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As you know, we on the leading edge of the new consciousness are not a religion.  We are not a cult, we are not aetheists and we are not even the new age.   You might say we fall into the category of ‘other.’

If you are at all curious about what percentage of the world’s population has a religious affiliation, it’s 60% according to a 2012 survey.

As you have probably guessed, Christianity comes out on top as the largest world demographic, at 31.5% or 2.2 billion people.

Every other known religion is listed and there is a category for ‘non-affiliated’ and ‘other.’


The ascension, Enlightenment process isn’t even represented as a non-religion on what you would call a standard measurement type system.  Unless we are lumped into ‘non-affiliated’ or ‘other.’

But just so you know, we are roughly about .05 percent of the world’s population.

And within that small number there is even a smaller percentage who are doing it ala Embodied Enlightenment style…that is, staying here in the physical body after enlightenment.  So we are for all intents a fraction of a fraction of the world’s population.

So if at any point in your day you think you are just another ordinary human going through just an ordinary life, take a look at the raw data.  Numbers don’t lie.  You are barely enough of a fraction of the population to even be considered a statistic.  No, really.  Most of the rest of humanity has no idea you are doing what you are doing.

We’re not even in the ‘new age’ category, although the data collectors would probably like to lump us into it for convenience sake.


As we can see, violence and terrorism based on religion projects its dark side onto other religions.  Every religion has its enemies.

But for us there is nothing to fear.  No one is going to have a rally or violent terrorist act against us, since they don’t even know we exist.

No one will be burning down our churches since we have none.  They won’t be systematically tearing apart our sacred doctrines since we have none of those either.

And frankly, the christians are just kind of bored with us by now.  They gave us their best shot, but regardless of us dabbling in the ‘Devil’s Work’, they for the most part have resigned themselves to us being ‘lost.’

Our true enemy may very well be the new-agers.  They don’t quite know what to do with us.  We really irritate them.

We claim as they do, to be our own god-selves, to be sovereign creators, but we are not really into conspiracy theories , the illuminati, UFOs, energy portals, world peace, astral projection, crystals, past life regression, ESP, meditation, auras, or Shirley MacLaine.

To many of us the new age had its place.  It was a natural step toward becoming awakened.  But most new-agers haven’t yet gone through their own dark night of the soul.  They are still in honeymoon phase.  They are seekers.

We’re past seeking.  We’re not even still awakening.  Most of us have moved through that phase.  We are  beginning to walk our talk, as the Masters.  And it’s not because we underwent a total aura-body-mind cleanse of any sort.  We are still very human, with human characteristics, but we are also the Master who is the part of the human that is fully conscious and eternal.

We are still undergoing an integration, but we are not waiting around, wasting vital life energy, for someone or something to catapult us into a 5D nirvana.

We know that mastery isn’t about perfection.  It’s all about Mastering our emotions,  choosing not to allow our mind, bless it, to dictate how we want to feel.   Because we are figuring out that the mind, if left to its own devices will keep us from experiencing true joy.

We are figuring out that true freedom is all about freedom from the prison of the mind.  As we allow spirit to guide us out of that prison cell, we get to experience some pretty orgasmic states of consciousness.

So, no we are not a religion, and we are not really the new age.  We have moved past a need to rely upon anything outside ourselves to feel whole and complete, but we are beginning to enjoy all the stuff that is here in the physical in a way we have never been able to before.

We are not a published, mainstream demographic.  But we as a small group have successfully created our own unique reality right along side the 3D one.  And that reality is growing.  Some day our consciousness will be represented somewhere statistically.  We will be in the history books (probably e-books by then) as the pioneers of the new consciousness here on Earth.

Can you imagine coming back in some future lifetime, if you decide to do this again, and be sitting there in school reading about yourself?   Maybe it will read:

Chapter 1 – Pioneers of Change – Bringers of The New Energy on Planet Earth

Art by Maria Chambers

© Copyright 2017 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers.

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