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Plasma Crystalline LightBody


New Atomic Codes, Advanced Genetics and
Earthly Bodies Evolving From Carbon-Based Structures....

It's been an interesting phase that we've moved further into continually... every year, deeper into our core essence, the depth of our BEing and the vastness of our entire existence returning...

Each timeline (phase) experiences these processes differently, for before 2012 our evolution beyond the 3rd & 4th dimension was unknown, until we each passed through that initial corridor/gateway of Physical Body Ascension of cataclysmic experiences meant to shake, shock and jolt us awake...

We spent years sharing our knowledge through experience for the masses on earth to move into this phase themselves... entire collectives waking up and transitioning... to what?

To a whole new existence that starts in the meditative & dream space and then in the waking one too, to shifting/moving physically from an old outdated one that was completely out of alignment with our souls, to ending the control/suppression, the avoidance, the lack of inner connection, the complacency, the obliviousness, acting out the self-serving and/or abusive behaviors, the not truly caring and to fully move beyond the veils of amnesia.... 

When we are in a lack of power/victim mentality, then the words will be "that is/was imposed on us", yet when we shift beyond that veiled mentality the words change to "that we chose, as souls here"..... The realities are very different. One keeps us playing in the unconscious program of a loop cycle that is the very thing we are complaining about... the other reclaims our power and makes a statement... that we are done playing in those realities and we are ready to move on.... 

We energetically "pack our bags" and walk out of the old realities and into the "unknown". Some of us really pack our bags, living out of suitcases for awhile (this is a part of the process for most of us at some point as well).... 

The Unknown.... they mystical, the magical... that place beyond the fear... where we are FREE to live a whole new existence when we are brave enough to move on, let go, take those steps.... and reach deep down inside of our selves to connect to our own soul inside, to know that everything will be better than okay.... (better once we move through the challenges that present for us to dissolve the energy we held inside).... 

On the other side... wow, that's a mind-blowing huge topic that just cannot be touched on through a writing, for it's a vastness within itself.... The other side, where love, unity and peace exist, where a real physical Heaven on Earth exists too. It's magical, amazing and new to our little human, yet totally REMEMBERED as our multi-dimensional selves..... 

On one side of the veils we have unconscious realities that represent/play out as hell and duality/bardo/purgatory, as we transcend all of the amnesia of unconsciousness we held in our physical/cellular body... That Gateway/Passageway from transitioning over is a huge process within itself..... 

Once on the other side, the challenges don't stop, yet they differ from the old ways.... There's no drama, no fight, no struggle, no lack.... yet now you have to walk as an Ascended BEing, a MASTER of your entire reality.... you have to BE Creator incarnate and SOURCE too.... for you are the SOURCE of all things that emanate out, that transmit out, that allows, that dictates realities.... AS LOVE .... a POWER like you've never known before (as a human).... This LOVE is so powerful, SO PURE, it can obliterate anything, it can make all visible, it can bring the walls down, soften the shell, bring tears just by BEing.... it can shift any reality from unconscious to conscious instantly.... 

It can drop giants to their knees, it can empower, build cities/communities, bind all together, connect all again, support and uplift, inspire and share openly, everything.... 

It has no boundaries, conditions or needs... it seeks nothing... speaking volumes in the silence and through the UNIFIED FIELD of Super Consciousness..... 

It touches the souls of others, waking them up to REALIZE there is more too. It touches softly, yet can be the most powerful driving force and bring a halt to all that is not pure..... 

This love, this pure place, this power... resides deep within all. It is what each disconnected from and forgot and now it's RETURNED for all. 

Galactic Gaia emanates this out, the resonant frequency raising substantially daily now. Plasma energy running through our bodies as they further evolve from carbon-based to crystalline silicon form now. 

This last month has been New Atomic & Molecular Codes along with Advanced Genetics and more. It has been a deep Earthly BODY UNION for our Soul and that of Galactic Gaia as well..... 

The amount of plasma energy is at such a high, that functioning for many of us takes all of our energy now. Total presence, total awareness and letting all go that does not support what needs to occur now. The density of all being re-worked and the Re-Distribution Process/Project continues too. Continually moving to a higher density plane of existence, the body has to go through much for this to occur. 

As a Guardian for Our NEW Earth and a Gridkeeper/StarGate Keeper first, the immensity of how much energy it takes to attend to our Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper duties are mind-blowing as well. To align fully with Gaia/the Multi/Omni/Uni-Verse & all Galaxies simultaneously with these Earthly Bodies that continually upgrade, re-code, evolve as we intentionally anchor highest timelines in this physical one here. To work intentionally with the gridwork and to hold it all within our own forms as keep a clear field of consciousness as well, in high anchoring times, takes every bit of our energy too. To walk in every dimension simultaneously and still hold physical form here.... is often the most challenging part.... 

You will exchange "chaotic/unconscious physical realities" for peaceful holographic/energetic ones..... you will exchange being a prisoner/held down/held back for a fully empowered, creative, vibrant, interactive and alive one. Every moment will breathe, every relationship will too, every interaction on a level that our sleeping human didn't have the capacity for. We were the ones asleep/blocked off/shut off/walled up/pushing away/imposing and not standing fully in our own power as PURE LOVE from within. 

Those were the days of separation before we chose to understand the illusory fears, before we chose to walk through it, embrace it, breathe through it and see it for what it was.... pure absence of inner-connection with our own Divine Souls.....a love and union so PURE that pure tears of RE-UNION stream..... where we REMEMBER what we forgot....and where we choose which existence we do desire to always experience here.....

