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The Alchemy of Your Divine Self ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness


Being in the moment and loving life and loving all that arises, is loving the journey. Your journey. As you journey through life, the constant is your Essence that is loving the journey, whether you recognize this or not.

This appeared separation of consciousness (if not loving your journey) is simply part of the unification process, that helped you to see (and helping you) that which you were not consciously embodying.

Your Essence and Divine Presence, is what is guiding your journey.

Your physical body is the vehicle. Also to be loved.

The greatness of you, that is guiding your journey, is not external, it is within you and you are within it. Your essence is the journey itself.

Your Divine Presence is here to be unified within you as the Consciousness you embody, consciously.

The alchemy of transformation takes place within you.

You are here to merge your consciousness with your Divine Self. In full awareness.

Attempting to figure out why this or that happens, is a state of consciousness, that believes it is something other than the one who exists going through the journey and as the journey.

Consciously waking up to your journey is the acceptance and trust that allows the Divine Presence of You, to merge consciously with you, as you go through life. This is a releasing process, that takes place naturally, as you let go of needing to figure out. As you trust in the Divine Presence of you.

The releasing is a death. Merging with your Divine Self is a unification and birth.

The questioning, wondering and analyzing of the journey, is the experience of grasping, which is the process at attempting to control external experiences. This takes place through the subconscious mind, often unknowingly.

It is that which is not yet unified in awareness.

The fight or flight response, is resistance to what is in the moment, that believes it is something other than Divine, guiding the way.

Bypassing the subconscious driving force, that lives in resistance to anything that it is not, is the way to unify your awareness, that through that process of unification, absorbs all into it.

The process of releasing then, is at the higher levels, all the parts of you, absorbed into the conscious awareness of your Divinity.

Releasing becomes the absorbing.

The absorbing is the alchemy.

That which absorbs all into it, is your Divinity.

Observing your resistance is a great way to acknowledge the One who observes. The Divine One, that will take care of that for you.

The observer will witness all the attempts to resist and grasp, and will remain the same. Will love.

It is this observing love (The Divine Self ~ Observer) that absorbs all that which feared, grasped, and resisted, in your consciousness.

As it absorbs all experiences into it, your consciousness then becomes your Divine Self.

Your subconscious mind through your Original Blueprint, is the hidden part of you, that gives over, so to speak, to that which created it.

The past programming of beliefs in separation, gets dissolved.

Handing over the power, through surrender, to your Divine Self.

The hidden governing aspect of you, then, that once thought itself, other than it is eternally, hands over the reigns.

Is absorbed and dissolved and is one, with that which you are Being and doing.

You become your Divine Self.

That is 5th dimensional Consciousness.

This is not an escape of Being on Earth.

This is your Divine Being residing here, within your vehicle.

This is Mastery of form. Becoming a Master.

Being and doing as your Divine Self. That lives as the journey. That is child like and free, that knows all is unfolding perfectly.

Then the old system of worry, fear, figuring out, vanishes, into your Divine Self. Is absorbed and transformed, through this alchemy process, into the Full Embodiment of your Divinity in Form. This is Destiny.

This is the evolving and a return to wholeness.

Your Pure Light Source You. That only knows itself as Divine.

Existing as the unification.

As the Wholeness.

As that was never separated.

As that which creates.

As that which is Love.

As that which has brought home here.

Through its Divine Presence.

Through its eternal Glory.

Through the one that created and is, the journey itself.

It is that which you are already, within yourself.

As you that feels it is not your Divinity, is dissolved through your heart into being your Divinity, then, you live your Heaven on Earth.

This is pure alchemy.

Breathe and receive.

Your Heaven on Earth could not be experienced while any part of consciousness existed within you, that believed it was separate.

That thought the Garden of Eden was external and was searching for it.

That did not recognize itself, as the One that was Divine, the one within you, that always had the power, to absorb  all, into love.

Unconditional Love, absorbs all, through your Heart. Into the eternal awakening and arriving, as the One, that always exists. The Divine Self, you.

Feel, breathe and surrender. Surrender all that which feels separate. To that which is your wholeness. In this do I activate and initiate you. Into your lineage of Divinity. As it has always been and will always Be. Eternally, now, in Love, I hold You.

Eternal Heaven on Earth!



Here I Am ~ Here you Are ~ Here We Are ~And So it is!
Always Feeling You, Always with you in The Divine Sacred Light of All That Is!!!
L’Aura Pleiadian™
To listen to my Activations, Invocations, Frequency Transmissions and Light Language:
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