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Healing the Primordial Wound of Separation

Healing the Primordial Wound of Separation

So many of us are feeling the desolation of social distancing. How often have you seen a friend across the store, rushed over to give them a hug, and were stopped in your tracks when you noticed the mask on their face, recalling the current rules of social distancing during this pandemic? How often do you yearn to hug an aging parent, or your grandchildren? These are things we have always taken for granted. And our bodies are now calling out for the touch of another.

The effect of this physical separation has many shrouded emotions rising to the surface, feelings from long long ago, threading all the way back to the origin of time. We are experiencing this separation personally while being distanced from our families and friends. We are experiencing sexual separation via the inequality of masculine vs feminine. We are experiencing it collectively as racism is exploding to the surface, human against human. And on the deepest level, we are experiencing the original separation from God. The is the Primordial Wound of Separation.

Origin of Separation

As recorded in the ancient scrolls, the omnipotent omniscient omnipresent God, in order to experience the infinite facets of life, made a decision to divide into what we have come to know as the female and male aspects of Mother/Father God. The original divine plan for the division into masculine and feminine aspects was purposefully created to expand the experience of creative expression. With this division, each aspect of the polarities of yin and yang holds within it the seed of the other as a reminder of our wholeness through all dimensions, throughout all eternity. Therefore, there has never truly been a separation.

The separation that we’ve been experiencing, is an erroneous perception of the separation from God that’s been perpetrated by humanity. At our core, in our heart space, we are all whole and complete. Unfortunately, many religions have taught that as humans we are flawed in our nature causing enormous destruction to the human psyche. The memory of these wounds are carried within us, thus we lost our sense of divinity. As a result, we now live in a world of imbalanced duality in fear of acknowledging our own GodSelf as sovereign creators.

Return of the Rainbow Tribes

On the initial days after the birth of this planet, the dazzling sun shone upon it with a multitude of colors streaming from the original twelve sacred rays of the Primal Creator. Each ray carried its own unique vibration, sound, and color. As they danced together, they whirled and twirled glorious ethereal art and music beyond our imagination. As the energies matured, the elements manifested as fire, water, earth, and air. Nature became the proliferation we’re accustomed to today. Fabulous beings of light walked upon this earth embodying an amalgamation of all the twelve sacred rays.

However, according to the divine plan, as the density of the planet increased, human consciousness decreased. Some of the higher more refined vibrations were no longer sustainable in this dense environment. So one by one, many of these rays disappeared from human perception, but continued to hold their sacred space for the eventual planetary ascension as we progressed through the natural cosmic cycle. As a result, the planet fell into third-dimensional duality and only four primary rays/races remain.

As many of the ancient prophecies predicted, the day would come when all the rainbow tribes would once again reunite and dance together transcending the illusions of separation and duality. These harmonizing vibrations will reunite all twelve sacred rays in a new golden age. Thus, we shall walk together in our diversity and uniqueness on the sacred path of peace across all cultural boundaries, laying down our weapons, living in harmlessness in balance with all beings, and living side by side to enhance life.

This spiral was destined to reverse itself at the appointed time to initiate the integration of all aspects of our GodSelf. The rainbow tribes are gathering once again. It is time to birth the new reality that has been written in the prophecies passed down through eons of time. This is the precipice upon which we now stand as the Universe fully opens to us once again.

The Human Journey

The journey has been a long one, much longer than any of us would have liked it to be. However, this tear in the fabric of the web of the collective coupled with the diminishment of pure Love has always been part of the divine plan as a way to increase our experience of Love. Our separation from Love in the form of duality has been a powerful teaching, for the only way to truly know Love is to separate ourselves from it.

Every being living on the planet at this time has, on some level, made a commitment to live in Love. It may not always appear that way to you, but that is exactly what is taking place. Never judge the expression of Love. As with you, everyone is doing the best they know how. Allow each person to embody his or her own experiences so that all may be touched with this divine radiant energy of Love by anchoring it, playing with it, expanding its physicality, and most of all embodying it. There are infinite experiences and expressions of Love. How matters little, because the end result will be the same. No matter which path is taken the destination is always Love. Duality was simply part of our earth’s cycle: to know love more fully, we chose to experience living without it.

As we bring these dissonant energies back into balance the energies of separation will naturally dissolve and humans will once again remember how to connect with their hearts and intuition. It is time to offer gratitude to everyone in our lives who has reflected our Divinity back to us in both the darkness and the light. For both are necessary for the expansion and evolution of our souls. And may I remind you that the roles of holding the light amidst the darkness have been the most challenging and most deserving of our appreciation. Through eons of life experiences, all these aspects have been expanding our conscious ability to experience and embody the divinity of Love.

This unique lifetime on earth offers an opportunity to expand our consciousness beyond the antiquated ingrained misconceptions, to gather all our expanded aspects into wholeness, and realize the Sovereignty of our Divinity from whence we were originally born. For we all originate from the same infinite Source, birthed as Divine Seeds of Creation to create art and music beyond anything the omniverse has ever experienced before.

“By transcending the illusions of separation and duality, 
we walk in harmony on the sacred path of peace, love, and joy.”
~ Black Madonna ~

As the original wound of separation is rising to the surface within each of us, mass consciousness continues to cycle through its play-back via extreme polarities. Attempting to fix what appears to be the problem only exacerbates it. Instead, by finding harmony amidst the flux of duality we find the core of our GodSelf, free of any separation. Herein we find Love for our self with all its human foibles, Love beyond our human bounds for all our brothers and sisters, and Love for all sentient beings. Herein, we find peace with All-That-Is and we rise sovereign and free as creators of a new reality.

~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“Wisdom of the Inner Voice”

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Sharon Lyn Shepard is a modern day mystic and visionary. Her mystical writings and music transcend our minds, expand our consciousness and awaken us to our innate divinity to celebrate life in all of its forms. Sharon lives “heaven on earth” and invites all of us to join her in embracing a new world of love, joy and harmony. 
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