No Pain, No Gain, No More!
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- Written by AndEl

As we move into the New Energy, we are discovering that things don’t work the same way as they did in the old, dualistic energy. And it can have us feeling frustrated. But the frustration is actually because we are not used to things being easier.
Now, upon hearing that, the first reaction might be, “Of course I want things to be easier….who wouldn’t?”
But there is still a part of us that expects things to come hard, for there to be an element of pain and struggle. So we create that. The old, “no pain, no gain” crops its ugly head.
But many of us have noticed something. That we are less and less apt to do anything now from a place of lack, which includes enduring pain in any form, physical or emotional.
This past summer I began physical therapy for a frozen shoulder that was troubling me for quite a while. I heard some good things from others about that method. The first session was painful, because the therapist said it was important to gently push past the pain so that the body would get the signal it was OK to do so, to move beyond the limited range it was getting accustomed to.
I certainly saw the benefit of that. And it could easily be applied to emotional issues as well.
But I also noticed that following each new session, there was more pain and discomfort, and I wasn’t recovering from it. So for a modicum of improvement in the shoulder…..was it worth all the pain?
And then it struck me. It’s the old energy, the old 3D methodology at work. No pain, no gain.
I was advised to take an anti-inflammatory during the times I felt pain. I did, with a large meal, and it still caused stomach acidity for a couple of days. So it felt like once again, nothing 3D was working.
And any progress was going to involve more pain and discomfort. And expense.
Part of me was doubting myself. Maybe, I thought, I just wasn’t giving it enough time. Maybe I need to just power through it. Other people do.
Or maybe I was working with the wrong facilitator. Maybe they were pushing me too hard. Maybe I need to tell them I need to slow down. So I did the next session. I did as much as I felt comfortable doing, yet the same pain and discomfort followed for days later.
Another part of me chimed in, and asked, “Why are you making it so difficult? Is there something you need to prove?”
And, there it was. The AHA moment. There is a part of me that felt good about being ‘responsible.’ After all, look what I had done. I took responsibly for my health, went to the doctor, got the MRI (which came out clean, no serious issues in the shoulder). Went to Physical Therapy. It helped my mind to feel like it did its job.
Granted I did learn a couple of things, like it’s OK to move the arm. Many people think that they must not try to move the affected area so they ‘guard’ as the professionals call it. So it keeps the shoulder locked into a frozen position. It gave me permission to stretch the arm and shoulder more.
But there is also the part of me that said in my ear, “You know, the shoulder will heal when you are ready. Didn’t you just write about that?”
Yep. I did. I wrote a post about issues, physical and emotional, clearing when we are ready, and not a moment before. Well, color me embarrassed. Not following my own advice.
And of course I am not discouraging getting assistance for the body if it feels good to do so. Some good bodywork, massage work from the right facilitator can go a long way in assisting the body to relax and to move stuck energies. Absolutely.
However, at least for me, it seems that I can no longer justify any amount of pain for any amount of gain,
Where does that place me in this whole ascension process? Good question. Of course there is going to be discomfort involved. Our bodies and minds are going through a major transformation. But I have to wonder, am I still holding onto some pain because it’s been our MO for such a long time?
But it puts us in an awkward position, doesn’t it? The mind gets pretty frantic at times. We are not letting it do its job, which is to orchestrate our life. Our health, our finances, and our relationships. Oh, and of course, our enlightenment!
You know, this embodied enlightenment is a full-time job. It really is. It’s not a hobby, or a pastime, like bowling, golf, or crocheting. It requires a type of diligence that others will not understand.
But it’s not the type of old energy, mental focused diligence. It’s a completely different thing. You’re not trying to ‘make’ anything happen. You’re actually allowing things to happen. And that, as you know is no easy task.
Others in your life may think you are just sitting around, not caring about anything any more. Not caring about your family, your friends, your health, or your finances. That can be a major distraction for an ascension pioneer. They often stop their process because they are worried about what their family, friends, or co-workers will think of them.
But this transformation into our freedom requires that we no longer care what anyone else thinks. In a misplaced desire to protect ourselves or others, we are denying ourself, and others in our life, the greatest gift.
Do we want to leave the Planet, not having allowed our freedom? And do we want to blame it on others, because we believe they were holding us back? Or do we want to walk into our sovereignty, and in the process, set everyone else free?
And really, when we worry that anyone else will be judging us, it’s really our own mind that is doing the judging. Our mind still has some resistance to just allowing things to come to us with ease. It believes it’s being irresponsible unless it’s doing all the heavy lifting.
But it’s also seeing evidence that allowing the soul to take care of things does work.
So, fast-forward, and my shoulder has been healing nicely, without any sort of therapy or exercise
Photo Credit Maria Chambers
© Copyright 2017 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers.
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