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Tap Into Your Spiritual Superpower

Tap Into Your Spiritual Superpower

In a recent newsletter, I emphasized how superstitious beliefs can unknowingly delay your ability to move forward in life.

While the Universe does send us signs, they are often symbols to remind us of what we’re avoiding versus asking us to wait for certain doorways of opportunity. As a way of helping you deepen this insight, I wanted to emphasize the single greatest force that is always helping you move forward. It is a superpower known as honesty.

While you may not feel the time is quite right to take whichever action step you are destined to embrace, it is your willingness to move forward with honesty that allows any moment in time to be the perfect doorway of expansion to move through. To highlight this truth, please consider the following scenario:

Imagine you are about to go for a job interview. Your car is filled with gas. Your outfit precisely pressed and ready. And yet, due to a recent flurry of emotional processing inspired by the death of a loved one, you just aren’t feeling like the version of yourself who is capable of capitalizing on the opportunity. You consider canceling or even rescheduling, but today is the only opening they have—and your nagging monthly bills inform you that you cannot delay this any longer. With doubt in your heart, resistance in your body, and a storm of negative thoughts—including the spiritual thoughts attempting to correct the negative ones—you venture off to the interview in exactly the type of condition you would never wish to present to the general public.

Upon entering the interview, the person in charge asks how you are doing. Do you lead with your most idealistic version of who you think they’ll resonate with, or do you dare to be honest? What if you remembered that honesty is one of your superpowers and dared to lean into that option? What if you said, "To be honest, my life has been a bit consumed due to the death of a loved one."? What if, in response, they said, "You know, I really understand. Today is actually the anniversary of my mother’s death. I’ll take that as a sign she’s doing well and watching over me."?

Imagine how the honest approach your ego thought would be a way of sabotaging the interview became an unsuspecting way of bonding with the interviewer in the most unlikely way. Even if such an answer had ended the interview on the spot, it may have occurred at a company who yearns to hire people with little to no family so their lives may be consumed with advancing their career. While all of these possibilities are hypothetical in nature, the one way to guarantee building authentic resonance with those you will enjoy thriving with is by daring to be honest. It’s one thing to overshare by leading with such intimate details before a personal question is asked—it’s an entirely different scenario to answer a personal question with a concise authentic reflection.

While the spiritual ego may see the grief of a loved one as a clear sign from the Universe to not go through with the interview—the truth is, you always have everything required to show up in exactly the way you are meant to be. The rest is the unfolding of fate molded together by the hands of time. Equally so, if you are so stricken with grief that you can’t even move, you have no choice but to prioritize the depths of your healing process. In truth, most of us are not in that position. We often believe we are in worse shape than we actually are, as the inner perfectionist refuses to show up unless in its most preferred and idealized form. The problem with this insistence is that your most idealized form is often an aspiration you chase, and only something you can become once you dare to meet the moment openly and honestly.

By embracing honesty as one of your most potent super powers—which can be irritating to an ego fed by feeling disempowered—you are no longer waiting for sign after sign from Source. Instead, your willingness to step forward with openness and honesty allows you to become someone the Universe is ready to work through in miraculous ways. All that is required is a willingness to show up, daring to be open and honest, and not being so intensely attached to one outcome over another.

From this space, you will become someone who inspires those around you, instead of someone who waits to be inspired. If any of your favorite musicians, actors, or performers were to hide in shame after any degree of rejection, they never would have taken the journey to become the artist you know and enjoy. Sometimes the rejection is a part of the maturing process. Some artists would never have gone so deep in their artistic process had their first audition, record deal, or performance gone perfectly. This is why your soul’s evolution is more focused on the journey than the destination. All too often, it’s not a matter of what does or doesn’t happen, but who you become along the way that tells the redemptive tale of your hero’s journey.

One choice at a time. One ‘I love you’ at a time. One breath at a time. Now is the time. Your life awaits your most authentic arrival.

All for Love,

Matt Kahn

Breaking the Habit: Strategies to Overcome the Tendency to Gossip

© Copyright 2024 Matt Kahn All For Love 

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