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Our New Reality


Sometimes we are so physically and emotionally ‘shell-shocked’ from this integration process that we can’t see the beauty of this embodied enlightenment.

How we are literally creating a new reality, right here within an old, dualistic one.  And this new realty never existed before – in which opposites come together.  The human and the eternal self.  We are still surrounded by a very dense, and often harsh 3D reality but we are becoming less and less subject to its influences, even to its physics.  Yes, we are beginning to defy physics itself!

We are transforming from a carbon-based to a crystalline-based body.  Our DNA is morphing as light is introduced to the cells.  And, while ascension is a natural part of our evolutionary process, embodied enlightenment is new.  A human being can ascend without fully integrating their light body.  They can expand their consciousness into higher realms, but it does not necessarily involve the human body or human personality.  Most Ascended Masters of the past left the planet soon after their enlightenment because they had not prepared their physical bodies to embody spirit.  In fact they saw their body as a distraction.

But we have chosen to stay here and to embody our eternal self.  We were not willing to spread it out over several lifetimes. We wanted it done in this one lifetime.

So this new reality is not just a nice concept, or the musings of a delusional mind… It’s very real, and yet it is very fluid.  It is less dense, more maleable.  It combines both the physical and the ethereal attributes.

Our body feels it, as it sometimes experience a buoyancy, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms of moving in and out of different realities.  And at times we feel the heaviness, the density here even more profoundly.  As if we are treading in pea soup.  Vibrationally we are just not compatible any more with the old consciousness and the reality it plays within.

Our light body is adjusting to its new home, here in our body.  And since it never experienced this type of integration before, it is highly sensitive to energies.  But it does eventually integrate and balance itself and the physical body does the same.  As slow as this integration feels to us, there is a benefit to not going too fast, unless we want to burn out our system.


We all know intimately how challenging it is to have to feel on such deep levels, all the fears and other emotions we inherited.  To have to endure the physical changes, some of which bring up old, inherited diseases to be transmuted.  But it’s part of the process.

But despite the hardships, it is admittedly an amazing process.  Here we are, a small but devoted group from all around the world being the first to go through it.  There are a few million awakening at this time, but those who are at the forefront, who are the first to experience it, are small in number.

The outer accomplishments that societies hold in the highest of esteem pale in comparison to what is happening here within each of us.  Others don’t have a clue that we are the ones embodying a solution to the problems facing the world, the Universes, and even our spiritual families back home.  We are embodying the very consciousness that resolves the battle of light and dark, male and female, and all the rest of it.

That doesn’t mean that suddenly it all gets cleaned up, that our fellow humans are easier to live with.  Quite the opposite.  But it does mean that we are creating the new template of peace, love and passion.  We become living examples of divine humans who are integrated, self-loving, self-sustaining and have a passion for life. Who are free to express their sensuality, and who are not afraid of what others think of them.  We become living examples of beings who are still very human, still get irritated, still lose patience, but the difference is that we are o.k with that and aren’t interested in self-analyzing all our ‘stuff’ anymore.   And that potential is available for those who are ready for real change.  And even if any of us feel we are not ‘there’ yet in our enlightenment, or have much more work to do, (which is an illusion) we still absolutely have paved the way for those who are beginning their own awakening.  In fact, if we don’t go a step further, we have already done what we came here to do.


There is so much lip service given to peace and love, to unity consciousness, but very few truly understand what that means.

The love we are embodying is the love for SELF.  For all of our aspects, for our so-called light and dark.  We are no longer disowning parts of ourself.  But in order to do this we need to disconnect from others and from this world.  Not to imply we need to forsake our family, our partners, or isolate ourselves on a mountaintop somewhere….but it does require an energetic letting go.  And that sometimes means letting go of friendships, or other relationships, sometimes only temporarily, sometimes indefinitely.  There is no way we could do this without the inner focus, which will appear selfish to others.

Our only responsibility toward the rest of the world is to set it free, detach from it.  It’s letting go of making ourselves responsible for how anyone else feels, and letting go of making anyone else responsible for our feelings or our joy.  It’s also letting go of making our human self responsible for our joy.  Or even responsible for our health, our wealth and our well-being.   Many will see this as being irresponsible, and uncaring. But being the Master of one’s own consciousness and one’s own reality will not be understood by most of humanity for a long time to come.  They do not yet understand that peace will never be a reality on this planet until each person embraces self-love, self-acceptance and has a deep connection with their own soul.


But really, how many humans have ever spent time truly loving themselves?  It’s not a mental exercise of separating out qualities into so-called good and bad attributes and then saying, “ok, I select only the ‘good’ stuff and choose to love those about myself.”  Then reject the rest.

This is what mankind has been doing and, well, the results speak for themselves.

So this love embraces all of ourselves, accepts all of ourselves, no exceptions.  It’s not done from the mind.  The human mind doesn’t have the capacity for that kind of acceptance.  It requires a partnership with the eternal self, human with divine, to pull it off.

So just as we let those in the rest of the world do battle with each other, in the name of love, religion, power or whatever games are being played, we are doing the same with our own aspects.  We are learning to let them do battle with each other, not running interference…much harder to do than detaching from the world outside of us.  But we are discovering that if we keep allowing these parts of ourselves from our past to pull us into their drama, we are right back in the old reality again.

What we are doing is profound.  We are beginning to trust that we are already enlightened.  that there exists the eternal part of us that is already a balanced masculine and feminine, that honor and trust each other.  And that enlightened part of us is simply coming home to us here in these bodies.  And in that process a new reality is born.


That statement has never been more true than in this ascension process.  Some of us are at the point where we are saying, “OK, I’m just gonna’ go for it!..I’m just gonna’ allow this process to unfold, with as little interference from my mind as possible….what else can I lose?  What’s the worst that can happen?  I’ll die?  Well, I’m gonna’ do that anyway, eventually….and if I die tomorrow or 40 years from now, whenever it happens I am still going to be in my I AM, and all is well, and I get to move on to other adventures….and best case scenario, I stick around, integrate my light body, and my divine I AM, enjoy life here as an enlightened Master before I croak!”   So both lead to happy endings, really!

And we already know that being here without our eternal self is far, far worse than any fear of death!


Maria Chambers
Our lives are like great paintings or great pieces of music. If we focus on all the technical 'imperfections' we will miss the true beauty of the work. We won't see, or rather, FEEL the essence and spirit of the masterpiece. I no longer identify myself as a writer, artist, or musician. Rather I express my divinity, and my humanity through the media of art, music and writing. I began this blog because I wanted to give voice to my experiences and insights, and I wrote for myself primarily. Six years later, I am still writing for myself, and I am discovering that my experiences are not personal but universal - galactic even. And now I am more sure than ever that I am a new consciousness teacher, as each of you are. The way we teach is by going through the very human experiences, and as we ascend and shed our old selves, with love, and as we embody spirit in this lifetime, which we are all doing, we become the standards for others of the new divine human.


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