Spiritually Coming of Age
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- Written by Sharon Lyn Shepard

Today’s technology has expanded us to new levels of communication allowing us to connect with others around the world. With the current pandemic we have been unable to gather in person. There has been a sadness for the lack of personal touch. A loss of hugs and ability to look eye to eye. At the same time, it has challenged us to develop and open new avenues for coming together in ways we may not have done in the past.
The ability to create events and gatherings to attend in person have momentarily come to a halt. But with technologies like zoom, youtube, and facebook “live”, we are able to reach out globally beyond our local communities. Social media allows anyone to come online to speak live, in the moment. There is no need for creating programs, pre-planning, or advertising. This is particularly supportive of our spiritual community. Anyone can spontaneously speak from the heart in response to the current events or energies that are effecting all of us. They no longer need to be famous spiritual teachers with established platforms. For are we not all teachers, each in our own unique ways?
Several “live” facebook videos came to my attention in the past few days. With that came a welcome realization for which I am very grateful.
Born as a baby boomer, our counterculture generation has been attributed as the spiritual awakeners with our messages of Love and Peace. According to Carlos Santana, ”The ’60s were a leap in human consciousness. Mahatma Gandhi, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Che Guevara, they led a revolution of conscience.” And that legacy continues to permeate society.
Our freedom of expression blasted through society’s boundaries with sex, drugs, and rock ’n roll. We initiated social, economic and political equality with the civil rights movement, women’s empowerment, global travel, and we landed on the moon. Technology was introduced that has become mainstream today, from the first telephones and televisions to present day iPhones.
The youthful proponents of counterculture, known as the hippies, disapproved of the modern world so much many dropped out of formal religions and sought refuge from it in communes and mystical religions. Thus, the New Age was born.
We opened the doors and all our spiritual work paved the way for new generations to step in. A few years ago, I and many others of my age reached a point in which we knew we were done! It was time for a change in roles. We had done our part and the world was ready for us to hand our torches off to the new ones.
We have come of age. We have become the elders of the tribe of humanity. We are the grandmothers and grandfathers who continue to hold the vision and the wisdom. Within our maturity we have found inner peace, tranquility, and the freedom to listen quietly without judgement. Speaking when spoken to without the need to profess or pontificate.
Indeed, there are still those who are choosing to be out in the global world. And there are those who are simply here to shine their light and share their love via simple acts of kindness in the midst of turmoil for those who are lost in the darkness. There are many in our generation who have chosen to simplify life and retire to truly enjoy life much like the grandparents who enjoy their grandkids beyond the need to parent them. Each has their own unique soul path and each is needed as part of the whole.
During my spiritual journey, I have journaled most of my experiences and distilled “wisdom”, much of it in the form of poetry. In the past few years, I have stepped into my new role by publishing many of my writings in numerous books.
(available on Amazon @ www.amazon.com/author/sharonlynshepard )
What a joy it is to revisit these pearls of wisdom during the publishing process. But I have no desire or passion to step into the spotlight. For I have turned that over to the new ones.
Watching recent “live” videos, I look at the ones who have taken up the torch and revel in how amazing they are! They too have “Come of Age”. We opened the doors and they didn’t hesitate to step in with a different perception of life, free of our old baggage. They are fresh and new. They are wired differently. They are pure of heart.
Our world is in the mist of a major transformation. Duality is struggling to draw to a close. Although many humans are more open, others are more closed . Therein lies the chaos of present day. But these new ones are solid in their “Presence”. Their spiritual messages are no longer about New Age teachings or those from the dusty old tomes of ancient masters. They are adeptly responding to present day life in the midst of transition. And they are doing a stellar job of it!
So I am here to honor each of you. Those who have chosen to pass on the torch. And those who have taken up the torch and stepped out in ways our generation was not prepared to do.
Bravo Beloveds! You bring a whole new level of wisdom to the forefront. I am very grateful to be one of the observers in the peanut gallery right now. Enjoying life, adding my wisdom when called upon, and celebrating all the transformational changes that are taking place in this amazing lifetime for all of humanity. As we ALL Come of Age!
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
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