Made To Order
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- Written by Julie Boerst

Everything you see and experience is made to order. It is made by you.
You can make what you see and experience in time and space under the guidance of what you Are, or you can make it while believing that you are subject to time and space, and that separate aspects of time and space can attack you and others. This is the basic choice of every moment. Trust the guidance of what you Are, and time and space are merely helpers on the way Home, no longer the uncontrollable monsters or granters of wishes that you have believed them to be.
No matter what you’re experiencing in time and space, you’re experiencing illusions of your own making. When you recognize your true and shared identity as a Sanity in which you are forever joined with all, you allow this unified Sanity to use the fiction of time and space to guide you all Home swiftly and with great kindness and love. This is always your option and opportunity. Insist that any one aspect of time or space can be mean to you or anyone else without your input, and you have lost the plot again. Remember how this works.
When you look upon anything, remember readiness:
I am ready for Reality to extend through the sight of this.
Reality is your shared and innocent identity in the Sanity in which you are forever joined. All have the power to allow the extension of Reality through any illusion. Become still and steady in your remembrance of this shared power, and you allow it to work in very loving ways.
It doesn’t matter what forms you have been seeing and experiencing in the illusion of time and space. Whatever you see–it just took a form in accordance with your wishes. Understanding this is key in order for you to allow the only power there truly is to work through everything. All have this power right now. Sinking into the consistent awareness of this is to share this power with all.
You aren’t waiting for anyone else. You aren’t waiting for anyone else to change what they are thinking or doing. They take their cues from you. They follow your lead. When you activate that within you which is Real, it calls to that which is Real within your divine siblings. The Oneness activated anywhere is the Oneness activated everywhere. You only have to be willing to see it. You only have to be willing to give up your certainty that it is possible for you or anyone to encounter anything other than an extension of love.
When you believe you encounter something, what do you encounter? Innocence always. If it has fear’s form, it’s because you are throwing a blanket of fear over it. Seek to see what is always shining under the meaningless fear blanket, and you see a reflection of what you Are. The ego depends on the idea of hurting–of others hurting you and of you hurting others. When this idea arises, know that this is always an opportunity.
Because there aren’t any separate ones, you cannot hurt any separate ones. Because you are not a separate one, you cannot be hurt in any way. The world of time and space appeared at your request to show you the opposite of this, but it is only an apparition. It is only an appearance. Look for what shines consistently beneath the surface that shouts that there are separate ones and that hurt is possible. Look further, always. You always find Reality when you look beyond the changeable and meaningless surface of fantasy.
You set up your own obstacles here, and not a single one of your obstacles is real. Everything you experience is made with the thoughts you believe, so allow yourself to discard the ego thoughts in favor of your actual fearless thoughts from Spirit. Your fearless thoughts from Spirit bring to your sight a world that reminds you of what you and all Are.
You don’t have to concern yourself with the details. Your willingness is enough. A world that mirrors the reality of peace is brought to your sight at your say-so. When you are preoccupied with judging the meaningless surface of a fear world made with thoughts you believe, you forget the power you share with all–the power to allow the world to resolve into a reflection of harmlessness.
We are here to help you remember what is Real and how you can depend upon the Real in all things. It is our joy to do so.
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