It’s A No-Brainer
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- Written by AndEl

Did you know that someone who is brilliant, who considers themselves highly intelligent is an excellent candidate for hypnosis?
This surprises many people because we are given the image of someone who is simple and or uneducated as a person who can be easily influenced by suggestion. Yet we see how so many people are under hypnotic spells every day, in their everyday lives.
They follow the mass consciousness, wherever that happens to be.
They hold the mind, the human brain in the highest of esteem, and reward those who can cram the most information into those brains.
Yet, what has truly moved civilization forward throughout history has been those individuals and groups who have used their imagination, who have developed an outside the box consciousness.
True imagination. That’s what this entire universe was created from. Spirit in its desire to know itself created all of this as its playground.
Can you imagine that?
But most humans can’t imagine that. They hold the human brain in such reverence, see it as the very definition of creation, that they probably think that’s how all of this was created.
So the world we live in has become such a mental place, with the imagination taking a back seat. So much importance has been given to intelligence that they are even developing a computer that exceeds the human brain in its capacity to retain and retrieve information.
That actually has its value.
The less the human has to cram his or her own brain with data, the better. The mind has been overtaxed. It’s been called upon to not only retain data, but to also solve life problems and create joy.
Those of us who have chosen to break free from the matrix which is built primarily on the idea that the mind rules….are discovering that intelligence can and often does get in the way of our enlightenment.
And that’s because the mind retains all kinds of old outmoded programming based on the past. Generally based on what could go wrong. It retains trigger responses to situations. Responses such as fear, and anxiety. There’s also guilt, sadness, anger and hopelessness.
So it takes an adept soul to be able to work with all those emotions that get triggered regularly. Because what we are discovering is that when we are primarily in the mind, in the brain, we are not present. We are not in the physical body. And that is where Embodied Enlightenment is taking place. In the body.
So the more we can stay in the body the better, while also being in the imagination, Being in the Divine Mind. It takes an adept master to be able to acknowledge all those trigger responses while not responding to them. Without making them their truth.
And it’s not done by mentally wrestling with the emotions. It’s done by continuing to invite the part of us that is fearless into our body. So this is all orchestrated without having to do anything, Without effort. And it’s brought to you by…….YOU.
Image/Art by Maria Chambers
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