The "Collective Division" of Lower Vibrational "Old" Earth and Higher Vibrational Lighter Density NEW Earth Continues
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- Written by AndEl

There is a pronounced division that occurs when one is ready to "move" (transition over) fully from Old Earth to NEW. This is a full-body transition that starts with access through expanded consciousness first. This is called Physical Body Ascension. Those who do not choose this in this physical incarnation will transcend the physical by leaving the body vessel and returning to the Unified Field of Consciousness.
One's Soul does not need to evolve, it IS fully evolved. It is PURE SOURCE LIGHT. One's human is what evolves. Each is here to clear/cleanse/transcend all human'ness/ego separation and distortions of unconsciousness held deep within.
The whole physical body was encoded through DNA (human and higher consciousness) upon incarnation/walking in here. Walk-ins have a bit of a different experience, because they must integrate into the physical body form and integrate into a form that has co-mingled DNA. An incarnated/birthed soul activates DNA at the point of inception. A walk-in assumes (by agreement) a body that carries "previous" DNA. While both Souls agreed to this, there is a greater separation that must be "overcome" to fully integrate into the form body/earthly body, for a Star Being not birthed on this dimension of Earth. Traumatic entry onto a denser plane of existence can be through birth or walk-in, the chosen experience is the difference in how one chose to materialize into a physical form and do their full-Soul-integration process here.
The distortions of "lower density Earth" (3D/4D) are huge. 3D, fully unconscious... the D stands for the Density of that Dimension... and it's more than just "physical matter" Earth... as we once "thought" it was. 2012 Changed all of this, when physical body Ascension by vibrating into other dimensions with our physical form became possible. The whole REALity of what Dimensions were changed too.
Before 2012 Gateways opened fully, anything above 5D was etheric, just energy. We had to die to "go to Heaven" (or Hell by some's version). This is only now true for those SOULS who choose not to fully integrate into the physical body form that they chose and have fulfilled all of the purposes of "that incarnation". Death is not what humans "think it is"....
Earth Ascended and Expanded it's Gridwork by opening up the ability for each to PHYSICALLY move in and out of multiple dimensions (with their Universal Body) and to leave the lower bandwidths completely to live a whole new life, alive, vibrant, abundant, blissful, magical, peaceful and through the EMBODIMENT OF CHRISTED LIGHT/CRYSTALLINE CONSCIOUSNESS. Each "human" then began an expedited journey of Soul Embodiment and Multi-Dimensional Existence. Those who had done the work to merge multi-dimensionally prior to 2012 took one path, if you will. Those who were still unconscious (chosen journey) went a different path, but not really, because technically the Earth was then separated by Dimensions of Existence and the only ones BOUND to Denser Vibrational Earth were those in a different timeline. That's all this is... Alternate Realities, Different Timelines and Different versions of Earth ....
Different versions of earth are different frequency bandwidths that have different physical realities & experiences too. They are a part of a multi-verse of multiple versions that span infinity, yet also currently exist in an overlay system all within the same space and accessible through vibrational spin rate/shifting. A dense human body cannot see or live in a higher vibrational earth, which is why the dream state is used to gain access at first and meditative states in the waking state too. It can "visit momentarily/for a short while", yet cannot sustain for long periods without much inner upset, physical body discomfort and integrating sleep. The lighter density body can move in and out easier, without any affect, yet cannot sustain the lower dimensions for long durations either, yet for different reasons, due to the cellular structure of the Plasma Crystalline LightBody form and the purity of the frequencies necessary to sustain enhanced life. Basically, once in physical heaven, there's no desire to revisit physical hell. Humans have to be willing to transcend/leave hell and do the inner/outer work in order to achieve the physical plane of Heaven here. To the highest dimensional planes, the lower no longer exist. There is an awareness they do, yet they are physically experienced anymore.
Full consciousness allows one to CHOOSE to vibrate out of an Old Denser Earth Reality, first through expanding consciousness then holding it, while the physical body up's it's frequency through the vibration of physical matter (Earthly bodies) on a cellular and sub-atomic molecular level. This "holding" is called Embodiment, when one is BEing & DOing these highest vibrational realities in every aspect of their life. Inside and outside. This CHOICE includes the continual conscious acknowledgement and intentional release of any suppressed energy (emotions/thoughts in one's subconscious) so that their physical form body can vibrate at a higher spin rate cellularly/molecularly to "match" a higher frequency of light, encoded in their DNA and Energy Field, as these have to continually synchronize, re-tune, re-calibrate and re-align to vibrate at the frequency of a higher/lighter density plane of existence. This gives one the ability to exist in multiple dimensions and span across Universes & Galaxies again.
