The Old Story
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- Written by AndEl

Like most people I enjoy being entertained. Between Netflix and Amazon I have access to thousands of tv shows and movies. So you would think my queue would be overloaded with stuff waiting to be watched.
But, sadly, I am running dry on things that really capture my interest. Sure, there are shows and movies out there brilliantly acted with outstanding production value.
But as far as new ideas, new stories, not much there. Instead it’s the same old hackneyed stuff, just repackaged.
But then, isn’t it said that art imitates life?
Those of us taking the path of enlightenment let go of our old, hackneyed story, and it’s why our lives can feel chaotic, and at the same time boring. Things leaving our life that no longer serve our freedom feels like chaos. And no longer identifying with drama feels boring.
But we couldn’t stand how truly boring life had become as an asleep human. How many ways can you keep telling the same story over and over and over again?
In your conversations with people, do you ever stop them mid sentence and say, “Can you tell me something new? I mean really new, with you?” They may be taken aback momentarily, and then say “Well, I am taking a cooking class!” And then you keep smiling at them but to yourself, you say, “Wow….really?” They may even have done something radical for their personality. Stepped out of their routine activities. But you know what you were asking.
And it’s to be expected. People are devoted to their stories. They don’t stray too far from their comfort zones. Shaking things up and trying new things does help to move stuck energies, and I highly encourage it. But for most people, they think that’s where it ends. But they really are not terribly interested (yet) in stepping out of their scripts.
It’s why psychology has hit a dead-end, and psychologists end up prescribing medications for anxiety and depression. Most of them don’t know how to get people out of their stories. Hell, they are stuck in their own boring scripts.
And that’s because most people don’t acknowledge the existence of their soul. Of a reality beyond the five human senses. So they work very, very hard to make their limited world nicer, with new technology, and advances in science and medicine.
Most people are afraid of death, since, in their limited reality, dying means they no longer exist. So they work very, very hard to keep their body healthy and young. Even if it means eating foods that they don’t really enjoy, and pushing their body to exercise on a treadmill or some other form of punishment.
And those who are religious are afraid to die because despite all their ‘good deeds’ in their lifetime, they don’t want to take the chance of being condemned to hell. So they stay alive as long as possible trying to follow all the rules and trying to convert others. You know, safety in numbers.
Those who subscribe to Karma are afraid to die because they may come back and pay some horrible price for the ‘wrongs’ they committed in their current lifetime. Eventually they will come to know that there is no Karma, no right or wrong, everyone is attracting their own experiences and there are no victims.
But a new energy has been introduced on the planet, compliments of those of us who came here to do just that.
And that new energy is composed of the Christos consciousness….and it’s beginning to wreak havoc upon this world. Light has a way of doing that. Look what it’s doing to us, to our minds, our bodies, our lives. Why would we think it would spare the rest of humanity?
It’s why so much is being exposed right now. It’s shining brightly upon all the dark places that have been buried for a very long time. Things are coming up to the surface. We can see this clearly in our world news.
But from the average person’s perspective, this is bad news. It means the world is falling apart, that it’s time to point fingers and blame others, whether it’s a political leader, the government, or a wrathful god.
And that’s the key element that is perpetuating the old story. Blame. Directing responsibility outward.
And the other key element is trying to fix things from the outside in, once again by blaming others, and then by enacting more laws, more controls, wage more wars, put up more walls. Or on a more personal level, waging war with friends, family, bosses, employees, children, parents…and the list goes on.
But eventually mankind will grow weary of all that, and want a new way. Some are awakening to that new way, but most of the planet have quite a way to go yet.
And we are not here for the majority of humans who want to play in duality for a long while yet. We are here for the smaller minority of humans who want true change. Those who have the courage to step out of their stories.
We are not here to try to perfect our human self, but rather be an example of a human who has accepted themselves and their humanness, and also represent the Christ Consciousness. One who is ok with being scared, doubtful, impatient, angry, sad, a little ill or even a lot ill. Because they know that they are going through a major transformation and things will come up.
They also know that they are the Master now. They are not waiting for some future time when they ‘get their act together.’ Because what they have discovered is they don’t have to get it together at all. They just need to acknowledge that the are also the Master, that they are also god.
Art by Maria Chambers
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