energy was of such a high vibration that it was actually food for all who lived here. So there was no need to eat, to consume energy, the energy flowed through all the beings, all the different species.
The Fall and the Rising
Then, a dense influence came over this part of the galaxy – I don’t have information on the parameters of this density, but I see it as a dark cloud that makes a screaming sound. It’s the sound of fear and all that goes with fear. It feels like a species of some kind that feeds off of fear, and it found human beings to be easily manipulated to provide constant nourishment.
This screaming density (in it’s energetic form) has been a destructive influence in our solar system for thousands, upon thousands of years. It has taken many forms and spun many epochs, creating wars and the destruction of the feminine – of the Earth and of Humanity. This “species” is a destroyer of life. We can also look at it as a Great Teacher for us. This empowers us, so that we don’t see ourselves as victims, but as the powerful beings that we are – when we are united.
For many years we have been witnessing the rise of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine and this rising is in an acceleration process now. The Patriarchy, which was aligned with this dark cloud of density I’ve described, is dissolving. It is not to be replaced with Matriarchy, but an integrated wholeness of Divine Feminine and Masculine. Please understand that the Patriarchy is not male – so I’m not saying that men carry this dark energy, although some do and some women do as well. The Patriarchy and Matriarchy are overarching frequencies of energy that have been out of balance, that’s all. This shifting into higher frequencies is all about love.
As we individually clear what is not our truth – guilt, shame, jealousy, unworthiness, fear – we are clearing this density from our energy bodies. When we truly love and forgive ourselves, the density dissolves. When we resonate with love, we don’t have any receptors for the density to cling to.
The earth and humanity fell from grace, through engaging with the density and now, in this separation (or bifurcation) of worlds, we have the beautiful opportunity of rising into the Christed consciousness with the planet Earth. Galactic Wayshowers, Starseeds, Forerunners and many more have come here for the purpose of directing the intention of human consciousness towards love, sovereignty and freedom.
The Christalline Grid
I “accidentally” misspelled Crystalline, but the mis-spelling is appropriate to the Christ embodiment that planet Earth and Humanity are going through at this time. As the strength of our connection to the heart of truth grows, we become more and more united within the energy stream of love that flows in etheric sacred geometrical patterns all around Mother Earth. Some call this a crystalline grid of energy. I see it as rose white light, sometimes infused with gold, surrounding the Earth in intricate geometric patterns. There are hubs on this grid that are super radiant, which are high concentrations of the pure Source energy.
The image I posted above is something I found on the Internet – it isn’t exactly what I’m seeing in my inner eye, but it gives you an idea of this flow of loving energy that is around the Earth.
The Christalline Grid is a current of consciousness and when I tune into it, I feel my essence harmonizing with millions of other people on the earth – all over the world – who are also tuning into this grid. They may not be conscious of the actual grid, but they are running the energy of love, compassion, appreciation and gratitude for themselves and one another and those energies feed into this sacred grid. Explore this Christalline Grid for yourselves. I have found it a beautiful place to connect with when I’m feeling alone or uninspired and adrift. I also connect to this grid to send love and the highest vibrational frequency I can embody all around the earth – to focus energy on “hot spots” that are being challenged and also to individual people or events for support and comfort. As we do this consciously together, we assist the Earth and Humanity in becoming aligned to our original Divine Blueprint.
With our hearts open and our intention focused on unity we can reach into this stream of energy and connect with each other any time we think of it – to renew and fortify our resolve to move consciously through the awakening process that many people call the ascension.
If it feels appropriate, we can gather together in meditation groups to focus on the grid and sending love to Humanity and the Earth. We have so much power when we are united.
