More About Re-Creation
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- Written by AndEl

Now you know, there are times I’ve encouraged you as well as posting videos by Grandfather that pretty much constantly encouraged you to try and be in a benevolent place of being within yourself as in trying to focus and practice *optimism.
There’s a reason, especially in these times that are sometimes chaotic. If you can, do that kind of thing - focus being in a benevolent place - focus feeling optimistic while just being yourself without thinking too much. What you might experience from time to time is Benevolent Re-Creation.
What happens is that as time goes on, and the world around you might have moments of chaos and not necessarily destructive chaos but just overwhelming chaos, you may have moments when things re-create themselves.
It might be something little. Perhaps something falls out of your hand into a place that you really can’t reach plus it’s not a place that you normally are in and you are just sad and wish you still had it. It’s not a matter of urgency - not a engagement ring or anything really important, just something that you wish you still had but you don’t so you let it go and go on with your life.
You might even say, “Well, too bad” but later on you happen to glance in your purse or you happen to feel something in your pocket and you reach down and there it is.
This is a form of Benevolent Re-Creation. It’s not something that you can consciously do, as in - now I’m going to re-create that in my pocket or in my purse - no. It’s something that just happens because of the way you **feel.
For some of you this could happen in the early morning if you have awakened without any pandemonium - meaning no alarm clock ringing or kids or dogs jumping on the bed - alright - but you just wake up quietly and in those first few minutes or so you tend to have a form of connection to the deep sleep state and in a deep sleep state you are your actual self - your immortal personality also known as your soul and so things happen there that you would consider magic otherwise but what you do is you simply experience the deep sleep state creation as part of your day-to-day physical life.
As I say, this is most likely to happen after sleep or even a nap where you got in deep sleep and recall something - a dream, perhaps a pleasant one and then something like this could happen.
I just wan’t to let you know that in these times as busy as they might be you could also have good things that happen unexpectedly.
If it doesn’t happen on its own and you would like it or need it to happen or even just to alter and be better you could try this. First do the preamble request. After that make the following request: “I am asking that reality be re-created in the most benevolent way for me now.”
That’s what I recommend. Goodlife
*The goal is to consciously create during optimism as an emotional and primarily physical feeling. This means you’ll need to be doing more than one thing in that moment. Focusing and being optimism while you request a Benevolent Magic, True Magic or Living Prayer.
**letting go completely and often completely forgetting about it.
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