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Millennials and Carelessness


Dear Ascending Family,

I’m reposting this blog from May of this year, as it has been very disturbing to see the mainstreaming of the Satanic Agenda and astral black magic being targeted at the younger generation of teenagers to 20 something millennials. This group has a much harder time with discernment and personal clarity, being able to navigate the maze of increasingly distorted realities from aggressive use of AI, electronic harassment, frequency of fear related bullying and holographic insert mind control. Many millennials exist as an emotional powder keg, ready to explode into panic, fear or aggression, never having been taught how to manage their stress or use common sense and critical thinking to help solve their day to day problems.

This end game cycle is very important to the Negative Aliens as well as the Controller’s who target those who are unaware, naïve or unable to protect themselves, and this directly impacts children, teenagers and especially the 20 something’s who are trying to get a grasp on their own sense of identity and purpose for the future. Most are trying to establish a sense of self in order to belong to some peer group, while co-existing within a 3D system that is parasitizing, collapsing and decaying all simultaneously. Unfortunately, there are very few strong and capable leaders in this younger age group who have an informed view of the Negative Alien Agenda and the methods used in specifically targeting the younger generation, who at this stage of personal development still want to be cool and hip with their chosen peer group. All of this pressure to be cool and hip comes at a great personal expense with potentially serious implications on their lightbody.  

Between the biological ages of 12 through 22, the spiritual-biology will attempt to help integrate the soul frequencies and open the heart complex of the youngster who is on the earth during the Ascension Cycle. As we know, soul integration has been seriously tampered with through the technological alien abuses on the astral plane, and these areas are filled with astral delusion, astral bliss and astral rape/sex. Unfortunately, this age group and those who are still attracted to the hedonistic pleasures that can be manipulated from these astral dimensions, are at risk for deeper intrusions into their lightbody and infiltrations that source from the astral plane of many delusions and holographic inserts. This inserts are astral visions, images that are sent into the mind of the person, to influence their behavior to be self destructive. Without a strong sense of core self, being able to feel centered and connected, or clarifying ones purpose to move steadily forward, this age group is at high risk in areas that are marketed to them in social media as standardized entertainment, creative exploration, and casual sex filled with reckless and careless behavior as if this is no big deal. It is a very big deal and has consequences that allow the physical body to be used as a dark portal, or enslaved for the purpose of another entity's amusement or energy siphoning.

As the millennial generation comes of age, they face a number of serious threats, including high rates of suicide, homicide, motor vehicle accidents, substance use, sexually transmitted infections and dramatically increasing obesity rates. Most all of these threats come with some kind of partial to full attachment or possession. Children are being targeted by satanic forces for suicide, it is a possession and not the healthy and sane mind of their soul that wants them to sacrifice themselves this way. Additionally, most people have not been educated to comprehend how their current choices generate consequences in this life, and the life after this one. As well as how many more attachments, fragments and possessions are latching onto people that act out unhealthy and destructive behaviors as this planet endures its Ascension Cycle. As a result drug and alcohol use as well as sexual activity is higher for this generation, when it is a much higher risk for them at this time of planetary shifting. How can we help teach a group of highly impressionable kids that it’s much better not to drink and do drugs when the exact opposite is being conditioned as the norm? How do you ask a youngster to challenge their peers to fight against the destructive norms of the death culture, during a time when they are trying to manage how they can fit in into this world?

Additionally, the sexual misery programming is running amok while most youngsters are seriously traumatized about sex, wanting to be attractive, desirable and belong in a sick culture with impossible standards for mainstream physical beauty and handsomeness. The death culture mainstream promotes life-style goals that are anti-human and anti-sex, reversing the healthy and sane perceptions in the bio-neurology in order to condition them to believe that the grotesque, extremist and deviant are the most desirable qualities to have.

This age group desperately needs support to learn how to be dedicated to build a healthy and positive state of mind while cultivating a deep self-awareness for one’s true self, which is the pathway that results in personal happiness. In order to build clarity and self-awareness it requires self-care and self-kindness, to embrace and accept yourself as you are.  A self that does not need to abuse alcohol, drugs and sex and has the inner strength to say no to others, “I do not consent to the abuse of my body, mind, and spirit. I unconditionally love myself no matter what!“ I hope this blog is taken in the context for helping to support our younger generation, who are in desperate need of strong and accepting adult role models to help guide them to understand how to build a healthy and positive mind for themselves, and to just say no to self-destruction. It is not okay to be reckless, careless and hurt yourself. Now, on to this week’s blog.

