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Preserving our Sacred Heart

Preserving our Sacred Heart

Transcript- We are memorializing our Guardian session, today is February 3, 2017. Time and space seems to be collapsing rapidly due to the geomagnetic shifts, and the surreal experiences of re-spatializing time is really incredible in this transitional phase. In holding the space and connecting to our larger field, taking a nice deep breath. Beloved holy presence of God, we open all channels of communication in the vertical to connect directly with the eternal living light. As we connect all communication links in our communication and session today we consecrate and dedicate in Cosmic Sovereign Law. Through all of us here and now for a moment wanting to focus on the heart resonance and feeling the true level of communication through the eternal fields is actually coming from the heart and not the brain.

I'm focusing for a moment deep in the heart and feeling the undulating geometries that emanate from the heart that allows us to feel empathy, to feel the love of God, compassion, the true reality in terms of its manifested substance. In coming into this deep feeling of being grateful that we have the heart connectors, the operational neurology, the capacity to have awareness, the access to consciousness that allows us to recognize the sensation, the feelings, the language of the feeling heart.

In this time, it is of critical importance in truly understanding our heart, our pure heart, our connection to the Source through the undulating waves of geometries of resonances that are shared in the environment from our heart when we feel love. When we recognize an energy signature around us and we can deeply feel something, this is the heart resonance at work, its function, the way it should function in all people. Recognizing that at this time on our planet we are sharing space with many human beings and human bodies that appear human that are not actually human. They do not have the same nadial structure upgrades or sensory connections which allow them to truly feel the presence of our human heart, our love, our empathy, our compassion, our caring for each other, and our caring about what happens in this world, although we cannot exert any control over the end result.

My voice and potentially my mood is more somber today because of the compassionate empathy and resonance that I have inside, that no matter what happens on this earth, even though we are some of the privileged ones that have been given access to truly know and feel what the presence of God is, which is the substance of love that makes up all things. Yet at the same time there are many people around us who are devoid of that love and absent of the light. They are unable to share in that experience of loving connection and as a result, it truly harms their spirit.

Without feeling love we wither and we die. Seeing death in this way, not death that is described in the physical world of the passing of the body, but that death is the decay of the spirit, when you do not have access, for whatever reasons, to experience love, heart, purity, affection, the unconditional acceptance, that unconditional love brings, it is loving kindness. These are all qualities that I've always experienced with the Godhead. It has always been curious to me how impersonal people have described their relationship with God because I don't experience it that way. I experience it in a very deeply personal and feeling way of loving compassion, empathy, affection, a sense of caring what happens to creation. It's not impersonal at all and yet observing the overview on what is happening on this planet right now, it can sometimes appear impersonal. In the larger sense of looking at the planetary evolution schema, with each individual nerve cell of this planet having its own consciousness experience in the multiple layers of time, nested within the many holographic projections.

The important question in this moment is, have they preserved their Hearts? During this time,  more than ever, there is a critical importance in the preservation of our heart which means all things that we decide for ourselves, in each moment, that allows us to not ever forget what love feels like. To not disconnect any part of our body from the forces of love, from giving, receiving, exchanging love, compassion, and having a caring empathy for life. Those qualities of love in our life and that which we can share with other people.

In feeling into this information that we have in the community, because it is a learning environment of ascension knowledge and to identify the agendas in play that are impacting the world at large in so that we can make better informed decisions about our life. I am a proponent of knowing what you're in consent with, and what you are participating with so that you can be in some kind of informed decision navigating the world of forces. The agenda is to usurp consent of the human public in every way possible that the Controllers can think of. Obviously this doesn't make me feel happy because I can see that so many people on the earth today are not prepared for such incredibly sophisticated levels of manipulation out of their consent to be in relationship with one's soul, with one's inner spirit. We talk about many of these tools to regain consent in the Law of Structure.

I think it's important going forward that all of us really understand that we are moving forward through a very turbulent time. Seeing people around us that potentially will be compromised by this loophole of giving away their consent. So for us to focus not only on ourselves but also with those that are stewarded into our care. Now the emphasis of the preservation of the heart complex and all of its attributes are critical. The development of the heart qualities, if that is not present in an individual, that needs to be a part of them recovering their inner core. If a person cannot recover their core, they need to go into the heart and learn how to truly feel, to connect their neurology and their sensory ability in order to feel love and heart based qualities. To be able to feel something.

