Saturn-Pluto: Birth Of A New Civilization
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- Written by Grace Solaris

I have felt myself immersed in a deep void of stillness these last weeks observing the excitement abound rising for this great cosmic embrace of Saturn and Pluto, a grand moment of fulfillment of the unfulfilled, of the distorted into the undistorted, that is a catalyser for beloved Gaia´s quantum shift into a christed star and a change in her spinning and orbital pattern.. lifting herself and shattering away the old distortions, that have kept her and her children in mind slavery and in the claws of greed. There will be great gatherings and ceremonies held across the globe for this long awaited moment.
This immersion into the eye of the storm always seems to happen to me prior to cosmic events of epic proportions. The last time I felt similar was towards the end of the Mayan calendar (21st of December 2012) where there was a storm building up energetically like there is right now... excitement and anticipation born from a place of hope and a plead for change..... the elements are purging, cleansing and preparing the soil for the higher frequencies of light. And so this last 7 year period time window we have been impregnated with ever increasing frequencies of light encodement imprints thru the plasma inpour, that has been accelerating and preparing our body for this grand internal pole-shift.. this light of unprecedented momentous intensity and purity, that is yet to be transfigured and anchored in thru united effort... giving birth to the christed new earth, the original 1st light is something that we all play a part in whether conscious about it or not.. as we are all connected.
Stay grounded, stay calm and centered and beware to not let yourself be thrown out of your center by the stormy polarity flip-over momentum.... yes it is intense, but by keeping your intent clear and focused in 0-point this time crash/flip-over flash will be graceful and easy... it will reset you to your true north and divine blueprint designation soul purpose... much change is upon each one of us... in relationships, job, purpose and so many will be "forced" by spirit to make radical changes to their life, end outdated relationships, change of work or move to a new destination which will be in vibrational match to all the new yet to be born thru you. Indeed a time to surrender with no attachments, but being open for the unexpected.
Step into your sovereignty with divine humility as to become the instrument of love and divine will, that holds the divine plan for humanity to return and rise to the majesty it is destined to BE.... a royal star of 1st light will arise in the skies and be seen from afar as we rise as one in the 1st light of Lemuria. Hail the 1st light, hail Atlantis, hail Lemuria. All the pyramids are increasing their spinning rate and will begin rising from their hideaways in depth of the rain-forests and will be reactivated thru those souls that have signed up for this and hold the keys and protocols.
The birth of a new civilization, a golden race is right NOW for each of us to embrace in self. Use these last days before this grand emergence of consciousness and birth to become naked to the core, to give way for the greatest of light yet to be seen and felt onto this planet, which is now to join its galactic sister Venus Kumara to become a star nation of divine unity, peace and joy... it will not happen over night but thru united and dedicated effort . ~ Grace Solaris
Channel: Grace Solaris
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