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The Latest Changes

The Latest Changes

Friday was a very interesting day, and the energies that arrived have changed us even more.

Slowly but surely we are evolving out of the old world that has been our home for so many years. And putting down roots in this whole new world that we are creating within us and around us.

What we are being shown is that WE are the ones that have to create. In the past we let others be the creators, especially in the larger sphere. It is time for us to move into this very important role. We are pivotal. It doesn’t happen without our work and our input and our heartfelt desire to bring in this New Earth for all. In every moment we have to create it.

It has been very dry where I am and there have been fires burning not far away. One morning this week, I let my cat out early—his favorite time—and I said, “Let’s have some rain.” I went back to sleep and when I woke up an hour and a half later, it was RAINING. There had been no rain in the forecast. It rained for a little over an hour. I had forgotten to ask, but when I did, it happened. It’s important now as we settle into our roles as creators to check in every day to see what is needed. And then use our power and ask. Literally, nearly every day since, if I think about rain, I feel a few drops falling on me. Our universe is interactive and we are discovering we are an integral part of the process. Our participation is required.

We are experiencing great expansion into our new self. Every day we are evolving into more of who we are. We see an area where we still have limitation, we ask for alignment and literally within minutes or hours we are there.

Friday I got my hair cut, as I do every couple of months. But this time was different. The person who cuts my hair tends to get a bit anxious for some reason, but I tell her to envision that the haircut is just what I want. That’s helped her. Friday, though, I noticed I really wasn’t there. My physical body was in the chair and I could see in the mirror my hair was being trimmed, but I was just not completely there. She was making conversation, and I was having trouble answering. I was very spacey. It was an odd feeling of being there but not being there.

The best way I can describe it is, it felt like my higher aspects were giving very little energy to the 3D aspect. They had removed most of their support. It was impacting my participation. This seems to be showing us what is coming. Our interactions with all things 3D will be lessening as we move into doing everything in the higher frequencies. The 3D part of us won’t be needed. Of course, this means we will have to connect with the people who are in those higher frequencies who can, for instance, trim our hair or staff the grocery stores until we no longer require those things. Interestingly, someone just like that showed up at the grocery store I frequent.

I left the salon hoping my behavior hadn’t seemed too unusual, but the feeling of not being present in the old world lasted for several hours.

We really don’t know how all of this will work, but we keep getting glimpses thru our experiences and visions and even dreams. And we will navigate this space just as we done with the other spaces we’ve been in.

The 3D frequency is obviously getting out of wack for us. We will have to see how this evolves. Friday there was definitely a big shift with this.

Also, I wore a shirt with long sleeves to my appointment. The hairdresser asked me if I was hot. I wasn’t sure how to answer, because I now create my environment, so I create one that is comfortable. She said she thought it was 75°. But the gauge in my car read 65° and there was a cool breeze, so the temperature felt perfect. We will notice more conversations like this that are challenging to engage in because our way of seeing the world has changed so much. We are no longer powerless. We are creating all the time as we think about what we want. We are creating being comfortable, being at peace, being in supportive situations and so on. We are creating our world and we will find it increasingly odd to see people who aren’t doing this.

This shift on Friday was one of the biggest jumps I’ve noticed lately in our transition into newness. Here is the message I received.

We’re creating our heaven on Earth.

You are very close now to a whole new way of being. You’ve seen pieces of it and you will soon be getting a bigger picture. You are each evolving at your own rate but the potential for much more of the new is here now. Continue to align with the higher frequencies as this is your home now. There is no need to worry about how it will happen because you are creating this in a way that makes it possible for you to do this. This is the beautiful part. As humans you are calling in the spiritual and the energetic to make possible what many believe is not. And yet, you are showing it is possible. Not only showing, but making it happen. You’re bringing the magic back, by switching to the love frequency. By tuning into this expansive consciousness, you’re connecting with the joy, the beauty, the majesty of your earthly experience, the holiness of all life and your own divine power. All of that is what makes the magic. You are the spark that makes it happen. Your belief, your trust, your knowing are incredibly powerful when engaged. As you have engaged, and as others have engaged with you, you have opened the portal to heaven on Earth so that you can live in a new way.


Hi, I’m Terry Andrews. Welcome to my blog, where I share experiences about this very big process of transformation we are going thru as we create a new world for ourselves. It’s a process that can create a lot of change for us as we find out more about who we really are. And during this process, we’re often looking for insight and answers. Maybe you are too. I began sharing my experiences because I think we all feel better knowing others are going thru this too. Source Here

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