One's Light Quotient, amount of Quantum Photonic Light Intelligence held, determines how far/easily one can travel/access simultaneous dimensions/existences, through the integration of infinite portals, vortexes and Star Gate systems with great ease. Anchoring this huge/heavy light is immense at first and will continue to increase substantially "forever", yet it's different for different phases and what this encoded light does with each phase is different too. These geometrically en-coded sequences embed into the physical body, "pushing out" any separation/unconscious programming held. This process was separated over each's entire human existence and has been occurring since incarnation/inception for all. The vibration of Earth and the necessary/chosen Earth Experience/Experiment continued until 2012. Then, as that Solstice Gateway commenced, the veils of amnesia were lifted for those ready (vibrationally) for this.
As WayShowers, Pioneers, Forerunners, Light/Grid Keepers, Frequency Holders (and more), we (bravely and stupidly, lol) signed-up/agreed to "lead the way" through these Gateways to SHOW how all is done, to share the information on "how/why" and to forge the path BACK to Our NEW EARTH/Galactic Heavenly HOME, where we all get to live the most exquisite PHYSICAL REALITIES that materialize as a RESPONSE to the amount of high frequency light that we HOLD. (Embodiment).
2012 blew the lid off what has always been occurring, by collapsing the Separation of Time. By opening the portals/door/gates for those truly ready to embrace their own highest existence here and "leave the old behind". To dismantle and decode their own matrix programming held deep within and existing in their own energy field. Inside and outside MATTERS. For what you allow in your field dictates your overall vibration/dimension/timeline and how "fast" you integrate these massive high frequency streams within you and through your whole physical body determines how "easy" or hard this is. Your whole perception and the way to choose to look at all of this does too.
For the physical body to ascend, then each's SOUL must awaken fully and be FULLY INTEGRATED within. One must walk AS their Soul, whole and no longer fragmented, shatters and spread out across dimensions, universes, galaxies, parallels, timelines, existences in pieces and parts. Full consciousness means merging all of these inside and choosing to stop separating off. It means full unification from your CORE and through your whole body/being and across all space-time. It means merging your consciousness fully through Divine Inner-connectedness to BECOME ONE with all again. It means recognizing when you separate off inside and go unconscious again. It means choosing an existence and doing everything you see/know/feel to accomplish this FOR YOU and all other incarnated beings too.
Your cells, your body, your energy field... all has a spin, vibration and is energetic first. The solid physical form is the culmination of all of your existences, programming and beliefs. The density of your physical matter body changes every time you shift/expand your consciousness and intentionally shift/change your vibration yourself. The Density of the Dimension is relative...
As an unconscious human, your body is bound to the dimension of consciousness that you allow. Density does not mean weight or size. It means how packed the physical matter in your body is and how much space there is between your cells, how easily your energy (Light) Body can move, expand and contract without the obstruction of physical debris. Your flesh and bones will expand and contract, your muscles will too, as will your skull, skin, veins, heart, organs, glands as how your body processes intricately coded intelligent light to rework how your body functions, as it won't be as it once was. This is a long and arduous process, because your psychical bodies were originally encoded/built to function on a Lower frequency Bandwidth/Denser Earth where your Carbon-Based bodies functioned in accordance with what was necessary there. Yet for your cells/physical matter body to adapt, reconfigure itself for you to walk/exist on a higher frequency, Lighter Density Dimensional Plane, your whole body has to be re-worked. Your human is not going to understand any of this. Your higher self you already does.
Each Dimension has a physical plane. It's not "just an etheric one" anymore. That all changed... With physical body ascension you bring your body with you, as your human evolves into your Soul and you embody the vastness of Universes/Galaxies within your physical form, by maintaining expansion of consciousness so far beyond your Earthly Body.
You are bound and limited by your fears, misperceptions, separation, closed-mindedness, insistence of less/old programs/beliefs and by the density of your physical body. The integration of PURE SOURCE LIGHT changes this. Your highest existences are non-linear and your body must become non-linear too. Quantum Existence is totally non-linear. There are no boxes or constraints. You are FREE again and all/infinite is available to you easily again!
So many still cannot wrap their mind around INFINITE PHYSICAL REALITIES.... and the existence of these. They still "think" it's off in another "future time" and continue to insist on "only one truth", only one "real" reality... not realizing that we run multiple parallels, multiple earths, multiple timelines and the REMEMBERED or EXPERIENCED physical reality is based upon one's vibration and "their" reality/timeline, which have different "memories", different experiences, different versions of Earth, which have different everything....
