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How To Raise Your Frequency?

How To Raise Your Frequency?

The other day someone asked me the question, how do you raise your frequency? This was in the context of talking about energy healing and how, if your frequency is high enough, you won't even get sick.

Everything is frequency. Nikola Tesla discovered that every disease has a frequency. Royal Rife, who created the Rife Machine, also realized that. He experimented at first with chickens and found what the frequency of the illness was, and then he created a device that would send them the healing frequency.

It is true there are ways to increase your frequency. It has to do with body, mind, heart, soul and spirit. Each one of these parts of you needs to be fed and nourished. It takes some discipline. Regular meditation is key. Listening to your body is important. Just because someone tells you that something is not good for your body, that may or may not be true. Your body might be different and want what they're telling you not to eat, or vice versa. One method for this is to use your body as a pendulum. You hold up the food or the supplement, medicine, etc. to your heart, close your eyes and say three times “My body needs this. My body needs this. My body needs this.” If it moves forward it wants it, if it moves backward, it does not want it. Listening to your body is super important. It can take some practice to get a stronger response from your body. The body talks.

Sometimes we let our taste buds rule what we put into our body but we have to remember that our taste buds don't have a brain. They satisfy needs for certain things that we want but they may not be the smartest things to eat. Drinking lots of good water is important. Water carries consciousness. Consciousness drives frequency. The book “Power Versus Force” by Dr. David Hawkins, is an excellent book that discusses frequency. He calibrated frequency for many different people, religions, places to live, etc.

The Earth is now going through a shift in consciousness and many people are starting to discover they no longer want to eat the things they ate before, or drink what they used to drink. Perhaps they don't get the exhilaration from that previous food or liquid that used to make them feel good? The body is changing from carbon based to silica based. The bodies are going to be lighter and the food that we will be consuming is going to also be much lighter.

The light is coming from the Great Central Sun and the Galactic Core and it is infusing the body with higher consciousness. By paying attention to what your body is feeling whether it needs rest, water, nature or whatever, you can also raise your consciousness. The body has intelligence and that is what you tap into when you ask it if it needs a certain substance.

Tapping in and thinking how you want to feel is a prerequisite for raising the frequency. The frequency is affected by the thoughts you think, the people you are around, and the distractions. The Earth is filled with lots of distractions, and loud noises, that keep people from listening within. Spending some alone time in contemplation brings harmony and that will also raise your frequency.

Earthing, standing barefooted on the Earth, raises your frequency. The bodies are electrical and magnetic. By standing on the Earth you receive that electrical input. Sunbathing is a way of being fed by the sun. We have been told many untruths about the sun. We have been taught to fear the sun. Therefore, we smothered our bodies with chemicals that actually created what we were taught to fear. Most of you are probably aware of this?

See above image meme that displays how you raise your vibration or lower your vibration.


Valerie Donner is an ex-healthcare executive. She worked in the corporate world for many years, before leaving this to practice her spiritual gifts on a full-time basis. She has been meditating twice daily for over 30 years. 
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