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How to Ignite Your Life Instantly

How to Ignite Your Life Instantly

There is a lot happening in all this new energy, and every day I have planned to write about some of this, and then so much happens that there isn’t time. Here goes another try.

In my last post I wrote about being in the New Earth energies now that the New Earth is anchored. One of the first things that happened after that for me was a neighborhood party. There were about 25 people there and before I went I sent the energy of love and unification to the group. When I arrived, I was surprised to see how lit up everyone was—meaning illuminated. I seriously have never seen anything like this. Everyone was glowing. They were happy, greeting everyone else with hugs and joy. All this light lasted for the whole 3 hours we were there, and everyone commented about what a fun party it was. It was the most unusual party I have ever attended because of the amount of light that was present—light that was emanating from each person. And these are people not consciously on this path. Yet the New Earth energy was on display in its full living glory.

The New Earth energy was on display in its full living glory.

We are making big inroads now. The light we have anchored, the light we are holding, is now strong enough to be impactful. And we, as holders of this light, can use it to create the world that we want to live in, and it’s happening now.

Another day, on a bike ride I stopped at a friend’s house to see if she wanted to join me. She said no, she was too tired. We talked a couple of minutes, and suddenly she said, “I’m going to ride!” Her whole mood shifted. A few minutes later we saw a caregiver arriving at a house where a special needs child lives. My friend said she wanted to ask the person her name, so we stopped. She ended up finding out that it was the woman’s last day of work for that family, and she would be available to help my friend on occasional weekends. “I liked her immediately. I can tell she would be great,” my friend said. “And I wouldn’t have gotten her name if I hadn’t gone on a ride with you.” It was a lovely miracle, the kind we are seeing frequently now in this new energy. We’re facilitating these just by being in the new energy and helping others to open.

Then another friend, who lately is opening to all this new energy, shared with me she had gone to a nearby city, two hours away, to do errands. She stopped at a coffee shop and ran into her daughter and granddaughter, who were picking up a relative at the airport. “What are the odds?” my friend asked. “It was such a nice surprise and totally unplanned.” But these kinds of synchronicities abound in this new energy.

Many are reporting sleep issues, so naps are helpful. But we are acclimating to these potent high frequencies, which carry the energy of life and love, peace and abundance, sovereignty and power. We are feeling the vibrancy of the light, the depth and verdancy of the connection with nature.

Yesterday I got into the car to do errands and noticed it was 11:11. Master numbers, with 11 representing personal mastery and 22 representing world mastery. Suddenly I knew everything was aligned and when I did my errands, everything flowed and I encountered a new business that provides a service I’ve been looking for locally. In these moments, there is a feeling of ease and connection. Everything is effortless. We enter the flow.

Then that night after I went to bed, my room was filled with fairies who were singing to me to lift me up into a higher frequency. We are all feeling the heaviness now as we see so much playing out in the remains of the old world around us. There was too much heaviness in that moment for me to lift up, but by morning I could tell it had happened.

And so we continue, evolving further and further into everything we are becoming, into our magnificent light that is then spreading out all around us and impacting everyone we come into contact with. Feel your power to transform because that is what we are doing now. We are lighting everything up.


Hi, I’m Terry Andrews. Welcome to my blog, where I share experiences about this very big process of transformation we are going thru as we create a new world for ourselves. It’s a process that can create a lot of change for us as we find out more about who we really are. And during this process, we’re often looking for insight and answers. Maybe you are too. I began sharing my experiences because I think we all feel better knowing others are going thru this too. Source Here

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