The (Schumann) resonance of old earth and new earth are different. This is what "different vibrational versions of Earths" means. The spelling of names, the dates of deaths, the history/how things played out.... (referred to as the Mandela Effect for reference).... this is REALITIES playing out simultaneously in different frequency bandwidths and the PERCEPTION through Consciousness now varies greater too. One person will have one experience, another will have a completely different one. The frequencies of conditional programming are no longer in "control". THIS IS HUGE. As this "control" is lifted (veils), which occurs as your mind S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-S and bends (Quantum Field), as your plasma body activates, things start to bend/breathe/move/distort.... because the constraints of "tight" mind (old matrix gridwork) is relaxing, finally!
I'm going to use the word "mind control" to explain, not from a "anyone is a victim" here. All SOULS incarnated here and agreed to this entire experiment. The Earth/Crystalline Gridwork has now reached vibrational frequencies so high that the blanket transmission of "mind-control" frequencies (matrix/veils/lower bandwidths of Earth) now diminish faster for each. The confusion this creates for the human at first is vast, for inside their head realities start to shift substantially and can be felt.
This whole entire last week (and continues) the amplification of photonic light in our brains have reached surmountable proportions, just like back in 2012, when we/the initiators came through this phase. These "new" Enhanced Crystalline Star Gate Systems play a huge role in this as well. Continual synchronization raises the body's consciousness fast. This creates "continual instant alignment" of the physical reality with NEW EARTH and each's Soul.
The "brain control"/blanketed amnesia now lifts. It's been ongoing and wreaking havoc on lower density earth to clear "karmic" existences that play out for all who unconsciously contributed to the destruction of lower earth by supporting it, turning their head, participated by succumbing to fear, who just didn't care because it would have inconvenienced their self-serving physical reality and more. Collective shake-ups and mass karmic clearings are shocking many awake and pushing each out of a space of complacency, adherence and through acceptance of unconscious totalitarian existence now. All veils diminish as each fully must open their heart/eyes/ears/mind to synchronize at the same vibrational frequency, bringing the body along (and then plasma cells/bone/spine re-vamping process phase kicks in). Unity consciousness clears karmic everything. Many are unifying out of survival/desperation scenarios that now play out because this is what it takes to bring those all of those walls down.
These increasing high atom-charging plasma frequencies amplify any distortions inside and out. These influxes of massive "doses" of high crystalline are beyond powerful as well. Gamma weaved in there to stimulate (for many reasons), the body is in continual integration mode too.
Intentional Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers have stepped up to have to anchor/hold/integrate more, so we are re-adjusting all continually too.
The ease and magnificence of these higher timelines... they allow for each to experience realities in a pristine, soft and simplistic way. The opposite is always the polarity. The higher the frequency, the easier all is. The lower, the more physical and the harder it is, because of the amount of physical density that has to be re-coded, re-calibrated and re-worked and the amount of resistance and out-of-tune frequencies still held by the human-in-form.
These highest timelines are ENERGETIC... they are Super Quantum and not bound by "this is the only reality that's true". They are not bound by human conditioning, limits or unconscious programs... and the physical is vibrational too. The physical is a RESPONSE to intentional existence that's pure. No self-serving agendas, no hidden anything... everything visible and done for the WHOLE. Always focused the "bigger picture" and the roles that we play, our own contribution and acts, no longer compromising or imposing or living in lack.
When we entered the literal Heaven on Earth or Hell on Earth phase, then everything represents this for each of us and it plays out for us to see. It represents what we still hold inside and where we function from/exist. It represents our choices, what's truly important, how much we hold out/hold back, our continual contribution for all of HUmanity, our separation/unconsciousness or unity/consciousness inside. Every moment, every experience, every thought, every feeling... shows us everything... if we are truly ready to see....
GET READY for the BEYOND to come forth, for the invisible to become visible for the unexpected to occur. Be ready for more miracles, magic and amazingness and for your reality to be totally different than everyone else's. The physical one too.... not just the one in your head.... The vastness of this whole experience just took a GIANT QUANTUM LEAP ....
I will write/share more. I feel this is enough for now. Infinite everything.... ♦
Come together. Inside and out. Step-Up. AS LOVE. No more sitting on the sidelines unless you are choosing old earth still. Much of what we do is not visible by all, doesn't matter. What matters is that you are DOing and BEing fully from inside to fulfill what you came here for too. Join our network of multi-dimensionals holding NEW Earth in place and working together for all of humanity (and other galaxies too). ♥
I love you! ∞
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Crystalline Gridkeeper/Gatekeeper/Guardian of Our NEW Earth through Unity Consciousness
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