What has recently come to mind is that all of us have a unique connection to what elicits this feeling of loving kindness and care inside of us. When we see something pure or innocent we might be initiated into that feeling. Similarly, we had recently talked about what it feels like when you see something that is a baby, of any kind of species, how immediately you can feel this heart based feeling of wanting to take care of this spark of life. A empathic person wants to shelter it, wants to care for it and make sure that it's safe. That is independent of gender, being a man or woman, when we see new life, we want to nuture it into what it was designed to be. Many of us have that deep primal feeling that defines who we are as human beings, we care deeply about life. The reptilian's do not have this feeling when they look at a human baby or baby anything. Again, many of the disconnected beings don't actually initiate into feelings of love or empathy or the desire to care for something that is innocent and pure and needs to be nurtured in a parental or adult role. In the adult role, we can see that that mother child relationship and bond has been attempted to be destroyed globally, in order to rampage and harm the children on this earth. When the mother and child bond is destroyed and the mother is stripped of her dignity and rights, she cannot protect the babies and children of this earth. The balance has been severely distorted from the lack of empathy, compassion and heart in the mistreated and abused people on this earth. Again, some are losing their humanity, becoming consubstantial or in consent with dark forces they do not understand and therefore losing their access to the human heart, as well as their access to a human body.

During this turbulent phase, will be ongoing, a turbulent and direct assault against the human heart in order to annihilate it completely. So for all of us that are dedicated and aware to our spiritual source that is a component of our heart, we realize the heart is the feeling that allows us to communicate directly with our eternal source and spiritual bodies. We must protect our sacred heart. 

Those that are stewarded into our care may require this context or need this emphasis of comprehension in their life. Preserving and caring for our heart is more important than galactic history and getting caught up in any kind of drama entangled with events on the outside. It's extremely important to stay internally focused, to learn how to become internally directed and to not allow anything to harm, impair or disconnect the heart complex, the human heart center. This is really important for all of us. It's important for our community. As much as it saddens me to feel this assault moving to another degree of aggressiveness to intentionally kill and annihilate the heart function in people, to shatter their permanent seed atom which is a part of the crystal heart in their own biology. The accurate assessment in this current moment tells us we need to be aware of this agenda and instead of allowing it to make us feel depressed or overwhelmed, to take this information and commit with everything we have inside to be loving and protect our human heart. That under no circumstances will we allow anything to harm our heart or take away our humanness, which is the love, the kindness, the compassion and the empathy that we have for each other, for this earth, and for the creatures of this earth.

Certainly, viewing this experience is giving me another stance in strength to confirm it in myself. I can thank the darkness that showed me this information for giving me the strength to commit to this process of consecrating my heart to God at an even deeper level. I hope all of us can transform the difficult information that we are exposed to in this way. To see it as the benchmark that tells us we have to raise the bar to another level of pure unconditional love, compassion and empathy, no matter what we are looking at or who we think is responsible for destruction. At this point it doesn't matter who's doing what. What matters is that we hold the highest expression as possible and know where our limits are so we can retreat and take care to fortify ourselves. When we get overwhelmed, when we get exhausted, when we feel we cannot hold space for it anymore, we must go and recover ourselves and then come back later. This year has been rough in the fields, and I don't see it letting out anytime soon. Knowing the spiritual support is here but it is through the Sacred Heart of which we connect to that offers the support and strength. If the heart is disconnected,  we will not get that spiritual support, that channel of support, that power of living light that comes through the heart complex.This is understanding that point of power inside us as well, in connecting to Godhead, in connection to the Christ-Sophia self. This connection is truly what preserves our humanity and protects us in the law, the Cosmic Sovereign Law, the Universal Law that is the truth. So the sacred heart complex is a part of the Book of Life in Universal Law. When we preserve the heart, our sacred heart, we are also active in preserving the Book of Life in the Law. Helping others around us to potentially understand that fact, especially when viewing and observing some very disturbing things that are occuring in the global scape.