Dear Ascending Family,

We have big issues on planet earth with very destructive behaviors being conditioned as common place and being normalized in everyday society. The Archontic Deception Strategy is to increase Carelessness and recklessness towards life and creation, while promoting the death culture to intentionally shape a lack of empathy or compassion for others on this planet. So why does being Careless and reckless with our selves and others increase our risk for losing our feelings of empathy and further, become a high risk activity for being possessed or used as a dark portal for spreading dark forces? The Controllers want us to be irresponsible and uncaring towards ourselves and others, to not care what happens to other people, or even to the earth itself. Why do we see so much carelessness and recklessness especially being pushed upon the younger generations of today?

Let's look at it.

Carelessness refers to the lack of awareness during a behaviour that can result in unintentional consequences. The consequences of carelessness are often undesirable and tend to be mistakes or negligence. A lack of concern or an indifference for the consequences of the action due to inattention may partake in the origin of carelessness. (Wikipedia)

We study spiritually abusive behaviors so that we may understand them better, as these are negative behaviors that disconnect you from your soul and spirit, and for that reason we call these behaviors Archontic Deception or AD BehaviorsIn the death culture, we will come to notice that many of these destructuve behaviors are promoted and advertised in every form of mainstream media, and so the intelligent question to ask is - why would that be?  Who benefits from the fact we are careless, reckless and potentially negligent? 

(AD) Carelessness - We are selective in our commitments only doing the least required without care or responsible only to that which has self-serving motivations that give reward. We have little responsibility to how others may feel or how we impact others because we are negligent and careless of anyone’s feelings. We emit energetic garbage or litter the environment without a second thought. Not knowing our boundaries or limits we spew emotional debris or hubris on others at will. Many times our apathy and carelessness are from deep feelings of unworthiness and low self esteem.

When we are careless, we do not own up to having self responsibility for our personal actions, or how the choices we make will actually impact or even harm other people. The message transmitted into the collective consciousness is to be careless and to not care about the consequences of today. We are conditioned to not care about the harm we may generate to life, to nature and to other people, only to think about ourselves in the moment and not to consider the long term effects. Being careless is very destructive to us and to others. Promoting carelessness as "cool" and "hip" is really the mind control conditioning of accepting the Death Culture into our society and world.

How do careless behaviors feed into spreading the death culture? 

The Death Culture is used to promote these destructive lifestyles in order to permanently damage the heart, damage the soul and brain into some kind of form of fragmentation or dissociation. Dissociative behaviours eliminate all traces of true human empathy and remove the personal accountability towards the ethical implications and consequences that are behind the operations of the current world social, political, military, corporate structures that are used to carry out this anti-human agenda. Splitting behaviors and enemy patterning manifest as internal walls of separation because like soul fragmentation, the use of compartmentalization in corporate structures are also very much related to the creation of internal walls and external walls of separation. These walls of separation are something that exist inside of us, thus, they can exist in terms of our consciousness. Our higher consciousness is being fragmented into pieces so it is sequestered behind walls that we cannot perceive. These internal walls of separation are built from trauma and pain accumulated within the 1st, 2nd or 3rd chakras, and this is when people can have extreme symptoms that appear as sociopathic duplicity, incoherence, evil twin, and multiple personality disorder. 

The Death Culture is all about not caring about life and promoting death. When we do not care about life or other people, we lose our ability to have empathy. Lack of empathy is turning humans into automatons that are spreading dark forces that feed the Negative Aliens. Why would they want humans to act and behave more like them?

Lack of Empathy -The NAA can be best understood as a Psychopathic or Sociopathic personality or identity profile with a Lack of Empathy that has no feelings of remorse. Narcissistic Personalities and Psychopaths have little to no remorse for the harm, destruction or killing they cause any person place or thing. This is described as a Lack of Empathy, which is characterized by the inability to feel, experience emotional states, or discern what another life form may be feeling. Lack of Empathy is a mutation in the DNA of a species that has been disconnected from its Soul-Spirit, and thus suffers from genetic damage and Soul Fragmentation. Most of the Negative Aliens and those humans serving the NAA are unable to feel, experience or express higher emotions, such as emotive and empathetic states of loving kindness or Compassion. Essentially, with a Lack of Empathy as a AD value system, it is easy to program killing machines that have no remorse for their actions nor care of the consequences to their actions.

