Light And Dark
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- Written by AndEl

As we awaken we recognize that we are not just light, but we are light and dark. That ‘dark’ is not bad, but merely the parts of us we have hidden. We had hidden our Christ Consciousness until we felt safe to bring it out. The same is true for our dark side, our shadow side. In fact, our Christ Consciousness is also the dark. It’s the part of us that took on everything we rejected about ourselves. We now are feeling safe enough to acknowledge and express that part of us. To not judge it as bad or inappropriate. To accept and love it. And then it can integrate with our light.
Then we are in balance.
We can be unbalanced toward the dark, focusing too much on the darker feelings: the sadness, the anger, the feelings of unworthiness, feelings of abandonment, the fears and the confusion. And we can be unbalanced toward the light, only giving ourselves permission to feel and think light.
If the dark is unacknowledged we will project it outward onto others, into the world, seeing the world as a dangerous place, or it can manifest in our bodies as illness, or in our minds as depression. (De-pressing our emotions). Our darkness, if denied, becomes the ‘evil’ that we see outside ourselves, or ‘the devil’. How many times have you heard the term, ‘cast out the devil?’
As the light illuminates the darkness, it casts shadows. If we try to run from our shadow, we end up encountering it over and over, in relationships, in situations, in illness. How do you know someone is unbalanced to the light? Often, they believe they need to save the world, save souls, they believe in evil, and they believe they must protect themselves from bad thoughts or from others trying to steal their energy. They are always sheilding themselves.
As we accept the dark within ourselves, and as we see it as a part of our journey here as human angels, we begin to accept it in others, and in the world. We can have true compassion (not pity) for those who are suffering and nations and peoples who are at war. We have more compassion for those who are going through what we went through, the outer and the inner struggles, the drama and trauma. All appropriate for our soul growth.
If we try to focus on only love and light, and send that energy out in the form of praying for world peace, for example, and our own light/dark is out of balance, we will just send THAT unbalanced energy out to the recipients. Most prayers for world peace come from personal agenda anyway. How can we be so sure that the recipients want peace right now? Perhaps they are needing to go through what we went through. Perhaps they need to work out their ‘karma’ or their personal issues in this way for a while longer…maybe they need a few more lifetimes before they are ready. We may want peace, but they do not…at least not yet. And as difficult as it is to witness, we need to honor them for just where they are at. Pushing our agenda on them only serves to disempower them. And it assumes that where they are at is not appropriate. We see that in the missionaries going around the world and ‘converting’ so-called uncivilized tribes and peoples to Christianity, claiming to save their souls. Really? Who decides whose religion or truth is THE truth? Just as our divinity honors us and would never push its agenda upon us, so we need to honor others just where they are at.
Yes, humanity is growing weary of war, of the battle, and at this point the consciousness on the Planet is much more balanced and man is not at this point headed for self-destruction. (Of course many would disagree with that.) But it will take some time yet for a complete consciousness shift. We on the forefront of the ascension have reincarnated into a time when there is potential for peace, but mankind is really at the very beginning stages of this ascension process. I’m o.k. with that. Are you?
What we can do is just be ourselves, allow the balanced light and dark in our own lives. Allow our soul to be more and more a part of our daily lives. Allow the integration of our light body. And as we do that, we can then radiate THAT energy out to whomever we choose, not trying to change them or their situation. It’s like walking down the street or into a room full of people. You are just being you, your full, joyful, radiant self, and then those who are ready can use that energy as a potential for themselves if they choose. They FEEL it from you, and say to themselves, “Hey, that feels nice, I want some of that. How can I create that for myself?” That does more good than millions of unbalanced prayers. And you can do that as you feel into other countries or even the near earth realms, where many souls are stuck. But don’t push it if you are not feeling the balance in yourself first, or you will get thrown about energetically.
We are beautiful souls, with kind hearts, and we don’t want to see others suffering. But now, in the new energy, there are different tools we can use to help others, one of which is self-love. Loving ourselves so much that we can allow even the darkness to reside, without judgement. And in that way, we radiate such unconditional love to our friends, family, community, and the world. We send out blessings to all that can only come from self-love. How amazing!
Maria Chambers
I am a new consciousness teacher, helping to bring in the new energies through my art, music, spoken and written word. And by just hanging out at my local cafe, writing in my journal, and appreciating the simple things in life. I have my good days. I have my bad days. I prefer the good days. Of course, as enlightened beings, we’re supposed to say, “It’s all gooood!!!” Well, I finally gave myself permission, through this amazing and often crushing process of enlightenment…to not always like it…to curse at it…to tell it to go to hell!!! Being human isn’t as easy as it looks…being human and divine, well that’s even more tricky…as all of us know. My blog explores the process we are going through, and hopefully helps to answer some questions, helps to soothe any concerns, with wisdom and some humor.
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