Additionally, the reason why this is coming up is to recognize the heart is an energetic complex that holds our bio resonator crystal. The crystal frequencies that conduct through these heart based qualities that we are describing, the Spirits of Christ, the virtuous powers in our heart, and these qualities of our spirit, our soul, our avatar Christ self. In connecting to those virtues, those powers, it strengthens our heart. It allows us to hold a very strong harmonized field in the environment of which we are exposed, especially in our home advantage, so that we can build and hold a very strong pillar of the diamond architecture on the earth.

When the architecture is seen in the field by negatives there can be aggressive attacks and understanding this is something that will probably continue. I can't see this really stopping until there is disclosure about the technology weapons directed to the public, or some massive event in the globalscape changes it.

Knowing that during this turbulent phase, is understanding that those dark forces are desperate, but also recognizing the timeline of which they have an opportunity, which is specifically, to corrupt and break the human heart. The means they plan to do this is by forcing people unknowingly to walk into traps where their consent is being manipulated. As we all know anytime we interact with the third dimensional world and the Controller Pillars of Society this potential manipulation and attack against our self ownership exists. Many times there's something on the surface that is overtly being shown to us, but it really has a covert operation behind it that is a trap. The energetics behind what is being shown to us is not congruent to whats being represented to us, it is usually opposing, the exact opposite. What you are seeing on the surface is not real, where underneath is potentially filled with a trap of consent, to manipulate people in making an agreement to be in consent with a system that is inverted, dead energy or in the negative polarity. 

Now, because of the nature of reality, a lot of us have to deal with navigating levels of the corrupted 3D structure filled with black magic and curses, in doing so what's important is to neutralize these consciousness traps which are designed to overtake our consent and personal power. How we neutralize it from taking control is to see it clearly or recognize it operating within the structure. When you see the corruption or deception, or recognize the real agenda hidden in the structure,  it cannot automatically manipulate you because you're calling it out, you're seeing its purpose. This is, again, one of the most important concepts of understanding why we put such an emphasis on discerning darkness, discerning consciousness traps, seeing what the agendas are, because once you see it and do not give your power away to it, the dark energy cannot manipulate you. Once you understand what it's doing and what it wants, you don't have to give it what it wants because you understand what it's really doing. That's where knowledge is power.

So when we are in contact with anything that is third dimensional recognize that you have a surface appearance along with an hidden underlying agenda. Be sure to check in with guidance to ensure that you are always, as you walk through that three-dimensional matrix, that you are remaining beyond it and above it. This means that you place your authority beyond this matrix of control, your consent is beyond time with your eternal spirit, and there is no debate, period. Of course, this is what claiming oneself as God Sovereign Free means. Repeating that decree when in interaction with any of these control structures, while observing what its method is to manipulate power and control away from you. There is a lot of manipulation to seize power and control over people, that is coming up at this time due to the bifurcation and the bookend of this five-year cycle.

With this in mind, understanding the heart complex as the generator of bio resonance crystals from the substance of our crystalline being is being synthesized through the energetic complex of our heart. Simultaneously, the heart as an organ is very important because the heart, the physical heart, is the physical structure that is sending out that heart frequency resonance. It is like saying the physical heart is your placement holder in the physical body to which of these geometric bio resonator crystals are being projected out of your aura. So you need your physical heart to function well and circulate your blood in order to keep those bio resonance crystals that are coming into the geometries of the heart beat and the heart pumping. We breathe in God, we breathe out God, that particle/antiparticle breath, fission/fusion with the reality, our heart mimics the pumping action of that fission/fusion, in and out breath. As we create bio resonance with the Krystalline structure, the higher laws of God, spirit, love, that frequency becomes a substance that comes back into the bloodstream that the heart pumps through the entire body. This is what they're attacking right now in the population. I want us all to be aware of these methods and to protect our heart, protect ourselves, know that this is a mass agenda to spread violence and vulgarity to shut our heart down, and the reasons why they're doing it.

