The Joy of Death
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- Written by AndEl

While rooting around looking for something in one of my desk drawers, I came across a folder of accumulated notes. I don’t remember what I was looking for. It was the result of the looking that struck my fancy.
I opened the folder and began shuffling through the bits and pieces of paper. Some were paper clipped together, others were stuck in there haphazardly, without any specific order. The more I read, the more I realized they were notes from my past life.
I say past life because nothing I read pertained to life as I am now living. Most were spiritual notes, affirmations or bits of journaling. There were a few sketchy business plans. And the notes from a teleconference I had taken. This folder held the notes of where I’ve come from, my past life while still living in this physical body.
A huge grin spread across my face with the realization that I am no longer living a life that needs lists, notes, affirmations and business plans. That was my past life. In my current life I am living in the moment. I Am the creator of this life rather than the victim of it. In this life I am no longer a spiritual seeker, for I am aligned with Source. In this life I trust my Inner Guidance without the need to search for opinions from others. In this life I am a Sovereign being making heart choices free of any perceived obligations. In this life I realize energy is in service to me, I am no longer attempting to control it or direct it, I can simply choose it.
I didn’t need to read every piece of paper, for I knew there was nothing of value in this folder anymore. Instead I created a small fire pit with some kindling out in my garden. One by one I fed the bits and pieces from that lifetime into the fire. Once the last spark was gone I covered it with dirt and returned it to the earth. From earth you are born, to earth you return.
I then went back inside and opened my clothes closet. There hung the costumes of a persona that no longer exists. These were all bagged up and carried out to the charity shop. A bathroom drawer with makeup that hasn’t been touched in years all cleared out, thrown into the trash. Last of all I returned to my desk and filled the trash can with old files that belonged to she who has passed on. She who knows who She is without the need for diplomas, certificates, records and validation.
Death can be a sweet thing when we realize it doesn’t really exist. We do not die, we simply transform, evolve and continue to expand our consciousness. How many past lives have I already lived in this one? Too many to count. The difference is that I was never conscious of dying to the old and transforming into the new. This time I Am fully conscious of putting a past life to rest with ease and grace. The best part about this was that none of this was on my “to do” list. I did not angst over clearing out my closet or my desk drawers. When it was time I simply stepped out of one life into another and released the old manifestations thereof. There was no struggle. There was no mourning. It was an act of Joy!
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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