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Navigating Multi-Dimensionality

Navigating Multi-Dimensionality

Learning how to navigate multi-dimensionality is becoming the new adventure as we are awakening to more of our selves than mere flesh and bones controlled by the human mind.

A few weeks ago as I was walking out the lane to the mailbox, I experienced what I called “Enchantment” because I felt like I has walked into an enchanted world with all my senses ultra expanded. The magenta rhododendron flowers were emitting a neon light, with a luscious scent, and I could hear their song of blossoming. Humming birds and bees were fluttering in front of me leading the way like pied pipers. The air was aglitter with faerie dust. I could sense the roots of the ancient cedar trees sinking their roots deep into the ground in search of more moisture. Everything smelled of fresh fecund earthiness. My feet were effortlessly gliding along, not quite touching the ground. And yet, I was fully grounded in my physical body.

I remained in this state of consciousness for several days, allowing but not attempting to maintain it. The more I engaged in 3d activities, the more it faded, but I always felt it on the periphery of my awareness. Since then, it has been fading in and out. With each embodied experience it feels more real.

It feels much like the Mists of Avalon only reversed. In the Mists of Avalon, we lived in 3d and had to pull back the veils with our magic to enter this expanded reality. At that time the planet was dropping into more density. Now, the cycle has reversed and we are naturally re-awakening to this expanded reality as our natural way of BEing.

How I have been experiencing this

When I am relaxed, with no agendas, I am naturally living “Enchantment”. When I disengage from the chatter of the mind, my senses are super engaged. Colors are brighter, birdsong sweeter, food more sensually delicious, feelings more blissful, joy is in a constant dance with whatever I am doing.

The challenge is navigating the 3d when in this state. This morning I disassembled my coffee press pot to clean it and stared at it for 5 minutes trying to remember how to reassemble it (something I have done numerous times). That was a bit disconcerting until I began laughing at myself. In a flash it was all back together and I was sipping my brew, while still in “Enchantment”. Thus I have realized laughter is the bridge between these worlds.

I have been learning how to do “enchanted” laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, vacuuming, and even toilet cleaning. How? By releasing all judgement about such chores and singing my way through them. I remember as a kid, mom used to wax the hardwood floors and it was our job to buff them. She gave each of us a rag and turned on some music. We turned that floor into a skating rink, buffing while we skated and danced to the music. That’s how housecleaning has become to me, an enchanted way to dance away the dust.

What I have learned thus far

We are naturally multi-dimensional beings. As the vibration of the plant continues to rise, so does the vibration of the human, and our expanded awareness. Once we allow ourselves to relax, our consciousness naturally expands.

We all have choice. We can choose our “Point of Consciousness”. Up until now, most humans are locked into one dimension because of their constant busyness within it to maintain it. As humanity becomes aware of a more expanded consciousness, it is up to each human to choose how they wish to navigate this expanded reality. Some will close down in fear. Others will open up and allow All-That-Is to reveal itself.

There is no right or wrong. There is no rush to the finish line. Because this new reality is free of judgement and free of time. It is a personal sacred choice, for each of us are on our own unique soul path. There are no lessons, books, or teachings. It happens naturally by simplifying life, relaxing the overly cluttered mind enough to make space, and then allowing the experience of expansion to become our new reality one moment at a time. I would venture to say the easiest way to tap into this awareness may be to tap into our childhood memories of magic and wonderment.

The more humans that begin living this new reality, the easier it becomes for the collective humanity to visualize a new way of being, free of the old mind matrix. Eventually, we will all become “enchanted” into this new way of being because we are tired of the old power games that have been playing out on the planet for eons. Multi-dimensionality will effortlessly become our new reality simply by choice.

And so Beloveds, once again, I have navigated my multi-dimensionality with savvy, able to write these words while “Enchanted”. I am assured that all of us will be doing so with new finesse if we so desire. What a magnificent enchanting world I foresee!!!

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
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