If they attack the physical heart, if they attack cardiovascular function, they are impairing the ability of the bio resonating crystal oscillator in the heart to spiritualize those crystals and bring those energetic crystals into the bloodstream through the breath. It's understanding the heart is this energetic bio resonator, that's what the heart complex higher function is. And the heart itself as the physical organ that holds it in place in your physical self. What they are trying to do is disconnect any kind of energetic bio wave that the heart is producing from the actual physical organ itself. So it's like saying the energetic links of this bio resonator crystal, if you are experiencing love and compassion, empathy, these higher virtues of your humanness, a way to destroy or break down these emotions or feelings from being processed in your physical body is to attack this part of your body. To disconnect the energy resonance from the heart complex. When you think about this, this is your breath to blood, your blood to brain barriers. How the blood is being circulated throughout your body. Recognize that your heart, when you're breathing and you're creating these bio resonator crystals, when it fuses with your physical heart organ it brings the bio resonance crystals into your blood. When these bio resonance crystals become circulated in your blood, it clears karmic miasm imprints in the blood.

So in knowing what the blood is, first of all in the previous newsletter we were talking about the spleen and the blood relationship. I've talked many times what the wounds of Christ are and the spleen implant in the body that has its main housing, if you will, on the seventh axiatonal line. The spleens job is to help circulate, preserve, and protect the blood in the body that holds our entire consciousness record. Think about it from their point of view, from the psychopathic negative alien point of view. If they want to destroy cellular and consciousness memory, if they want to destroy the human DNA and blueprint, then they want to destroy the blood or taint it, corrupt it, sicken it, make the blood diseased. That’s their agenda.

So the blood in our body in advanced stages of our natural spiritual biological evolution, our blood becomes truly less dense, it becomes spiritualized. I am trying to explain the means of how that occurs. The more we embody our higher spirit these resonances turn into crystalline substances and it gets through our breath and our heart becoming a part of our body, this circulates these crystals through our heart, through our arterial and venous system. Our spleen is supposed to protect these crystals. The spleen implant has been put in the earth and therefore it is a holographic implant in many people where it is designed to toxify the blood. The spleen implant is designed to taint the blood, to make it karmic and a part of the reason for this is in the slavery principle. If they taint the blood and superimpose karmic loads on a person's memory record, a human, that human becomes a carrier of somebody else's karma. This is how they have been using loopholes in the slavery system to collect people, taint their blood, superimpose karmic loads with false karmic holographic memories that are assigned from the entity to this group of people. The entity is shoving off his toxic waste and is giving it to the group of humans to process. This is one of the means of how they do it, of how we process and digest negative energies through the blood. What happens in that person is that person's blood is now holding this miasmatic record of whatever that alien record actually is. This is a part of the alien hybridization damage that has been done. How did the alien hybridization create the means to create so much damage? There are direct genetic ways where they have spliced, cloning and used genetic material for these purposes, but this is to also understand that the cloning of a body isn't necessary in creating alien hybridization damage. When a human being is being superimposed a karmic load from another species, that genetic record in the karmic superimposition is being recorded in that person's blood stream. This creates an intermingling with that species of which that human may have never been in consent with to begin with. Meaning that person now has a connection to whatever reptilian species through blood,  but the human wasn’t in agreement with. They didn't really come from, let's say sprouted from that genetic line but were manipulated and engineered to do this for that alien group, which is basically running and processing energies in a way that predigest it so that the entity receives the pure energy that has been processed out of the human. While the human is left with a karmic exhaust of this miasmatic imprint. Sadly, we know this isn't anything new. We have talked about this before but in understanding more of the details so that we can connect the dots as to why they are bringing forth another level of aggression to attack the heart and the blood of the people of this earth, how they're doing it and the reasons why.

Now yesterday I did some fieldwork and this is what I saw. Therefore in receiving this information and being grateful to receive it, I want to share it with you and our community because I feel it's a theme of this phase. It's something that as practitioners to be aware of this so that we can navigate it, as informed as we possibly can.

So, a way to toxify the blood and blood records, it seems what has begun is another generation of weaponized nanites. Many of us are aware of weaponized pathogens and weaponized micro organisms and those that have been sprayed related to the Mycoplasma Brucella bacteria families. Lately, there was guidance to pay attention to this in chem trails and to note the next generation of nano pathogens, noting the longer term coughing and the respiratory problems was becoming a pattern for many people. In noting this, we know they have been doing chemtrails for long time but the aggression is being heightened in the war over consciousness on this planet. They've rolled out another addition, added another generation of nano bot technologies, nanites in chem trails. We’ve seen this sprayed in experimentation, such as the Morgellons is that as well. It is type of nano technology that is able to harvest or siphon light emission from the person's skin when it becomes lodged in the person.

