Maintaining The Inner Light For The Long Way Home To Oneness
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- Written by AndEl

Dear Friends,
some of you might remember that this compleat year 2017 on level of numerology, is a year for full power engagement for new creations and new beginnings. In my post called “We Are All Just Walking Each Other Home – On An Epic Journey To Ithaca”, I mentioned that over the upcoming 3 years in order to truly bring the Golden Age of Aquarius into realization, we will have to make daily more decisions for the good of the bigger picture.
Just like Odysseus in his story, the collective of humanity is on a long journey back home to oneness. In the coming years, we will have to stay clear and focused on putting step by step into action what this planet, humanity and all other beings truly need for a sustainable living. And we will have to be willing to offer sacrifices and consciously be willing to overrule our ego!
One of the challenges we are facing, is to see another as equal beings, not devided by gender so we may work together the most effectively, and don’t let underlining energy waves of sexuality, dominance, power or desire rule the game.
My value as a woman is not measured by the size of my waist or the number of men who like me. My worth as a human being is measured on a higher scale: a scale of righteousness and piety. And my purpose in life-despite what fashion magazines say-is something more sublime than just looking good for men.
Yasmin MogahedI will not be “famous,” “great.” I will go on adventuring, changing, opening my mind and my eyes, refusing to be stamped and stereotyped. The thing is to free one’s self: to let it find its dimensions, not be impeded.
Virginia Woolf
I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive human being with the soul of a clown which always forces me to blow it at the most important moments.
Jim MorrisonIt is because I think so much of warm and sensitive hearts, that I would spare them from being wounded.
Charles Dickens
And it will be the sensitive hearts that have the most to do the coming 3 years. The empathic people, the highly sensitive, the Indigos and the Crystal Children.
Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods, which is truly an insult to this valuable deeply felling people. To have intense feelings is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and the truly compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a ‘hot mess’ or having ‘too many issues’ are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.
Anthon St. Maarten
When ever you are in need of a strong and clear awareness of your own inner light, and at the same time want to pop up your faith level in order to keep trusting your path, my recommendation is to work with the energy field of the Ascended Master Lanto. His energetic expression is that of the Golden Flame of Shambala in the Himalaya mountains. A pure and strong source for higher vibration of I AM light.
In the Divine I live, I move and I have my entire existence.
The divine lives and moves within me and my entire being.
I radiate love, peace and divine power into my environment, for the benefit of all beings.
The divine power heals me and penetrates my entire soul.
I feel, think and accept, that me and all the members of my family
are protected by the divine force of unconditional love!
I AM positive, that the divine light and eternal vigilance,
heals, helps, guides, enlightens and transforms me.
I forgive everyone and everything!
In the center of my existence is deep inner peace.
In silence I feel the power, the leadership and the love of the Holy Presence.
I feel the stream of eternal love flow within me.
I know, that all my problems are already resolved in the divine light.
The divine ways are my ways.
The words that I have spoken will accomplish,
what they are send for!!
Dear ones, I hope this prayer and the awareness that we are collectively step by step walking on the healthy and loving path to the inner light, will support you in your quest to understand, feel and become again, the oneness that humanity in essence always has been. Keep up your good faith in the maybe slow, but sure development of all the seeds of beauty we have planted already!
Love and Blessings of Golden Light!
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