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The Collective Subconsciousness: Alpha and Omega

alpha omega

We are stepping into the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of what has been before (since the birth of this planet and human history) and into the New Alpha and Omega, the New Beginning.

In the last weeks, I have had many things coming up which needed to be released, and a lot had to do with the COLLECTIVE Clearing and Cleansing – thus not so much my own soul’s clearing and cleansing, but that of the collective.

C.G. Jung called it the collective subconscious mind- I call it the collective cellular memory banks of humankind, since the Tree of Life was taken away from humankind.

The Tree of Live itself is often misunderstood and misinterpreted by human beings, as being a type of Tree of Knowledge or Good Evil.  What is truth humanity lost, was their co-creatorship with the Divine, because they abused their powers, and they did not adhere to the Divine Cosmic Laws, on which the whole firmaments rest cosmically – indeed the whole Creation rests upon these Laws, which regulate the forms and structures of all life and life forms, indeed the WHOLE OF CREATION.  There are many tiers of these Laws, but when adhered to it brings balance, harmony, order, peace.

In truth the Tree of Life, is a Cosmic Superconscious Energy Matrix Field, which does contain all Knowledge, Technology, and Wisdom all levels of Creation and it holds the 7 and 12 Sacred Fires, the Fires Letters of Amrita, the Lost Yod (Finger of God/Goddess) Fire knowledge, the knowledge of the Crystal Pyramids and Pyramid Crystalline Energy Power Grids, the Lost Knowledge of Ancient Ones pertaining to the All-Knowing, All-Seeing, and the All-trinity Triad Knowledge, with the original Adam Kadman Knowledge as held in the original cellular memory of the first volunteer races on earth, as I have recorded in my new book “Why I was born in Africa:  the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom”.

With this lost knowledge comes the Phi and PSI(Y) energies, as the Phi holds ONLY ONE COMPONENT of energy and sacred Golden Mean.  The PSI Counterpart, the FEMININE aspect and all the mathematical equations and the Sacred Geometries and all knowledge contained therein was REMOVED from the Planet by the Divine Feminine, when she withdrew her knowledge and technology from the planet, with the downfall of Atlantis.

We cannot regain the knowledge of the Pyramids and how they truly functioned, without the Psi component, for the Phi, in itself is powerless, if not balanced by the Psi, as there is always balance cosmically.  When the Masculine and Feminine are balancing each other out, the THIRD AND MIGHTY FORCES COSMICALLY ARE RELEASED.

More than this with lost the Keys and Codes to unlock the Knowledge held within the 7th Sun of Illumination and we also lost our cosmic citizenship in the aftermath of all the destruction humankind wreaked.

More than this we have not regained the full use of our 12 bodies, and only now are starting to remember the use of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and to some extend soul bodies, but have not even touched on the activating the full 12 body system, which will enable us to teleport at will, to become visible and invisible, and to shapeshift into any energy form we wish to.

It is only when the use of the 12-body system is fully activated that we can truly step into the full co-creatorship again.

We are now stepping into the time, when the collective memory banks of intense trauma and pain, caused by the destruction of Elysium, the Lion Kingdom, Avalon, Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis left on the imprint of this the memory bank.

In as much as each one of us does the inner releasing work, practice forgiveness for ourselves and others, and expand this across societies, across seeming global divisions we cannot heal collectively.

All the souls involved with these lost continents have now returned en-masse, to finally master the collective Karmic Patterns of self-destruction, and to regain the full cosmic Mastery, of co-creatorship, where one has attained a high degree of Mastery of the SELF, before one can assist the Collective to heal.

Each one of us is as much responsible for the SELF AS WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COLLECTIVE.

In truth there are no THEY nor THE OTHERS – we are all one and the same.

The Cosmic Divine Law of the ONE AND THE MANY apply here.

The One is the Many and the Many is the One.

We must reclaim our responsibility and heal what was collectively destructed, BEFORE we are all finally freed up to fully live in the New Golden Age.

(Judith Kusel)

Judith is a Visionary,  Inspirational Writer,  Pyramid Crystalline Grid Activator and Soul Empowerment Consultant. She is a remarkable and awe-inspiring woman, who has the ability to tap into the cosmic Super-consciousness fields and to bring forth the Ancient Cosmic knowledge. She offers soul and twin flame readings for people from all over the globe.  Her first book "Soul Empowerment" has reached bestseller status in three categories on Amazon. 
Source: www.judithkusel.com

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