Now this recent chemtrail generation seems to be about taking the bio-crystals out of the blood of the person. Lets say you're infected with the nano technology from the chemtrails and that through inhalation or other exposure it gets into your bloodstream. The nanotech is being used in the blood to siphon the body's light emission in the blood. As we were talking about, those of us that are Krystic, that are able to embody more light, we are generating more light. This crystalline source, these crystals become in the blood and they can be harvested of energy but also on the other end, this serves the agenda to toxify the blood to put an AI device in the person's blood stream. Why are they doing this? They want to control the consciousness record of the human being and they want to make sure that that human being does not leave this planet or the realms that they control, which is the underworld or parts of the astral that they still have footholds in.

What they're doing is when you infect the blood with AI nano type of technology they are siphoning the crystal light which is directly responsible for creating the bio crystal of the heart complex outside the physical heart in the light body. This implant is sucking energy from the hearts bio field, if the person has one, and it’s sucking that and destroying the configuration of the bio crystal heart resonator. As a person is being drained of this heart field, they lose their feelings of love and empathy and connection. At the same time we have to remember that when we develop the heart through spiritual practice, our spirit and heart are really as one. This is how we connect with our spirit as well. If this is being drained we will start to lose our heart connection or feelings of empathy, love, and compassion. It's at a level where the person may not recognize it's occurring gradually at the time it is.

This is the agenda and it's something that I recognize is happening in the California area. It means it's happening in other places. So in understanding this in not taking this information in any way that elicits fear, again knowledge is power. What do we need to do about this? Pay attention and take care of your body and immunity. More than ever protect, love, kindness, compassion, empathy in yourself. Practice it, feel it, pay attention to what you are feeling every day. Again, how this works is when people do not understand it, when they're not aware that this is happening. When we are aware of it we can stop it from happening. As sad and awful as it is to witness this happening in the public, all we can do at this time is to help all of us in our community better understand this so that we can protect ourselves, protect our loved ones, see the signs, listen to guidance and take good care of ourselves.

At this time we are also undergoing massive upgrades of intergalactic plasma that is changing the configurations in our lightbody to connect with the dark matter template and a lot of us are undergoing recalibration. My personal feeling is that the physical difficulties many of us are having at this time is related to the changes in the dark matter template and radical magnetic shift. If we remember, going back to the dark matter template, we know that it was the source of where carbon matter, was being manipulated by these alien technologies and artificial intelligence in order to control matter and the black subtle forces. As the dark matter template is activating, it is aligning to higher frequencies and this is changing the way energy forms into matter. So again, there is something that is being adjusted in how vital forces circulate in the dark matter template which eventually go through a process of projecting itself into matter substance. When we are involved in the processes that we are with our meditations, our grid work, our prayers and speaking the law as we know it. When we speak the Law of Structure we are attempting to align directly to law. Understanding it is the laws of God that protects us and holds the space to preserve it for others to come to the realization of aligning to that eternal structure.

So knowing that this is changing in physical matter, we call that morphogenesis. Basically what seems to be showing up is that 2018, we are preparing for now but 2018 starts a new period of morphogenesis. With that happening, it's understandable why the dark forces are so aggressive to get in there and spray a bunch of nanites to get into the bloodstream. If they start getting people implanted with all this AI technology and it’s not only siphoning the light but it's emitting a kind of signal. This is an AI signal that is coming into that person's body. It's a part of controlling matter. They want to control the physical objects in this dimension. This is what they're doing in order to achieve that goal. When we connect with our spirit, we are overriding this as well being aware of the AI signals that are around us. As we set our intentions, as we work with the law, as we develop the heart qualities, we are protected. It's very important to understand why. When you understand why, which sometimes may seem so simplistic and as many of us can attest feeling compassion, love and empathy can just feel so obvious to us. But we can see that it's not obvious to a lot of people on this planet that have been completely disconnected from their ability to develop these feelings or heart qualities beyond the instinctual desperation of the pain body, which is where most people would experience what they think is love.

