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The Mind’s Role in our New Reality

The Mind’s Role in our New Reality

From a very young age we’ve been taught to “make a plan” for our lives. From a project or business standpoint that often entails outlines, proposals, and so much more. All before we even begin the project and call in our creativity. 

How often I’ve followed the rules, made the plan, created the outline, and then. . . when I began the creative process it all blew up on my face. Pretty early on I realized I should be calling in my creative self BEFORE making the plan. Thus, things began to flow more easily. 

Until recently when I began publishing my current manuscript. It’s been a HUGE learning curve for me!!!  Adhering to all the template and formatting rules Amazon requires before I push the “Go” button to upload my precious words.  

I spent a full week in KDP University (Amazon’s school of publishing), reading text, watching videos and webinars, making notes, and literally overwhelming my brain. But once I got into the flow, I began enjoying the process of manuscript formatting. 

Next I had to write and include all the “front” and “back” matter. The description, introduction, biography, back cover info, etc, all the stuff your readers want to know about you and the book. 

Sitting down at the computer to write all this “stuff” was the biggest writers block I’ve ever experienced! So I left it and walked away from the computer. During the day, I grabbed whatever was at hand to write things down as the inspiration flowed throughout my daily activities. What I ended up with was a mishmash of e-files, yellow tablets with scribbled phrases, and sticky notes scattered everywhere!!

This morning I finally sat down and created an outline based on Amazon’s requirements. Now all my creative inspiration had a place to land!! The resulting experience was like a magnet effortlessly pulling all those snippets into Divine Order. Instead of writers block and overwhelm it became a joyful dance and fulfillment of my Soul’s passion.

When I finally closed the lid on my laptop with a sumptuous smile on my face I realized I am creating in a whole new way!! 

Instead of engaging the mind and allowing it to strangle my creative flow with a linear plan or outline, I waited to invite it into the process AFTER I had drawn upon all the infinite potentials in my creative field. With all this creative material swirling within my energy field, I was able to call it into divine order with ease and grace. 

As I was lingering in bed this morning I realized I no longer feel a separation between my spiritual self and my human mind. Reviewing the past two weeks since my introduction to publishing, I am experiencing a delightful integration of many aspects of myself. My spiritual self has brought forth abundant words of wisdom. The storyteller in me has written an engaging narrative. My creative self has fashioned lovely book covers. And what I call my Saturn self, is articulate, detail oriented, and an exemplary organizer pulling it all together. Although there are times the publishing process feels tedious my Fae aspect reminds me, this is my my playground and the JOY is always present. 

Thus, the mind’s role in our new reality is finding a new balance with the wisdom of all  the other aspects of ourselves  There is a new found freedom. And JOY is at its core!! 

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

gratitude Artist Eduardo Rodriguez Calzad

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
Source Here

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