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The Many Faces of Change

face changes

I have to admit, when I am bored and want a distraction, I will sometimes check out the news, specifically the latest on the current administration. I find it ceaselessly entertaining, like a well written soap opera. I am certainly not dismissing the serious nature of the goings on, but I am detached enough from all of it to see it much more clearly for what it is: the galactic story being played out beautifully.

Most of us, as we move more deeply into our awakening and embodied enlightenment, become pretty much neutral about what is going on in the rest of the world.   We understand more than ever that it’s just the galactic conflict being played out.  We already went through our own.  We released our story, let go of our karma, and faced the deepest, darkest parts of ourself.  All of us are still going through some or all of that in our own timing and in our own way.

But the rest of humanity is just beginning their awakening process.  And while we have deep compassion for them, we are not so much emotionally invested in any of it.


As ascending masters we are embracing a sense of self-love, of co-operation among all the parts of ourself, between our divine masculine and feminine, and between our human and our soul-self.  Our inner child, and our aspects that we considered not worthy.  They all get the benefit of our love.

We have no need to feel defensive, or to protect ourselves from anyone or anything outside ourselves.  Because we have faced and embraced our shadow, we have no need to project that outside onto an ‘enemy,’ those from other cultures or countries, or a political faction.  We have no need to construct walls within us so there is no need to build them outside ourselves.

We no longer put up divisions within ourself.  We are no longer threatened by parts of ourself we don’t understand.  We are not doing battle with our male or female aspects, so we are comfortable with those who wish to express their own masculine and feminine nature, even those who desire to change their allegiance from being a man to being a woman or from being a woman to embodying a male identity.  We understand that as a soul, we are neither male or female, so we joyfully embrace whatever aspect we choose to align ourselves with, to express, and we honor that choice for others as well.


As women we are moving beyond our wounds (the wound of Isis) so we no longer need to pull in a partner that reflects that wound.  We can see all too clearly that the Planet has been unbalanced toward the masculine, and it’s now being brought back into balance as the Divine Feminine has taken root.  We see the angry male energy for what it is.  It feels abandoned by the female energy, and so it takes that anger out on the feminine.  We see clearly how that has been playing out in the world.  Women, among others, are up in arms because they are coming face to face with that attitude toward them that has existed on the planet for a very long time.  The feminine has been distrusted.  She has been diminished, oppressed, disrespected and misunderstood.  If someone does not agree with that truth, they only need to look at the way men are treated when they desire to embrace their own feminine nature, or want to change their allegiance from being a man to being a woman.

So women are protesting.  They no longer want to tolerate the conditions that have prevailed for so very, very long.  But ultimately they will have to embrace their own Divine Masculine, to trust him, to allow him to support her Divine Feminine nature, and help to create her heart’s desires, to allow their wounds as women to heal.

And the same for men.  They will have to do what the men in the forefront of  the spiritual transformation have done – to allow their own Divine Feminine to nurture them, to understand that she did not abandon him.  That she is there in support of him.  The male will come to understand that there is no need to push, to protect, or to force.  He need not coerce, control or conquer.  That there is no need for power games.  He is not required to prove worthiness.

He can finally relax and co-create with his beloved feminine nature, a life of joy, ease and passion.

Catalysts for change come in many disguises.  They are often seen as the enemy of change.  But they are simply a mirror for the consciousness that fears change.  Whatever they may be saying or doing that enrages others, it is simply a reflection of what is already present in the consciousness of the populace.  On a soul level a political leader can take on a specific role to usher in change.

Unfortunately, people tend to stay with the status quo, in their comfort zones, and nothing really changes very much.  Until a real challenge presents itself and initiates an inner revolution of sorts.  We in the forefront of ascension know this all too well.

And that is what is unfolding beautifully on the world scene, and especially now in the United States.


Those who are attracted to strong leaders, who desire a more authoritarian rule are those who feel powerless themselves.  The world outside their door feels quite unsafe.  They are in fear of others threatening their safety, whether it’s economic or physical.   So they want protection and who better than a presence that appears bigger than life, parental, controlling, fearless, and has prominent social and financial status (which equates to power).

But they are willing to give up their personal freedom in the process.

It is reminiscent of a woman entering an abusive relationship with a man.   She feels vulnerable, unsafe in a world that seems so unwelcoming to her sensitive nature.  So she takes refuge with a male energy that promises to rescue her, either financially or physically.  He appears to be strong, decisive, and aggressive, He has a way about him.  He appears self-confident and all knowing.  He offers simple solutions to complex problems (A black and white world view).


But as she discovers, the attributes she believed were protecting her now are directed at her.  He has a need to control, a need for admiration, even idolization, a need to always be right, blames her, restrict her movement, convincing her that she is the problem, diminishing her if she disagrees with him.  There is emotional and perhaps physical abuse.  She continues to endure this treatment and chooses to ignore the signs of his utter imbalance, perhaps justifying his behavior, because of her own fears of being alone in an unsafe world.   And because she believes she must compensate for the guilt she feels.  After all, hasn’t she been accused of abandoning him?  Again, a galactic conflict, one that goes back to even before we populated the Earth.

So things needed to get pretty ugly behind closed doors, before she is willing to choose her freedom over her fears.

So perhaps things need to get quite uncomfortable behind the closed borders of a nation, before the people residing there begin to initiate change. The Planet is in the process of balancing the masculine and feminine energies.  The unbalanced masculine (which can exist in both men and women alike) can manifest as being defensive, aggressive, easily inflamed, controlling, misogynistic, bigoted, xenophobic, and homophobic, among other expressions.

And under all of that is a deep wound.  The male feels abandoned by the female because, he believes, he is not worthy.


So we can see how perfect this current leader is.  He is fulfilling his soul contract beautifully.  He came at the perfect time.  Things were heating up on the planet.  The light of christ consciousness, which we helped to seed, began exposing the shadows. The old energy had to begin moving out to make way for the new.  So the civil unrest is helping to move old, stuck energies. It is timely.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we as the front-runners of the ascension process are the true change makers.  We initiated change on the deepest level, on an inner level, the place in which true change, true peace and co-operation is born.  We are choosing our freedom over fear.  Make no mistake, our treacherous journey has not gone to waste. It has not gone unnoticed, at least by those in the other realms.  But then, we always enjoyed pioneering changes.  Changes that others will gradually awaken to.

And meanwhile, stay tuned.  Stay detached.  See it for what it is.  And It’s by far the most entertaining reality show out there.

Maria Chambers
Our lives are like great paintings or great pieces of music. If we focus on all the technical 'imperfections' we will miss the true beauty of the work. We won't see, or rather, FEEL the essence and spirit of the masterpiece. I no longer identify myself as a writer, artist, or musician. Rather I express my divinity, and my humanity through the media of art, music and writing. I began this blog because I wanted to give voice to my experiences and insights, and I wrote for myself primarily. Six years later, I am still writing for myself, and I am discovering that my experiences are not personal but universal - galactic even. And now I am more sure than ever that I am a new consciousness teacher, as each of you are. The way we teach is by going through the very human experiences, and as we ascend and shed our old selves, with love, and as we embody spirit in this lifetime, which we are all doing, we become the standards for others of the new divine human.

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