March 2018 Quantum Multi-Dimensional Energy Overview
- Details
- Written by AndEl

Life-Altering Shifts, Collective & Individual Transition
into Alternate Timelines & Realities through
Our Cosmic Heart Gateway
For many, I can see entire collectives just "stepping" over into all new realities, while for others, I can see how much perceived upset this shall bring to many's lives, not understanding how multi-dimensional existence works. The more equipped one is, energetically, the simpler, easier and more awesome this shall be. The less equipped, the more challenging, because there are still human-ego perceptions of what reality is instead of understanding how reality works on a Quantum Energetic Scale. ↓↓↓
This Evolutionary Process continually accelerates, in every moment. It doesn't slow down or let up anymore. We've passed the point of "going back", as the human aspect prefers. Now it's ALL about anchoring NEW Earth Collectively in the physical, even for those who are not even aware there is a NEW Earth Existence. This is shifting quite substantially with the shock/shake/jolt awakenings, as well as the soft, beautiful, Divine, magical heart/mind awakenings occurring constantly too.
More starting to "get it", more embracing, more dedicating and actually starting to care. More stepping up to make a difference, share in ways that their ego wouldn't consider before, more utilizing their access and reSOURCEs to contribute and support the work/each other, more combining forces as Love, more Unifying to make a bigger impact here.... It's beyond beautiful to observe and participate in.
As more INVEST THEMSELVES and what they have access to, our NEW Earth anchors in faster and more substantially too. As more see the importance of Highest Consciousness, they start to support in ways that make a difference for all of humanity here.
Each's focus is going to be important, each's openness, readiness and how much each's FULL BODY-FIELD CONSCIOUSNESS can shift easily and as all occurs vibrationally is KEY.
NEW Codons (CODE-ON = DNA/Genetic Codes being activated/turned on) within each's Multi-Dimensional Body, have been the focal point of these higher dimensional light codes integrated over the last few months (and years). The New HUmanity Codes anchored within Gaia's and our own Body templates as Gatekeepers intentionally holding these, are huge and affect all that we "call reality" here.
February was focused on taking each deeper on an emotional level to connect with themselves, each other, Gaia, their Universe, Galactically and all of HUmanity, clearing out anything of old conditioning/ego/duality programming that needed to clear the physical body (density) to elevate it's consciousness for Ascending Collectives, as well as shifting collective timelines that all experience according to the physical dimension occupied, and dictated by each's own level of consciousness accessed, available and embodied here.
You will see me writing more about Purity Consciousness, to assist with the understanding of how this applies to our NEW EARTH LIVES here. The purer our entire existence, the easier all is. This means every ounce of ego/separation must be dissolved by each fully from within. For those who love to argue that this is not possible, yes it is. We've achieved it already, now each has to "learn" how to LIVE this, BE this themselves, through their own thoughts, feelings, actions and with their whole body/being too. Living Full Unity-Love-Consciousness with every breath, and aligning every aspect of our own lives with this. This is what each agreed to, prior to incarnating/walking in here. This is each REMEMBERING fully, with all veils dissolved, which is available to all who are truly ready to inJOY the highest dimensional experiences all of the time.
The alter-ego is never ready... so your highest aspect is the one that activates these realities for you/each to experience here.
Our Higher Consciousness HUmanity NEW Earth takes each one of us to re-connect and come from this place inside (and all of the time). You reconnect in the physical, when this is how you live.....
The Vibration that you hold/ARE, is the REALity that you experience here. The Consciousness that you function from, this is what dictates your physical reality too.
Higher Dimensional HUmanity is you/WE/Us... each one of us as the Gridwork/Network holding NEW EARTH as our realities and living as the EXAMPLE of what Purity Consciousness and Multi-Dimensionality is. It's each one of us uniting as PARTNERS of NEW EARTH... Galactic Partners, Soul Partners fully invested in our new/highest realities here.
Pay attention to the VIBRATION that you function from, the mentalities and the Your Energy in order to understand and see through your own inner vision/eyes of Unity-Love-Consciousness too.
March is POWERFUL.... grab ahold of your highest "new", get excited, explore, get creative and be wide open.... recognize your own resistance that creates the discomfort of anything that you experience. Open wide up! ♥
I love you! ♥ As multi-dimensionals, this is exciting. Get excited! Watch/observe and expect some surprises, more "new", while experiencing through your own "advanced" access that you have through your own multi-dimensional existence too!
Remember, if you separate off/go human/shift back into your separation-mind, then this is the experience you will have here. Your emotions and mentalities are yours to observe, shift and tune to a much higher vibration yourself. ♥ If you are holding onto anything, this creates your own discomfort and suffering, because it's all ego attachment/old beliefs that each holds/must dissolve/release/transcend fully from within. For the ego, it's hang on (actually let go)... it's gonna be a ride for sure. ♦
With the utmost respect and love from Kauai, ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
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