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People Don’t Change


No, really. They don’t. Unless you count those on the forefront of the ascension, embodied enlightenment movement. Those of us who have been doing the change thing for quite some time.

And even we get sidetracked and stuck, don’t we? There seems to be a struggle between the human who is grasping onto its old ways, and our soul, who wants to experience the new and is into constantly expanding.

Most people’s idea of change is to quit their job. Or get into a new line of work. To them it could mean they want to move, or redecorate their house. Maybe lose weight.

While to them these constitute changes, (and while these can be a by product of real change), and yes, they do require a few new adjustments, they are just reorganizing their old story to look new.

They haven’t yet initiated true change, and we know now what that entails don’t we?

I know for myself, I have given up on trying to help people to change who really are not interested. They may say they are, sometimes in order to stay in my life. But, really they are for the most part the same person they were ten years ago, and in some cases, decades ago.

And sometimes they can be quite convincing, and they have our number…they know how to play us.  So, don’t kid yourself, and don’t let them kid you either.

Oh, and by the way, our dear mind does the same thing. It has our number and knows how to sell us a bill of goods, doesn’t it?

I ams what I am, and that’s alls that I am”


So, I have come to the conclusion that unless they are in this ascension process, too, (actually everyone is at one stage or another in this process, but there are those on the accelerated path) they are who they are and for the most part who they always have been.

So I have a choice. I can try to help them to see that they are on a treadmill going nowhere, and well….doing that goes nowhere….or I can simply accept who they are and just enjoy them at that level.

And if I can’t there is always the choice to set them free. In fact I have noticed that is what usually happens. In fact, they are the ones who want to be set free, but they cleverly set it up so it looks like I was the one moving on. They would somehow sabotage the relationship.

That way, once again, they can continue playing victim and point the finger at someone else for their feelings of abandonment or whatever issue they are not ready or willing to deal with.

Again, people don’t change.

I am not saying this to discourage anyone from wanting to be of service to the people around them, but it’s important to face some hard truths. And in doing so, one can move on to the real work here, which is to fall in love with ourself, to nurture self and share if desired our wisdom and share it with those who are interested in change. Real change.

Otherwise our precious energies will be squandered in the wrong places. Our light will be dimmed, and we end up not being in service at all. To anyone.

Precious energies that create potentials for those who may become more ready to initiate change.   Even those around us.  Because they see how being into real change has some real payoffs.  They begin to notice that you are more at peace, or that you are more self-loving.

And, we have discovered, interestingly, that true change, real transformation begins by accepting ourselves just as we are.

But if others are not really ready or willing to change, to step out of their old story, you could be manifesting amazing things and all they will see is someone who just got lucky.  It won’t compute to them as your soul being in the driver’s seat of your life.

People see through the filter of their own beliefs and limitations.  I think we are seeing this more now that we are moving into higher frequencies.  The gap seems to be growing wider between where we are and the rest of the planet.

Which is good.  It’s necessary.  Releasing duality was part of the plan.

So, I know it’s fun to watch movies in which people are magically transformed into someone diametrically different than when the movie started, but can we get real here?

Can we be ok with the truth that people, at least until they decide to, don’t really change?

Enjoy Best Friend  from Cosmic Blend

Photo Credit Maria Chambers
© Copyright 2017 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers.

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