The Illumined Mystic Alchemy and Sacred Union
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- Written by AndEl

Love always seeks to expand upon itself, to ever delve deeper into the depths of All-Loving, and seeks that mystical and sacred union with the Beloved in ever deeper and more profound ways.
There is a highest pathway of the True Mystic, which seeks the alchemical Marriage, that Divine Sacred Union, which goes beyond the norm and stretches into the very Mystery of Mystery, the infusion and the working, the co-creation with the Sacred Fires and the Kundalini or Serpent Energy.
Only the highest-ranking Initiates could catch a glimpse of the deepest inner mysteries in the Ancient Mystery Schools as held in the Pyrenees, and Southern France, in the most hidden and sacred, secret places, and then they had to go through stringent initiations, and training, before they could delve into these mysteries of Mysteries.
There was a very sacred, secret Order, the of Rose, the Serpent (Kundalini) and the Sacred Chalice/Cup/Grail. Those who belonged to this secret Order identified each other via the symbols imbedded on the SOUL self, and on the forehead, for they could read with via the inner seeing and knowing. Most of these souls belong to this sacred and sanctified order in the inner planes and thus always serve together in some great way. It is the call to the highest service to the Divine and thus the bestowal of co-creatorship in a deeply alchemical and mystical way, which has made them stand out in so many lifetimes, parallel lives and Universes, as the very highest and most evolved of the Illumined Ones.
The true Mystic seeks to delve ever deeper into the Unknown, the Unchartered, the Unrecorded and to seek to experience the Divine through this alchemical and mystical union. It is therefore in essence not self-seeking, or ego driven, or that self-gratification, but goes beyond the self, into the ALL. In fact, if one is not willing to totally dissolve, disintegrate and therefore be transmuted into a much higher version, creative, mystical, ALL, thus dissolving into the vastness of the Divine Energy Fields itself, one could not be reborn into the highest Mysteries of the Mystery itself.
The moment that one dissolved into the No-thing, one became Every-thing: You became the same intelligent and unified Energy field, the Spiralling and Creative Energy force (Highest Kundalini/Serpent Energy Energy) and with it the Sacred Fire itself. You became the embodiment of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine as you merged into one single energy force-field, and now, with immense intricate and highest training, could direct this whole energy field to create miracles.
This was the highest of all the sacred Mystery School’s hidden Rites, and therefore then only the highest and most disciplined of the all the Initiates were ever allowed to enter these. More than this, it took total dedication and immense commitment to adhere to the Divine Alchemical Laws, and Divine Sacred Sexuality Laws, to gain this type of high degree of Mysticism.
One could enter through these means such immensely powerful Super Consciousness Energy fields, that one could experience the Divine in much highest and more profound ways, than through any other path.
Not all Initiates ever chose to do this in union with another – male and female, but some chose to do this on their own. Every soul has free will and choice, and therefore then each pathway has its own challenges and more than this stringent initiation.
The reasons why one needed to be gradually initiated and introduced to this type of the highest mysteries, was mainly because the immense potent and powerful energy forces one starts to tap into and work with. If the initiate was not yet of the same vibration and frequency as the superconscious energy fields entered, the physical body would disintegrate. Indeed, the soul would have to leave the physical vessel, and could not return to it.
The trick was to enter these potent energy fields, dissolve into them, and then be resurrected within these fields, which one could only enter via the SOUL energy, and the direct the entire in co-creative ways.
Now, if the physical body was not tuned into the higher frequency yet, it could not hold form, as said, and therefore once the Kundalini energy and Sacred Fires are ignited to a high degree, many initiates died in the process, for FEAR stepped in, as they physical form started to disintegrate and they had not learnt to anchor themselves into the physical while also traversing the heavens, so to speak.
The Kundalini opens certain channels in the physical form and energy bodies in and around the human body, but it must go into higher octaves of such. If one activates this energy too quickly, one is great danger of harming oneself, for there will be immense pain in the physical form and when blockages occur even more so. If this energy is not directed in scientific ways (remember that metaphysics is as science) then the body will disintegrate – it cannot hold form.
The same applies to the sacred fires as well.
Highly trained Initiates could literally step in very powerful and almost superhuman co-creative acts in sacred union, and then direct the super consciousness energy fields in the exact forms they wished to manifest this. This was called co-creatorship.
Remember in this that the sexual energy is not attached to the physical form at all, as is the kundalini, as is the soul. It can expand in immensely powerful ways, into Divinity and therefore the ALL, the Omni-verse itself and all contained there-in.
In truth, there are no boundaries. Human beings perceive false separation and false boundaries, were in truth there are no limitations.
All is One Unified and Superconscious and Intelligent Energy Field with sub-energy fields. In truth, all is one and the same.
One could not do this work with just anyone. No, the souls concerned we carefully chosen for this work, and most often would be Twin Flames and Soul Mates. Mainly because in the case of the Illumined One, they were created by the Divine to co-create in this way.
This must do with keys and codes as held within each soul flame and therefore when the two unite, they activated these within each other. It is one by merging as one, that they could co-create in this manner. This was by Divine Creation.
The True Mystical Partnership, was an agreement between these two souls to co-create in this mystical way, and then to do so in the highest possible service. Indeed, it is usually to co-create the extraordinary together.
In such a union, there is no place for a third party, mainly because the third party must be created between the two, and this is the Sacred Fire.
Trinity in truth means the Divine Masculine, the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Fire (sometimes referred to as the Holy Fire or Holy Spirit).
With it came Truth, Respect, Integrity.
One had to have that degree of utter trust, that when one dissolved into such fields, that the fusion of the two, would hold the rest together. Thus, not one of these two would disintegrate and out of mistrust or fear have their physical bodies disintegrate!
First, it was the fear of death which had to be overcome, and this fear can come in many forms and disguises. So often this fear is disguised in attachments, to things, to people, to places, etc. Or is can be disguised as negative ego, which wishes to be better, than the partner. Therefore, they had to be equals meaning equally soul-empowered.
The stringent initiations then were meant to not only allow the initiates to overcome fear, self-doubt, self-aggrandisement, etc. but also to become fully soul empowered, therefore fully standing in their own power and light, to not become overpowered by their partner.
It is only when both are whole and in balance within themselves, that they can merge fully and completely in such sacred alchemical marriage.
When these two souls then agreed to do this work together, they always held a special and very private ceremony where they committed they whole life, and physical and soul embodiment into the highest service to the Divine. It was something very sacred and private they agreed upon. This first and then only in the Presence of the Divine.
Then only they would be consecrated and anointed by the High Priest and High Priestess of this Sacred Order.
The Anointing itself was profound, for here they stood, as the Beloveds, in the face of the Divine, and those anointing them and the those witnessing this, that they would commit to their union to the highest possible service, with truth, integrity and respect, and that they were prepared to die for this, in needed. Indeed, they were vowing to commit their entire life to uplift humanity (if on this planet) and to raise its consciousness, to blaze new and higher trails and that they would be there, leading from the front, fearlessly, and with great courage and inner strength.
For delving into the deepest Mysteries and retrieving what needs to be retrieve and worked with, co-created for the highest good, is not for the faint-hearted, the half-hearted, the ones would be fly-by-nights. It is only for the those who are brave enough to dissolve and die totally onto themselves, to be resurrected into the work and then direct the work by co-creatorship.
Such is the Calling.
Such is the Sacrifice but also the Resurrection.
Such is the Truth and the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, the All-Seeing and the Omni-Being.
(Judith Kusel)
Source: here
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