Step Inside: The Circle Awaits!
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- Written by Terry Andrews

Our progress is steady and undeniable. We can see the leaps we are making, and we are not dropping back.
Not that many years ago we’d take a couple of steps forward and then drop back a bit, but that has ended. Now it is all forward movement.
Energetically we are connecting and surging forward as a collective and this is incredibly powerful. You will feel this as love within you, love that at times takes you over completely in a transformative, deeply heartfelt way. It changes us.
We are on the way home, headed into our New Earth and it’s palpable now. We are seeing it and feeling it and most of all, knowing it. There is no stopping what is taking place. Despite the challenges we’re all feeling, we are having experiences every day that show us what an incredible time we are in. There is magic in the air. Take a moment to savor this and acknowledge what we have done, all of us, by putting our heart and soul into this.
Yes, we’re seeing those who don’t have a clue. We’re offering our input, letting them know about solar flares and space weather and even the shift of the ages. We’re planting seeds, even if some people can’t take these new pieces in. We share, we spread the light, we hold the love. Not far away is the moment the momentum reaches a crescendo and all this light that has poured in becomes the new frequency and carries us all into the higher vibrations to stay.
Not far away is the moment the momentum reaches a crescendo and all this light that has poured in becomes the new frequency and carries us all into the higher vibrations to stay.
We know it’s coming. We’re ready. And we continue to press on. There is no stopping this. The fires are quickly extinguished and we continue to choose love. We continue to choose the new consciousness. We do whatever needs doing.
We’re seeing many things fall into place in our own lives. We wonder what to do in a situation and the effortless answer appears. Remember, as we keep our focus on the higher frequencies, we move into alignment and things work for us in a supportive way.
Allow yourself time to absorb the power of this momentum that is now taking place. We will be seeing big changes because of this. We can’t predict how all of this will take place because everything is impacting everything else, so for us it is important to hold the energy of our new frequency, the energy of this new consciousness, the energy of love. Even as you continue your own healing process, you can hold the beautiful new light frequencies for all.
We’re still tired, we’re having trouble sleeping, and yet, we see the magnificent light in the sky, the birds are communicating with us, wild creatures interact in a new way. Someone mentions something in a video we’re watching and another puzzle piece drops into place. It’s a whole different story from what we were told.
There is a new light coming in this month thru the heart center, very pale blue. This week there was a message as it streamed in. Blue, the color of eternity. This is the beginning. Move your focus to the life you are starting. You are entering the circle. Linear time is over. In linear time you went from point A to point B to point C, but you never arrived where you were going. You were never complete. You were always striving and trying to do better. The circle is wholeness. You exist at the center of the circle, and everything emerges from you and returns. You are complete. You are the creator of your world. The power is yours.
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