During these times please understand this link of the importance of our blood. Our blood holds our entire consciousness record and our blood sends the energetic signature and the configurations of our DNA, our deeds, our actions, it’s everything that we are. That also means that the blood in our body has relevance after we drop the body because it holds the recorder mechanism of our consciousness while we're in the physical. When we drop our body that blood record becomes enmeshed in permanent seed atom. If someone hasn't developed that yet it would be in enmeshed in the consciousness record of the lightbody. Then the person's consciousness at that level vibrates in certain patterns of which they would be attracted to a certain harmonic universe, density or time and space. You can see how important this is that if you taint the blood, and they've been doing it a long time, obviously we all have tainted blood from the spleen implant. That’s a part of the slave class karmic superimposition of the load inherited by all of us on this earth. Beyond that, in this understanding, the blood is important in controlling the location of the vibration we go to in our consciousness if we drop the body. We can see that they want to trap more people and use them for whatever purposes by using AI based nanites to taint the blood.

Recognizing this is happening, as well as recognizing we have an incredible amount of spiritual light and power at our disposal when we keep our heart and communication with Christ Consciousness open. That is our priority. Keeping our heart open, loving, kind, compassionate and to feel empathy for others. No matter what their choices are, even as difficult as it can be to watch. The highest service we can provide with the most beneficial outcome in very difficult and painful situations is the compassionate witness and GSF Blessings. As we all know, we cannot interfere. We cannot control anybody and we certainly can't proselytize. We can only share what we know when we are asked. When somebody asks for help it's different. We can then authentically share what we know. If the person doesn't ask, there's really no opening.

So, recognizing this agenda currently has given me a somber mood. It's hurtful, it's difficult. I don't prefer this or want to see this perpetrated to the human race. It makes me feel very sad. At the same time I'm taking that sadness and I'm transferring it into a deeper commitment, a stronger commitment, more than ever in recognizing and realizing that our heart is the most important thing to preserve, to protect and to develop at this time. What each of us may need in order to do that is individual, and we may need to discover that once we get our mind under control. We have the relative discipline to get the ego out of the driver's seat of our lives. When we become more internally directed we've got to focus on our heart and we've got to stay there. We’ve got to make sure that it's strong, that it's protected and that we nourish it in any way we can by eliciting these experiences that we can feel love again. Whether it's through our loved ones, children, animals, pets, significant relationships with each other. What is it that generates that feeling of just an overwhelming connection with love and life, your body is just filled, through your meditations, with unconditional loving kindness? Not everybody feels overwhelmed with unconditional love in meditation so this is why am also saying go to the physical, the visceral sensations of things that you feel grateful for having. Find the loving, caring, empathic qualities, these heart based feelings that you have. Be aware of them, be mindful of them when you have them. Know that this is your sacred heart that is eliciting these emotions. This is your spirit, your eternal self, your guidance mechanism, your protector. This is what is eliciting those feeling sensations, and it is your humanness.

We are in a very strange time on this planet, a struggle between those that are empathic or have empathy and those that do not, the non empaths. We could also say these times are a struggle between human consciousness versus black hole alien consciousness. Recognize very clearly the differences, what that means, so that we can stay strong, stable, centered taking care of ourselves and holding that loving space for those stewarded in our care.

Thank you so much for listening and holding the space for this incredible love and gratitude for the support we have in our beautiful Guardian families that are present in supporting us during this time.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Beloved Christ self, God self, Guardian team and family, we would like to seal the field of our communication. Holding unconditional love, compassion, empathy and true caring for life on this planet, for all that we are enduring in these times. May God's divine plan return to this earth and support all of our brothers and sisters and inhabitants of earth.

Thank you and so it is we seal and end this communication.

This wonderful video from HeartMath illustrates heart resonance very well, it is a good visual tool.

Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and Multi-Dimensional Guide, the author of the Hieros Gamos System (HGS). She is an impactful and startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet's Ascension Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds, and spirits and how this new energy can be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.Lisa Renee is a Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of beings focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind. Find Lisa on the web at www.energeticsynthesis.com.
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