Thus, the Negative Aliens have downloaded their genetic mutations through mind control technologies which manifest as a severe lack of empathy within the collective consciousness of the human race, in order to control the planet to serve their agenda. A major control mechanism is to enforce the cycles of Victim-Victimizer archetypes in the population of earth.

When we are careless, we also increase the risk that we will be used as a dark portal or even possessed by dark forces. If we pay attention to our thoughts, behaviors and actions, we can grade them in so to stop feeding into these destructive or separative behaviors. We can assume the more careless we are with our own body, the less we pay attention to our actions and are less willing to be responsible for ourselves, we actually lose self ownership over own our mind, body and even our soul. The more careless we are, the more risk we have.

Stages of Risk in Human Body - as extensions of the Cosmic Christ spiritual hierarchy, we hope to emphasize clearly the vulnerabilities and weakness that exist in adults and children so we can help to inform others, when we are asked for help.

How do dark forces and fallen entities attach to or infiltrate the human body as a dark portal?

First, when we are reckless and careless with our body and indulge in the Houses of Ego (especially fear, guilt and shame) or engage with negative emotional theatrics continually, and without disciplined awareness, we are a Stage One Risk.

Second, when we are in automaton states, obsessive mental looping states, hypnogogic, trance or meditation states (without 12D shielding), having cellphone or technology on our body and near our head 24/7, disrupting our electromagnetic field, we are a Stage Two Risk.

Third, when we indulge in addictive states, either with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gluttony, hospitalizations, or take any psychoactive or psychotropic drugs that change or alter brain wave function, we are a Stage Three Risk.

Fourth, when we indulge in promiscuous sexual activity, have sexual addiction, sexual shame, play seduction games, and use regular forms of pornography, sex clubs, and prostitutes or engage in group sex, we are a Stage Four Risk.

Fifth, is the class of deviance and sexual perversion, which is completely controlled through possessing entities. Behaviors such as pedophilia, sadism, bizarre sexual fetishes, or any kind of violence, where pleasure and pain receptors are reversed in the soul matrix. A person with reversed pleasure centers (receives pleasure from inflicting pain or violent actions) is under the control of satanic forces.

During the Ascension Cycle, why is it more risky today to act carelessly and recklessly with our body, mind and spirit?

Since late 2012, the human body is more vulnerable to being used as a potential dark portal of invasion as the person becomes Consubstantial to the collective forces of ego, represented by the Satanic or Dark Galactic layers of those hierarchies. (See Houses of Ego and NAA). Additionally, this is exacerbated from alterations in the magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth, which result in dissolution of certain dimensional membranes. Essentially, what used to be several separated fish tanks have consolidated into one vast fish tank, where all the contents are now shared and swimming together freely. This has both positive impacts and negative impacts to those unprepared to deal with these new forces entering their personal reality. 3D Humans that have not developed strong Impulse Control and have not cleared negative ego automatic thoughts are at higher risk for being used as a dark portal, when they go unconscious. This can be remedied through consistent meditation, prayer and self-inquiry to remain in present time as the conscious observer or witness to events.

Can you see the connection of being careless or even reckless in our actions, and how this contributes to the higher risk of being manipulated or used by dark forces?

Do you feel if you are drunk, high, or use consciousness altering substances to where your consciousness is not grounded within your physical body - Is that a positive event or negative risk? Is it worth it?

What do you think happens when you sleep? What can you do to be more responsible for yourself and take care of your mind, body and consciousness? If you don't take care of your mind, body and consciousness, what do you think will be the consequences?

With love, 


Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Scientist, Energetic Healer, Galactic and Multi-Dimensional Guide, the author of the Hieros Gamos System (HGS). She is an impactful and startlingly insightful educator bringing new wisdom about our Planet's Ascension Cycle, its effects on our bodies, minds, and spirits and how this new energy can be utilized for positive personal and global transformation.Lisa Renee is a Telepathic Channel for the Guardians, an Interdimensional Group of beings focused on the evolutionary purposes of Humankind. Find Lisa on the web at www.energeticsynthesis.com.

Source Here

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