Segues into the New Experience
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- Written by Terry Andrews

We continue to shift and you’re probably feeling these micro shifts on a regular basis.
We notice that something has fallen away or we’ve shifted our view about something, creating more internal space and freedom from the old world. That’s what’s happening now—we are freeing ourselves from the old world as we expand into our newness and the worlds we are creating.
We’re all creating things all the time. Some of them come in instantly, others take more time. One of these came in for me this week on a bike ride. Riding on one of my small community roads, which doesn’t have much traffic, I saw a worker backing his pickup truck out of a driveway. I stopped in case he didn’t see me. He popped his head out the window and said, “I’ll run interference for you past the elk.” I hadn’t even seen the herd, which was along the road two doors down and blending in with the pampas grass.
The new energy works with us and because it is interactive, it is responding to our needs.
Now this is something I have asked for in the past, when I’ve come upon the elk. Generally, I wait for them to cross, occasionally I turn around and take a longer way home. But this time, I rode next to the truck. He went exactly my speed and kept even with me so he could see me and I could see the elk thru his window. It was exactly what I needed right at that moment, and it popped in because I have asked for that in the past. We’ll be seeing things like this happen when we are in the flow and moving with it. The new energy works with us and because it is interactive, it is responding to our needs. Watch for this in your own experience.
Thursday morning the sun was out, it was getting warm, and as I headed to the nearby town to get a few groceries, I encountered thick fog on the river. In fact, I was in full sun but I couldn’t see the river. I thought, that’s where we are in all this energy. We’re in the light soaking in all the magnificence, and we can’t quite see where we’re going. It’s still hidden from us. We sense it, we feel it, we have visions and dreams about it, we’re having segues into it. But it’s not visible yet in its entirety. We’re just having glimpses.
We’re manifesting many things, we’re feeling the peace, we’re seeing the beauty. And we’re noticing how much is leaving our life. Many people are commenting about this, seeing things fall away. With our new resonance, we’re also pulling in new experiences. Each of us is creating from our own being and our own power and our own divinity.
It’s about focus, we put our focus on what we want rather than what we don’t want. At every moment bring your focus to the new.
In the powerful waves of energy that came in Thursday night, we shifted again, and it was so noticeable Friday in the magic that was happening, in the changes I was seeing in the people I encountered. Things we have worked on manifesting for awhile are coming into being. We are holding the space of the new when we interact with 3D, and these 3D interactions are being pulled in so that they go smoothly and quickly.
I’ll share one more synchronicity/juxtaposition story from this week. A new neighbor told me he has started hosting a program on our local community radio station. It’s a program I sometimes listen to because they often play a singer/songwriter I know and like, Greg Brown. I mentioned that to this new neighbor, and he said, “I love him, one of my favorites.” I wanted to listen to the next show and then I wasn’t able to. About 3 weeks went by and Friday as I was doing errands, I turned on the radio and my neighbor was doing his show. He said, “I’m going to play a Greg Brown song for Terry, as we were just talking about him.” It was amazing that the moment I had time to listen, I heard this part. That’s our universe being interactive, and it’s happening all the time now. We’re creating it, and we’re experiencing it, too.
I have to share that Friday was one of the most energetically beautiful days I’ve experienced yet. Everything was working so incredibly in an interactive way, where we were creating and seeing our creations. We’ve had a rainy, cold winter, and Friday the temperature was 84° with a lovely breeze. It felt like 75° to me. I heard several people complaining it was too hot, but somehow, when we enter the interactive new energy, which works with us, we experience the perfection. So, our external reality, because we are creating it, is reflecting what we are creating. When you begin to experience this, you will know what I am describing. We are creating what we want to experience.
I had several magical things happen, but beyond that, the FEELING of the day was absolute interactive perfection and happiness. This is what we are moving into, as we continue our transformative ascension process and embody more of our divine power to create. And we are just at the beginning of this, just seeing the start of it. This is what we are bringing in and putting into place, for ourselves and for all who embrace the new consciousness.
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