Now It’s About You
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- Written by AndEl

Are you tired of conforming to everyone else’s world? Don’t you feel it’s about time for them to conform to yours?
The problem with that is if we took that road we probably wouldn’t have anyone left in our life. Think about it. If we stopped accommodating other people, if we no longer tried to fill the conversational gaps, if we weren’t to a certain degree nurturing, supportive and understanding, who would want to be around us?
And yet, aren’t you kind of done with that role, for the most part?
Now when you walk into a room, don’t you want to be the predominant vibration? I don’t mean that everyone else must fall in line with yours, but it means that you don’t have to dim your light anymore. And that does mean that your vibration, because it is so radiant these day, will predominate.
And that may mean that others may find that light uncomfortable, and make themselves scarce. Others may find it inspiring. It doesn’t matter. It’s not your job to figure that out. Your job is to just radiate your light. There’s no effort involved. It’s just being yourself. Your human self, but having with you your Eternal Self.
Walking into any environment with your partner. Your best friend. No longer feeling a need to hide that best friend.
If you are more your Self, you will most likely appear selfish to those around you. They may think you are uncaring, maybe even cold. Detached. But you are actually more connected to yourself than you ever have been before. You don’t need to extract energies from others. And you are finding life becomes more sensual than ever before, but you are not using it to fill yourself up.
That’s because you are becoming more fulfilled from within. You are letting go of more baggage, so you may appear lighter. You are a free spirit.
Becoming enlightened isn’t what we thought it was, is it? It’s not necessarily having flocks of people surrounding us and wanting to be in our company. There will be those who seek our company, but not because we are the caretakers. They will want to experience what we are experiencing. A deep connection with our soul.
And we know that we can’t give it to them, that they need to find it for themselves.
All this doesn’t happen overnight, but we sense that it is happening. We feel different. We know that we cannot be who we once were. Our past no longer has any bearing on who we are. Most people want to embrace their past, whether they have good or bad memories.
We can’t so easily relate to our past anymore. Our soul sees it all as just experience. There is less and less emotional attachment to it. Another reason others see us as not caring. We need to be careful not to associate our memory loss as an aging symptom or as a negative.
It’s a blessing because it is making room for new memories. It is freeing us up. It’s important we don’t misunderstand the boredom as being bad. It’s just a space where we are not connected to our Self fully. That will change.
Doing new things is good. Going outside our comfort zones is what we are all about. We ar not among those who are playing it safe. But we too can get stuck. So sometimes things happen to move stuck energies. They may come in the form of hurricanes, storms, celestial events, getting sick, losing a relationship or a job.
This Embodied Enlightenment is the most difficult thing a human being could ever do. You are being asked to do the impossible, or so if feels.
You are asked to be your authentic Self, while there is still a big part of you that resists it because that self can’t bear to see others in pain, and that self want to alleviate that pain.
But as you align more with your Self, you know that all is well. You stop caring so damned much. And you realize that’s a GOOD thing, for you and for everyone else.
So when you walk into a room, or down the street, walk with your partner, your Self, and see what happens. Have fun with it.
Art by Maria Chambers
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