Immense mergings continue on a cellular level, immense re-writes and "un-programming" continues too, the density held in old unresolved emotions, mentalities and beliefs become heavy and exacerbated by these plasma energies....

The "weight" has been shifted and now our bodies shift with this density shift too. Some will put on weight for those cellular programs to emerge, others will drop weight when lighter, others get bigger as they lighten, yet have more space inside.... bodies expanding and contracting, cells expanding and contracting, changing the physical form to match the current hologram and match the density of the current physical plane......

Our physical form constantly adapting to the phase we are currently in. Each phase has a different physical density, each dimensional plane does too....

As Guardians, Crystalline Gridkeepers and Gatekeepers and forerunners, our responsibilities over the years have been vast. As Souls in physical form, we carried the weight of all galaxies and simultaneous existences, if you will, to open portals, "create" gateways and to anchor the highest dimensions possible in this physical here. We had to experience every physical reality relative to each state of consciousness to complete our own purification and cleansing processed too. WE were to share the knowledge through our experiences to re-educate as to "what all of this really is" and EMBODY all of our highest dimensional aspects in this physical here.

On the other side, you BEcome your ascended self, your highest selves, the whole Universe and beyond. We all be-bop back and forth for awhile until we can maintain this "new way" all of the time and not try to go back..... 

On the other side, you brought your body with you, you merged your Light with your physical form to become one. There is no sickness here.... that was dis-illusion too. That was unconscious human aspects trying to fit "ascension/returning to consciousness" into a limited belief system of dis-associations and mis-perceptions. a result of your physical body still residing in the denser unconscious dimensions and waking up and trying to release, re-align, re-calibrate, purify, cleanse and reboot/rebuild/reconnect itself to the Crystalline Gridwork of NEW Earth.  Here, you've focused on your body's vibration and you intentionally cleared all discordant frequencies held within that attributed to the separation to start with and you've consistently cleared your own field of consciousness of lower vibrational transmission.... 

On the other side... you have upgrades, continually, yet the process is very different than before. You and your body work in unison. It supports you, loves you, gets you through what you need to do and you love, respect and listen to it too. It tells you what it needs and you honor this..... Integration with your body is key, or it will shut down, deplete, stop working, speak back, for it responds to the respect and love that you give it (or the lack).  

On the other side, it's magical, dreamy all the time for awhile, then it becomes very real as you walk on NEW Earth as your new existence here. The difference is that all comes to you, you are not seeking anymore. While transitioning over,  when you still have separation from your higher selves, you are given instructions by inner/outer higher selves to follow and this is where you "learn" (remember) how to listen, trust and do and act in highest accordance, every time, no exceptions....

You must integrate your higher selves within you in order to physically ascend. Being "on the other side", ascended, means you ARE your higher selves, you are the team, you are all things as one again ... and you must "learn" how to function all over again ... in absolutely every way.... where you align all yourself, there's no one to consult but you, there's no one else to "do", but you... that which you prayed too is now inside, and everything is a message. Inside and out. Everything is for decoding your own matrix programming to understand how realities are truly formed.  

Your human will try to fear this, yet connected AS YOUR SOUL, it's the easiest thing you will ever do. For your human, it will be the most challenging, yet as you dissolve your own human'ness, all becomes easier, fun and profoundly beautifully magnificent. 

This entire month (and year), the Earth/our Earthly Bodies continue deep processes as our cells and crystalline gridwork continually undergo immense transformational re-configurations. The genetic makeup of who we are as a collective unit/species dramatically/subtly changing on a cellular level, increasing every day as we move further into the Galactic/SOULar/Earth's Plasma core....  

Our evolving bodies are learning how to function on a new Source of energy, with plasma as the Pure Generating Source, instead of before how our physical bodies produced and utilized energy. This is a whole new ballgame that we've entered into and our bodies are now adapting to the huge amounts of plasma. (See my 2017 Energy Reports where I spoke of this for this year). Our cellular makeup changing to match highest dimensional existence. I've had to cut everything not absolutely necessary out to honor this process and barely accomplish too. It seems the whole month of April is dedicated to this and then we will see.... ♦

If you look at the shell to center of the sun and the earth... you will see the crust of the earth, the hard core, this was us in the beginning. Then eventually as our light(body) activated, we went into the SOULar/solar part, little by little, more and more. Every template wipe, every transition, deeper into the plasma core we went... until we reached deep into the Earth's Plasma core, the Sun's Solar Plasma Core, the Galactic Core (all three combine/merge into one).... our every cell mutating along the way, our cellular body dropping density all along the way too..... at first we went from fuel for the carbon-based body being food and other sources to the light of our soul activating, running through our cells as we became Quantum Light BEings, more along the way. We went from the Merkaba to the Atom (I called it orbitron at the time, lol) to now fully plasma generating cells.... where the atomic structure of our carbon-based bodies now re-code again. First we were like solar panels, storing energy, generators building energy... now, it's different again. There's no structure/form to these Super Quantum Cells......

I was born (walked in at 3) to a human existence as Lisa and my remembered name is Transcendence. I "fell backwards" into this journey of consciousness, awakening, remembering & ascension. It was "long after", when I looked back and started to "connect the dots" and put the puzzle pieces together that I actually understood everything. This IS how it works here, unless we have someone or something to guide us along the way. I used this "new knowledge" to develop courses and teaching tools for others. Little did I know that in all of the time I was listening to "higher guidance", that I, as my future self, was leading me to "this point in time" of becoming a WayShower, Ascension Guide, Light Anchor, Gatekeeper and more, for the 5th Dimensional Realm (and higher). It was by using my own experiences & expansion that I created and shared, every step of the way. It is what brought me here now, to be able to share with you.

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