In A World Filled With Conspiracy Theories ~ It Still Comes Down To Love, Peace And Harmony
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- Written by L’Aura Pleiadian

In a Universe of Divine Consciousness, Conspiracy theories exist ~ ONLY as the battle of 3D. On the Higher realms this does not exist.
At the levels of the 5th Dimension there is only love.
The playing out of good and evil, is just that ~ the subconscious revealing itself of the inner consciousness ~ on a Stage, the external world.
Projecting takes place as a way to avoid, what is within oneself. Or as a way of being, that does not involve self introspection.
Although this and that might be going on (externally on the world’s stage) ~ I ask you ~ what is your desire for your own evolution?
Your transformation?
YET ~ everything ALWAYS serves us, and co exists to HELP us.
There are many here on Earth that did not incarnate to Ascend and Evolve. That is not up for judgment. They are not desiring transformation.
The old, we can blame others forever, but UNTIL we point the finger back at ourselves ~ our own evolution is up for stakes. Or have we even entered our own playing ground of awareness?
Are we in harmony?
Do we live in peace?
Are fears left unacknowledged?
Do we love ourselves?
These are the true markers of transformation if we desire it.
Whatever else that appears to be “showing up” externally ~ SERVES to point to ~ the shedding of what was one way, through ego, to what truly matters. Love and inevitable Evolution of Humanity.
As everything does take place to SERVE our evolution ~ we realize the distractions are there ~ to awaken us to what we truly DESIRE.
Waiting upon an endless system that wants to see change externally before WE change, is still called 3D no matter how we sugar coat it.
How does one go from living ones life through conspiracy theories and neglecting ones own self-love process to Ascension?
ONE turns the pointing finger within, where the TRUTH always is.
We tidy up our own backyards so to speak.
I am not suggesting we have to be perfect by societies standards.
Self awareness is what this is about for evolution.
IT Is and always will be about each individual consciousness, filled with love or NOT. Self aware or not.
You incarnate alone and exit the incarnation alone, YOU deal with your own demons or your own angels ~ through your CONSCIOUSNESS.
Harmony therefore, becomes the self-appointed Actualization and HARBINGER ~ of ones Evolution and ACTUALIZED Ascension.
It happens when we become REAL with ourselves.
We become authentic.
We become loved.
WE know ourselves and have made peace with our own inner demons of fear. We faced them and we love ourselves.
This undertaking involves going deeper within ones own consciousness and does not involve projecting change on the world stage (and its battle of 3D) as the way to ignore what really desires to be focused upon and therefore INITIATING US INTO higher AWARENESS OF our own consciousness.
Peace, Harmony, self Love, the OMENS of a Being who knows themselves.
In love and JOY always ~ ACTIVATING Transformation to HIGHER levels of love and awareness ~ that is ~ Ascension.
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