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Retracting the Veils of Avalon

avalon boat

Our entire solar system has moved into a new mystical space in the omniverse. I call it mystical because the old logical patterns of life are no longer sustainable and the new way of being often feels unreal or mystical to us. And yet, this new way of being is our innate way of being.

Because the old world structures are breaking down with such rapidity humanity has become caught in the chaos as they attempt to hold onto the old way of being. It has has become increasingly difficult for those of us who are empathetic and sensitive to energies to live in this world. As a result many of us have withdrawn from the mainstream into our inner sanctum to live a life that’s more aligned with who we know ourselves to be.

For many spiritual people our inner sanctum can be likened to Avalon, our personal place of mysticism, protected from the outer world. The more time we spend here, the more mystical it becomes and the more disjointed the mainstream feels to us.

These are some of the things I’m experiencing in my Inner Isle of Avalon:

  • As the gateway between worlds, it allows me to consciously choose from a multitude of potentials with divine timing rather than linear progression.
  • Time is no longer linear, it responds to my present way of being. If I feel crunched for time because I’m in my logical mind attempting to reconcile the past with the future, time speeds up. If I’m in the present moment, time becomes irrelevant.
  • Dreamtime has become very lucid and interactive, blending into my everyday life.
  • Logic has its place but it’s no longer running the show. The magick and wisdom of Merlin is guiding my every moment as long as I’m not distracted and I allow it to be so.
  • Avalon is the stronghold of the Elementals and the Fae… teaching me how to live, flow and create “with” nature. Joy and playfulness is prevalent here because life was never meant to be hard. Life is meant to be lived in beauty, song and dance.
  • In this sanctuary of the feminine, as the guardian of the sacred grail of pure love compassion and forgiveness, the alchemy of Love is ever present.
  • As the birthplace of the Knights of the Roundtable, established to govern “with” the people, Avalon holds the blueprint for right governance based on principles of mutual respect, equal representation and the blending of magical and sacred values with the secular in a happy, harmonious and productive marriage of heaven and earth.

In Celtic lore, Avalon is the entrance to the Underworld where hidden realities become visible. The Sword of Excalibur cuts through to the eternal Truth, thus we are remembering our ancient Knowing embodied within our cells and the crystalline core of Gaia. We all have the opportunity to withdraw the Sword of Excalibur and cut through the mists of amnesia. All it takes is a pure heart.

Our inner Sanctuary of Avalon is the embodiment of the Vesica Pisces, with Avalon acting as the integration of the two overlapping circles of heaven and earth. By having a foot in both worlds, we have been co-creating new realities in conjunction with Gaia with the natural flow of the Laws of the Universe. When we venture out into the mainstream world our expanded energy field effects everything and everyone who comes in contact with us. In this way we are awakening humanity to a new way of life.

On the days when we’re feeling disconnected from reality, walking around in what feels like a fog, it’s because we’ve stepped out of the old matrix and have yet to acclimate to living full time in the new realities we’re creating. During these times the veils of Avalon are disengaging us from old patterning. It’s important to remain grounded in our inner sanctum and surrender to the infinite wisdom that is directing our every action.

At the moment the veils of Avalon are in service to us as we are co-creating a new reality for all of humanity to step into when they are ready to awaken. Know that we are approaching the time when the veils of Avalon will be permanently retracted and the revelations of a New Earth will be revealed to all. Until then trust and savor this sacred process for we will never come this way again. Engage in the magic that presents itself, for you are the Merlin of your own reality.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. Learn more about us @ www.sharonlynshepard.com
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