Mission Possible
The drive to DO something is still within me, because I know I have a mission in coming to this planet, into this particular timeline. Many of us joined a mission to go “back” in time, to this particular timeline to help, through our loving consciousness, in amplifying love and turning Humanity towards an awakening of love and creation, instead of a path of zombie-like unworthiness, self-hatred and self destruction. The thing is, we have had to learn to love ourselves first. We immersed in the energy on this planet that carries the wounding of humanity – the energy of unworthiness, shame, guilt, self-hatred – the lies that have been passed down generation to generation since the Fall from Grace. The memories of our past mistakes, unconsciousness, actions borne from fear, are not our truth. Knowing this deeply helps us to forgive ourselves and come into love and harmony.
There has been a renewed effort in the last few years to divide and conquer us, to get us fighting amongst ourselves in anger and fear. All we can do, in our awareness, is to focus on what is eternal, to rise above the maelstrom and chaos and BE in the ever expanding field of love.
The sun is activating our energy centers, as is the sun within the earth. As we contemplate this, we can begin to experience the sun within our very own physical bodies, and the sun within our Soul Star. Can you feel how expansive this is?
Message from the Vastness of Being
Raise your conscious awareness up into the grid of light that surrounds the Earth in a sacred geometric configuration. Keep the love flowing, keep the connections alive, keep the hubs glowing.
There are many paths and many probabilities. Many of you came here to this timeline to strengthen pathways that lead to a unified consciousness for humanity. Unified consciousness in love – not a “hive mind” where all are alike, but a unification in One-ness that celebrates diversity in all ways. Feel the joy in that. Keep the light shining in your hearts and the love flowing as you reach into the grid of light that flows around the Earth – this is the grid of consciousness not just of humans on earth but of star beings of the various star families that many humans are part of, surrounding the earth with love and literally creating a new earth in a new probability. Tune in to that grid with your heart and intention, you will feel the energy of love, creativity, innocence, playfulness and determination there. This is where you create a new reality.
As the outer world experiences disharmony and chaos, rise above the energies that keep gouging at love and unity, rise above the shouting, accusing, blaming, indignant voices. Rise above the judging, criticism and unworthiness, the anger and righteous indignation. Do not engage in the frequency of fear and hatred. Unfriend, disconnect, go within to find the without!
Feel into the expansiveness of your being and rise into love. Over and over again. You will meet one another in the inner and outer world, joining together to create more love and vitality. You cannot help other people at this point. You find this path for yourself and flow into a greater conscious awareness, you add your light to the whole, and by doing this you create a greater energetic harmonic resonance that radiates to all who see. Each individual is responsible for their own hearts. Each individual is sovereign, is divine creator Source, and is free. Many dance within the frequency of limitation and they will do this until they are ready to not do this anymore. Take care of yourselves. Love yourselves free. In unity there is strength. Humanity united will be an awesome creator. Joy is the frequency that flows you into the expansiveness of love.
Ask for assistance from your guides, soul family, angelic beings. Ask for the ascended ones to assist you in rising into the highest vibration you can hold. Tune in and get to know the vastness of YOUR being. Bask in the radiance of the Vastness of All That Is.
The Aliveness of Creativity
Artists of all persuasions are going to be creating magical work that will assist with the awakening that is happening to all. As people awaken, music will “come alive” and will open up a deeper perception in people and take them on journeys that will be felt in the body and through all the energy fields. A time of great acceleration is at hand. Visual arts will open worlds and vistas and vibrate with energy that will unlock hidden knowledge and remembrance within the consciousness of Humans. Stories, poems – all of the creative expression will be endowed with power to take people to deeper places than they’ve ever gone before. This is the Goddess (creative) energy that is arising. It is hard to put into words, but the arts are coming alive – it is like there’s a tidal wave going through our consciousness (all of the Universe, actually) and I see it as a wave of light coming through the ethers.
As always, use your own discernment with information that comes to you – listen to your heart – it will always show you your truth.
Many Blessings and much love,
Nancy Leilah Ward
Copyright © 2018 by Nancy Wallace Ward and Smote Hill Press. All rights reserved for IMAGES and written material. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as it is kept intact and the author’s name and website are included.
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